Author Topic: Royalty/Meek offense  (Read 5640 times)

Offline Mr.Hiatus

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Royalty/Meek offense
« on: February 15, 2020, 12:34:49 AM »
Sorry for the mess, here is the list and below is the breakdown

Book of the Law
King’s Signet Ring
Matthew’s Begats
Gates of Jerusalem
Threshing Floor
The Throne of David- maybe PoC version in main deck, RoA reserve

Abijah, the Conqueror
Amaziah, the Just
Azariah, the Strong
Joash, Child King
Manessah, the Humbled
Solomon, the Wise
Asa, the Upright
David, Outcasts’ Refuge
Hezekiah, the Devout
Jehoshaphat, the Seeker
Josiah, the Restorer
King Saul CoW
King Abijam
King Jehu
Melchizedek CoW
Edit*completely whiffed on PoC Prince Jonathan, whoops

Counsel of Abigail x2
Valley of Salt x2
Impartial Judgment x2
David’s Descendent x2
Builder’s Sword
David’s Proclamation
Temple Spears and Shields
Solomon’s Dream
Royal Parade
The Lord’s Charge
Faith of David

Type 2 Throne offense- With all the synergy of the new set and seemingly everything having amazing star abilities I wanted to put together a rough draft of a T2 Royalty offense. I am also hoping to do some T2 talk on the podcast and I will not be going over royalty so I wanted to put this out here prior to for some feedback since I won’t be discussing royalty. I also will put down the thought process and plays within the offense and why I decided to choose certain cards. Remember, I have not seen the entire set, I have not physically seen the cards obviously, I am extremely visual so go easy on the feedback. 😉

This deck really utilizes the reserve and star abilities, as all decks should now going forward, to get off to a blazing fast set-up. Make sure to utilize the “standard” star abilities and the other core cards that immediately pop stuff out of your deck:
Remnant x2- play with David in reserve and you’re good to go
Hunter x2- pulls out an OT lost soul- snag remnant/exiles
Exiles x2- usually when you draw this card early you snag your BotC/Cov w/ Abraham to get your offense going even quicker

You can also play Storehouse or Zion if you keep the royalty theme. I am leaning toward keeping unity and playing Zion so I don’t get wrecked by anti-Storehouse shenanigans

Royalty can now look at you hand every upkeep, choose the blocker over and over, bounce EC’s without utilizing Ahimelek and keeping the royal theme, and add to battle in numerous ways. All of these strategies are going to be exploited this year, and are a focal point of this offense.

Core cards (non heroes/GE’s)
Obviously dominants, so let’s get that out of the way. But I will be doing a royalty/meek theme, so Ride on Victoriously will be in the deck, and Valley of Dry Bones. This offense is just going to keep going.

Gates of Jerusalem is a staple- this deck will have enough Kings of Judah, you will probably play a King of Judah brown defense to maximize this card because why not? By playing evil Kings of Judah you get the cards full special ability while also getting a constant add to battle, you might run out of heroes to add to battle with this deck but with all the bouncing and recurring this deck will do, and how fast you can pull out heroes, you should be able to swarm your opponent quickly, aggressively, and continuously add to battle by the time they start setting up.

Threshing Floor- If you have this and The Throne of David out (LoC) when you attack with meek royalty you get to snag a good king from deck each upkeep or look at the top X (good kings) take 1 and top or underdeck the rest, then Threshing Floor hits when your lone meek hero attacks (which works because we can add to battle whenever) and then you get to lok at the top X (meek) take up and top or under the rest. So Each upkeep I can top X and take 1, rescue with a lone meek and top X and take 1. So now you have to stop me after I get to look at your hand, I get to set up my deck how I want, see ya later lost souls, and then I add to battle so I will always have doms/enhs to play. Yeah on second thought this should be in a meek royalty deck…and this does not factor in Zion, if I have unity then I can also snag a good O.T. card from reserve. Remember- I can play brown for defense and snag dual color cards as well to help me block.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2020, 11:32:26 AM by Mr.Hiatus »

Offline Mr.Hiatus

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Re: Royalty/Meek offense
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2020, 12:36:42 AM »
I like Windows of Narrow Light- while you control 3 or more meek heroes and your meek hero is in battle, negate characters and enhs, cbn. There are so many CBN/CBP enhs for meek/royalty, you might as well utilize this and shut them down and not hurt yourself. They have to have CBN enhs because you can play through their CBP with Counsel of Abagail.

