Author Topic: Silver Philistines T-2  (Read 3715 times)

Offline NathanW

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Silver Philistines T-2
« on: April 07, 2011, 03:01:28 PM »
Total #105
Lost souls 14
G/40 E/40 N/25

Evil Doms

Christan Martyr

Good Doms

Son of God
Angel of the Lord

Evil Forts

Philistine Outpost x2

Good Forts

Chamber of Angels x2


Unknown Nation
Go Into Captivity


Unholy Writ x3

Red sites

Babylon x5

Green sites

Babylonion Banquet Hall x2

Multi color sites

The Ends of the Earth

Silver Heroes

Attending Angel x2
Angel of Warning x3
Michael x2
Angel at Jerusalem x2
Captian of the Host K x2
The Strong Angel K x3
Gabrial WA x2

Silver Enhancements

Gloria in Excelsis Deo
Birth Fortold
Consuming Fire x2
Striking Herod x2
The Second Seal
Angel's Sword x3
Might of Angels x2
Army of the Lord x3
Flaming Sword x4
Wickedness removed

Evil Characters

Philistine Priests x3
Fallen Warrior x3
Philistine Armor Bearer x3
The Twelve Fingered Giant x2
Philistine Garrison x3

Evil Enhancements

Land Dispute x3
Overwhelmed by Philistines x3
Philistine Chariot and Horses x3
Pride of Simon x3
Bringing Fear x2
Joseph in Prison x2
Wrath of Saten x3

Thank you for your Advice.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2011, 02:54:28 PM by tripleplayNa1 »
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Re: Silver Philistines T-2
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2011, 04:53:22 PM »
You need to trim a minimum 40 cards out. Not sure you met to have Babylonian Banquet Hall. You should put a Phillistine outpost. Key to T-2 is CBN plays. Both brigades are good for T-2. It needs more of a balance between Characters and Enhancements.

Most of the advise I gave you is standard T-2 counsel. The good stuff will come from the guys use to winning.
Now that we're a family, I can be the ulll-timate DAD.

Offline NathanW

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Re: Silver Philistines T-2
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2011, 07:11:00 PM »
Thank you. :)
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Offline NathanW

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Re: Silver Philistines T-2
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2011, 12:21:41 PM »
I also want to keep it a 152 card deck.
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Offline Gabe

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Re: Silver Philistines T-2
« Reply #4 on: April 08, 2011, 12:24:40 PM »
I also want to keep it a 152 card deck.

That's a fine if your goal is to just have a deck that's fun for you to play, but it won't be very competitive at that size.
Have you visited the Land of Redemption today?

Offline Carl deuty

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Re: Silver Philistines T-2
« Reply #5 on: April 08, 2011, 12:24:58 PM »
Yeah you should at least have two outposts in there. Also, with outpost you will need a way to take care of nazareth. Some land disputes will do but if they have Caesarea Phillipi than you will need a way to get rid of that site first. Something like benedictus which negates abilities or interrupts abilities on sites should work. ONe more thing, green pairs rather nicely with silver. Just a suggestion, but throw in the new John the Baptist card which Birthforetold will search for and protect for that turn. Then you will have a protected Super John the Baptist. Throw in five birthforetolds and splash in the green, than you will have an army of super Johns.

Offline NathanW

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Re: Silver Philistines T-2
« Reply #6 on: April 08, 2011, 12:29:50 PM »
I also want to keep it a 152 card deck.

That's a fine if your goal is to just have a deck that's fun for you to play, but it won't be very competitive at that size.

If I take out 47 cards what would you suggest to take out?
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Offline Gabe

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Re: Silver Philistines T-2
« Reply #7 on: April 08, 2011, 12:57:32 PM »
Approximate numbers for a 105 card T2 deck:

36-42 Good cards
14-18 of those are Characters
14-18 of those are Enhancements

36-42 Evil cards
14-18 of those are Characters
14-18 of those are Enhancements

That leaves you with neutral cards which can vary greatly depending on your strategy and whether or not you use Sites

21-33 neutral cards
14 Lost Souls
?? Artifacts and Sites

Try to get close to those numbers and see what you end up with.
Have you visited the Land of Redemption today?

Offline Professoralstad

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Re: Silver Philistines T-2
« Reply #8 on: April 08, 2011, 01:16:51 PM »
I also want to keep it a 152 card deck.

That's a fine if your goal is to just have a deck that's fun for you to play, but it won't be very competitive at that size.

If I take out 47 cards what would you suggest to take out?

