Author Topic: Starter Type 2 Decks  (Read 1852 times)

Offline dogeta32

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Starter Type 2 Decks
« on: December 16, 2014, 08:56:41 PM »
I took both G/H and I/J Starter deck and made 4 every easy to make starter Type 2 deck.
G Starter Type 2
45 Good

16 Heroes
2x Moses
2x Miriam
2x Aaron
2x Jethro
2x midwives
3x Elders of Israel
3x Women of Israel

24 GE:
2 x Aaron’s Rod
2x Taking Egypt’s Wealth
2x Thrown into the Sea
2x Plague of Boils
2x Increasing Numbers
2x Water from a Rock
3x Plague of Frogs
3x Plague of Lice
3x Plague of Hail
3x Trust in the Lord

3 GD:
New Jerusalem
Son of God
Angel of the Lord

45 Evil

20 EC:
2x Herod Agrippa I
2x Red Dragon
2x Strong Demon
2x Sapphira
4x Sadducees
4x Locust from the Pit
4x Temple Guard

23 EH:
1x Love of Money (G)
1x Lying Unto God (G)
3x Deceit of Sapphira (G)
2x Flight (G)
4x Denying Blame (G)
2x Imitating Evil (G)
2x Pride of Simon (G)
4x Ancient Evil (G)
4x False Witnesses (G)

2 ED:
Christian Martyr

22 Neutral
3 Sites
3x Herod’s Prison

4 Artifacts
2x Moses’ Rod (G)
2x Tables of the Law (G)

15 Lost souls
2x Ephesians 5:14
2x I Corinthians 1:27
2x II Timothy 2:26
2x II Timothy 3:6-7
2x Luke 13:25
2x Luke 15:6
3x Luke 19:10

H Starter Type 2
43 Good

15 Heroes
3x Jairus’ Daughter
2x James, son of Zebedee
3x John
3x Lydia
2x Parmenas
2x Timothy

25 GE:
1x Burning up the Chaff
1x Preaching the Truth
2x Gentle Resolution
2x Listening to God
2x Reach of Desperation
2x The Word Spreads
3x Blood of the Lamb
3x Cast out Demons
3x Bravery of Priscilla
3x Faith Shared
3x Great Faith
4x Lamb’s Righteousness

3 GD:
New Jerusalem
Son of God
Angel of the Lord
43 Evil

18 EC:
2x Abiram
2x Dathan
2x Pharaoh
3x Idolaters
3x Taskmaster
3x Egyptian Charioteers
3x Egyptian Horsemen

23 EH:
1x Murmuring
2x Begging to go Back
2x Pharaoh’s Murderous Order
2x Preemptive Strike
2x Self-Doubt
2x Enslaved by Egypt
2x Pharaoh’s Hard Heart
3x Aaron and Miriam’s Dissent
3x Israelite Rebellion
4x Zelophehad’s Sin

2 ED:
Christian Martyr

26 Neutral

15 Lost Souls
2x Ezekiel 13: 18
2x Ezekiel 34: 16
2x Ezekiel 36: 19
2x Jeremiah 50: 6
2x Jeremiah 7: 18
2x Job 33: 27-28
3x Proverbs 7: 27

4 Sites
4x Egypt

7 Artifacts
3x Golden Calf
2x King’s Sword
2x Table of the Law(H)

I Starter Type 2
43 Good

16 Heroes
2x Andrew
2x Gabriel
2x James
2x John
2x Peter
3x Gathering Angel
3x Legion of Angels

24 GE:
2x Angelic News
2x Eaten by Worms
2x Glad Tidings
2x Miraculous Catch
2x Overwhelming Presence
2x Authority of Peter
2x Walking on Water
3x Angelic Guidance
3x You Are the Christ
4x Fishers of Men

3 GD:
New Jerusalem
Son of God
Angel of the Lord
43 Evil

16 EC:
2x Achan
2x Delilah
2x Ishbibenob
2x Lahmi
2x Saph
2x Shaphat
4x Selfish Kinsman

24 EH:
1x Ashtaroth Worship
2x Ishbibenob’s Spear
2x Ishbibenob’s Sword
2x Lahmi’s Spear
2x Sin in the Camp
3x Bad Dealings
4x To Each His Own
4x Wickedness of Delilah
4x Achan’s Sin

3 ED:
Christian Martyr
Vain Philosophy (J)

14 Neutral
14 Lost Souls
2x Proverbs 10:1
2x Proverbs 14:10
2x Proverbs 21:16
2x Proverbs 21:24
2x Psalm 30:3
2x Psalm 119:176
2x Psalm 68:6

J Starter Type 2
43 Good

15 Heroes
2x Boaz
2x Gideon
2x Jephthah
2x Naomi
2x Ruth
2x Samson
3x Elders of the City

25 GE:
1x Sing and Praise
2x Family Bond
2x Ruth Meets Boaz
2x When Judges Governed
2x Gleaning the Fields
2x Devotion of Ruth
2x Loyalty of Ruth
3x Trumpets and Torches
3x The Sword of Gideon
3x Samson’s Strength
3x Gideon’s Call

3 GD:
New Jerusalem
Son of God
Angel of the Lord
43 Evil

15 EC:
2x Emperor Tiberius
2x Quirinius
2x Controlling Demon
3x Unclean Spirit
3x Foul Spirit
3x Mocking Soldiers

25 GE:
2x Hypocrite’s Proselyte
2x Persistent Pestering
2x Sorrow of Mary
2x Twice Afflicted
3x Coliseum Lions
3x Crucify Him!
3x Evil Strength
4x Fiery Darts
4x Roman Whip

3 ED:
Christian Martyr
Vain Pholosophy

14 Neutral
14 Lost Souls
2x Luke 13:25
2x Luke 15:13
2x Luke 15:15-16
2x Luke 15:6
2x Luke 16:20-21
2x Luke 19:10
2x Mark 1:40
« Last Edit: December 16, 2014, 10:06:58 PM by dogeta32 »
War Eagle

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Re: Starter Type 2 Decks
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2014, 09:20:26 PM »
Quick note:  You cannot have 6 Egypts.  NO card can have more than 4 in a T2 deck, period.  This is actually a very common misconception, and has resulted in some otherwise knowledgeable players checking in Samaria T2 decks that are illegal ;)

Otherwise, I thank you for putting that work into this, these are good beginnings to simple T2 teaching decks.  My only concern would be that they seem very enhancement heavy, instead of more balanced between characters and enhancements.  There are nearly 2 enhancements for every character, and that will lead to a lot more hand glut and passed turns.  I know that with the limited character options this could be a balance issue (don't want too many of one character), but perhaps more generics would help.

Offline dogeta32

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Re: Starter Type 2 Decks
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2014, 10:11:26 PM »
Well, this are teaching T2 deck. my T2 decks do not run sites. To many good ability on lost soul to worry about it.
War Eagle


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