Author Topic: Ruth/Royalty Meek  (Read 4377 times)

Offline Mr.Hiatus

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Ruth/Royalty Meek
« on: April 17, 2020, 02:56:21 PM »
I wrote a small article about David decks and the potential they had. When I updated a current deck I have to include royalty meek it lost to my other two mostly PoC updated decks. This deck centered around red and adding into battle. It has meek plus your red banding and a few tricks as well as Shields to protect my red bands. It also has the meek add to battle and Gates of Jerusalem. I assumed it would be a very strong offense but the defense really couldn't block my other offenses consistently and the offense somehow seemed to stall. I will continue to work on that one and potentially post it but I wanted to combine two strong themes to maximize a few abilities like I mentioned in my David decks article. I took royalty meek with the new Throne of David and added Ruth heroes with Threshing Floor. This build allows me to look at the top X (good kings) and take up to 1 and top or underdeck the rest every upkeep. When my lone Ruth or meek hero attacks I also get to look at the top X (Ruth and/or meek) take up to 1 and top or underdeck the rest. This allows me to hide lost souls all day as well as snag two cards every rescue. Couple that with adding to battle of Gates of Jerusalem, Matthew's Begats, Faith of David if I want or You Will Remain and I can consistently attack, stop end the battle cards, and constantly retrieve resources needed to wear down my opponent due to the numerous attacks per turn. I also have King's Signet Ring and Book of the Law (amazing card) to reset my guys or bounce an EC in territory if they only have one and force them to block from hand to retrieve a good card from deck as well. Matt's Begats and King's Signet Ring can both be activated on characters so I don't lock up my artifact piles and I also give my opponent numerous targets to negate or deal with. When I attack with a lone meek royalty hero I can also take a good O.T. weapon from deck or equip one from deck or discard. I also negate OT lost souls. Threshing Floor protects my meek and Ruth heroes in territory and I also use Gates of Jerusalem for additional protection and add to battle. Wall of Protection also offers situational protection and protects my meek heroes from the first EE played in battle which then forces my opponent to work around this while I am potentially grabbing two cards with Threshing Floor/Throne, another weapon with King's Ring, and potentially one good card from deck with Book of the Law if they block from hand. I also use Joseph and Mary to exchange to a meek and increase 10/10, preferably a meek king, and then they are pumped up 10/10 and Mary protects them. Since I am pumped up I don't have to plan any enhancements, theoretically. Since so many of my heroes topdeck and grab forts/arts from deck, this doesn't take much to set up and I also have strong heroes, band abilities and enhs to work with if my opponent can target numerous forts/arts.

This is a rough draft, I have not tested it or anything. I simply looked over my T1 LoC Constructed deck (see T1 Deck Advice) and my current red/royalty deck and combined the main themes. I have found that when I play red/brown or red/black that I can have numerous enhs in my hand for both my good and evil for red/black and red/brown I always have characters. This is especially nice because I can have a smaller offense and defense due to less overall characters while still having a lot of characters. This allows me to use 12-14 enhs on good and evil and I can still play dual alignment good/evil to have additional support. Also, since it is so insanely easy to retrieve covs/curses and they are so strong, I can also have numerous covs/curses in reserve to help me rescue/block. I am finding 100 card decks to be much easier to make and still have an insane amount of resources. Offense in next post.

Offline Mr.Hiatus

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Re: Ruth/Royalty Meek
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2020, 02:56:27 PM »
King's Signet Ring
Matt's Begats
Book of the Law

Threshing Floor
The Throne of David
Gates of Jerusalem

normal doms plus Awesome Ride

You Will Remain

David, Heart after God
Abijah (good/evil)
King Jehu (good/evil)
Manasseh (good/evil)
Azariah (good/evil)
Noah, the Righteous

Reserve (I haven't really checked this over yet)
David, Heart after God
Salmon- this might go main deck to make room
Marriage Covenant
Some sort of weapon or cov w/ Adam
Adam - so I think Adam is almost near a staple. I can easily snag him first turn and then go snag Noah from deck for a first turn Adam to Noah, 20/13 CBI band that prevents cards and I can play all my enhancements on him, worth it, IMO.
Red enhancement

I haven't really looked over enhancements yet but I imagine they would be:
David's Descendant
Abraham's Descendant (might go in reserve, but I love the potential opening hand snag a hero or mid game after I put down some heroes to snag another)
Boaz' Offspring (I use 3 reveal hand take a hero * abilities and I have Matt's Begats, so I should be able to pull heroes from deck whenever needed)
Ruth's Vow x2
A Soldier's Prayer x3
Battle Cry x3
Root of Jesse
Royal Parade
Counsel of Abigail
Faith of David

So I would have to cut down some GE's b/c it is at 17 plus heavy forts, but that's off the top of my head.

My attacks are able to grab anything I need, bounce, band, add to battle, recur, and a few other things. Remember, A Soldier's Prayer can get all your cards, plus Faith to play Faith of David. This is why I do a lot of x1 for enhancements. I can add Jehu to swap to Ahimelek or add my royalty or add Noah to flip for a CBN add to prevent cards essentially. I love Royal Parade especially on Noah, but I can see that being cut because it doesn't work on a lot of my heroes. The add to battle potentials, Valley of Dry Bones, Awesome Ride, YWR, Gates, Faith of David and Matt's Begats all while my meek heroes are protected is extremely strong. If a meek hero is defeated I can also add in a potential CBN Ahimelek bounce. I can easily reset my heroes as well to abuse their meek abilities. Like I said, I have not tested this deck yet, I merely threw it together so let me know anything you would change or any advice.

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Re: Ruth/Royalty Meek
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2020, 03:43:58 AM »
Someone I played an LoC game with was running David with Preparing to Return to bounce him every turn. Seems like a pretty easy setup for a good O.T. card every turn. Who needs ASP when you can just grab whatever you need every turn anyway, right?

How do you get Adam out of Reserve right away?

Offline Mr.Hiatus

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Re: Ruth/Royalty Meek
« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2020, 12:10:38 PM »
I get Adam out through lost souls to pull Remnant mostly, or OT artifact, Cov W/ Noah. Bouncing David every turn is easy. I like to bounce David, then do Abe’s Descendent to Adam, grab a star hero, band in Noah and flip it. I negate an EE, usually take it, get another hero I need and have a CBI band that prevents cards.


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