That will mostly depend on your playstyle, but I would suggest taking out the following:

7 LS's
Babylonian Banquet Hall x1 (Sites with SA's are 1 per 50)

Chamber of Angels x1 (3 is excessive, especially with 3x Angel of Warning to fetch them)
I am Holy x2 (the Chamber/I am Holy combo doesn't work, so you'd have to give up unrecurrable enhancements to use it)
Arianna x3 (FBTN LS will take care of the female only LS. There's no other reason to use her)
Angel of his Presence x3 (d1 on a Hero isn't worth it)
Angel at Jerusalem x1 (2 is enough, since he's unique)
Attending Angel x1 (2 is enough, since his ability isn't that helpful a lot of the time, and is shut down by Naz)
Consuming Fire x2 (I love this card, but 2 copies should suffice, since it won't win battles by itself)
Might of Angels x1 (Can be good, but OT defenses are still fairly popular in T2. Not onyl that, but most NT defenses have CP for territory protection, and Herod's Temple for the blocker. You definitely don't need more than 2)
Gathering of Angels x3 (Four turns is simply too long to wait...especially when Darius' Decree after turn three makes it a complete waste)
Captain's Sword x2 (a 16/14 FBTN guy is really not that much better than a 10/10 FBTN guy. If they can get around Captain at his normal stats, they can get around him at the larger stats most of the time. Besides, Striking Herod is better as it gives one more point on offense.
Wickedness Removed (interesting niche card, but it won't win battles, and even if you get to play it, odds are you'll have wasted initiative to remove 2-3 marginally useful cards from the game)

Unknown Nation x1 (3 is excessive, especially when you don't have Gold KoT to use it for numbers, and Naz shuts it down)
Confusion of Mind x2 (too easy to get rid of to be very useful)
Unsuccessful x2 (your opponent usually has a way to make his good enhancements CBN, and if he doesn't, then he has another copy once you negate the first one)
Fallen Warrior x1 (4 of any character that doesn't band or autoblock in a T2 deck is too much)
Goliath's Armor x1 (nice against Thaddeus, but you don't need 3)
Pride of Simon x2 (you shouldn't need quite so much recursion, when one of your enhancements should stop them for a few turns if played right)

The rest of the evil to take out is up to you. You have too many enhancements, but whether you reduce the number of JiP's, Wraths, or Overwhelmed is up to you and how you play.
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Re: Silver Philistines T-2
« Reply #9 on: April 08, 2011, 02:13:55 PM »
Yeah you should at least have two outposts in there. Also, with outpost you will need a way to take care of nazareth. Some land disputes will do

LD won't work becasue it simply switches owners of the site. It doesn't negate or discard the ability. 

What was the logic behind a card that entirley shuts down a defense? Even withought it there is plenty to hurt them with all of the negate sa's but still, one card to shut down an entire defense with no prerequisites? And people ask why the meta isn't diverse.

Offline Carl deuty

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Re: Silver Philistines T-2
« Reply #10 on: April 08, 2011, 02:31:37 PM »
wow, didn't realise that, That Stinks! The new set needs to have a card that says "If you have a philly in play, than negate all special abilities on your opponents sites for the remainder of the game."

Offline Professoralstad

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Re: Silver Philistines T-2
« Reply #11 on: April 08, 2011, 03:11:40 PM »
What was the logic behind a card that entirley shuts down a defense? Even withought it there is plenty to hurt them with all of the negate sa's but still, one card to shut down an entire defense with no prerequisites?

The logic behind Nazareth, like most of the new sites, was to stop the primary offensive tactic of the site's brigade. This is why Golgotha is white (stops ignore) Chorazin is Gold (stops conversion) and Nazareth is Green (stops shuffle and searching). I don't know how much thought was given to defensive strategies. Whether or not that logic was a good thing depends on your perspective I guess.
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Offline RTSmaniac

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Re: Silver Philistines T-2
« Reply #12 on: April 08, 2011, 09:19:16 PM »
deck looks solid and quite competitive needs a way to kill CP and High Priest Palace though.

The Destroyer (FF)
Type: Hero Char. • Brigade: Silver • Ability: 11 / 7 • Class: Warrior • Special Ability: Negate the protect ability on an evil Fortress. You may discard a silver Enhancement from hand to discard an Evil Character in a territory. Then, remove this Hero from the game after battle. • Identifiers: OT Male Angel • Verse: Exodus 12:23 • Availability: Faith of our Fathers booster packs (None)

This is the way Lackey gave it to me. All hail the power of Lackey!


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Re: Silver Philistines T-2
« Reply #13 on: April 08, 2011, 11:24:24 PM »
What was the logic behind a card that entirley shuts down a defense? Even withought it there is plenty to hurt them with all of the negate sa's but still, one card to shut down an entire defense with no prerequisites?

The logic behind Nazareth, like most of the new sites, was to stop the primary offensive tactic of the site's brigade. This is why Golgotha is white (stops ignore) Chorazin is Gold (stops conversion) and Nazareth is Green (stops shuffle and searching). I don't know how much thought was given to defensive strategies. Whether or not that logic was a good thing depends on your perspective I guess.

Yeah, the way the game was going it was a neccessary evil. If search would have been controlled early, maybe a defense could have been saved. that is what I ment.

Offline Dario Dante

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Re: Silver Philistines T-2
« Reply #14 on: April 09, 2011, 08:27:49 PM »
With Birth Foretold U should put in Angel at the tomb so U search deck before attack, use SOG and when U go in battle the SOG gets shuffled in You're Deck!!! I use the combo all the time with one of my Decks!!!


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Re: Silver Philistines T-2
« Reply #15 on: April 09, 2011, 09:01:21 PM »
Except it doesn't work becasue the SOG was never discarded without being used. Would be nice though.


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