Book of the Law- this allows to constantly reuse Bathsheba’s CtB ability. It is a near staple for royalty decks if they decide to abuse CtB.

King’s Signet Ring- Take a good O.T. weapon from deck (or equip one from deck or discard pile if that king is meek). It also negates O.T. lost souls, just to make sure this card even gets more playability I guess. Use this to snag the new weapons for protection or to toss if you go towards the meek route with Goshen.

Matthew’s Begats- Great star ability and add to battle. So I get to see your hand, rescue with meek, toss with Goshen out if I want, this is a constant add to battle ability so why not run royalty/meek and I got to see your hand.

Throne of David- I am not sure which one I want to have, for T2 I might have both, one of each, possibly having the new one in reserve so I can immediately get it out, let me know what you guys think.

For the purpose of this deck let’s stick to unity royality
So as of now we are at:
Book of the Law
King’s Signet Ring
Matthew’s Begats
Gates of Jerusalem
Threshing Floor
The Throne of David
If we do more meek then maybe WoP or even Goshen

Heroes: (KoJ = King of Judah)
Abijah, the Conqueror- KoJ Take a city (Zion) Good wpns CBN while an evil warrior is blocking, not too shabby, he also works with the brown King of Judah theme.

Amaziah, the Just- KoJ If you control a meek hero, you may d/c an evil card with a dc ability. Nice for adding to battle and Valley of Salt is CBN

Azariah, the Strong- KoJ D/c an evil fort. You may take a good weapon or red warrior from deck. With the new weapons and all the add to battle you are going to want 2-3 weapons in the deck and he allows to snag them very quickly.

Joash, Child King- KoJ Protect ls from evil cards. You may take an OT artifact from reserve. This guy will probably not make the cut as I want red/purple and meek, but he fits with the King of Judah/brown defense, so he’s worth mentioning for now.

Manessah, the Humbled- KoJ May band to a red warrior or you mar underdeck an art. Fits the deck theme and lets me band, easy add.

Solomon, the Wise- KoJ TC upkeep look at hand. If alone, you may bounce a character. He bounces his mama (Bathsheba) to give you constant CtB or he can be added after someone is defeated in battle to bounce the blocking EC. He also goes with the brown defense

Time for some meekness
Asa, the Upright- KoJ *topdeck a covenant from reserve- also has a good SA and if I control a meek hero I may d2. This deck is going to be insanely fast.
It’s tough to pick which David but the star ability on David, Outcasts’ Refuge plus his meekness and colors/attributes are too good for this deck not to use. KoJ and cloud. *take a generis human warrior. May band to an OT red warrior from hand, RESERVE (amazing) or a territory, or you may dx (x= meek limit 3) CBN. So once you have your heroes you want out you can get a d3 off him rather easily with this build and you also have Abagail to band to him for additional drawing if you are feeling froggy.

Hezekiah, the Devout- KoJ *dc an EE. You may convert this card to meek to take an OT art/site or good OT fort from deck. He is a key hero being a purple/red royalty WC hero with 9/11 numbers.

Jehoshaphat, the Seeker- KoJ *topdeck a meek hero from reserve (David, Outcasts’ Refuge x1 main deck and x1 reserve) Bounce a human hero in a territory. May band to a musician, warrior, priest, or a meek hero, CBP. Awesome ability overall and a 10/12 meek hero, very nice.

Josiah, the Restorer- KoJ *topdeck an art from reserve.  You may dc an evil fort, an idol or a curse. If a meek hero is in play, you may play a lost soul from a deck. You need from for soul gen due to the aggressiveness of the deck, and probably
Melchizedek CoW

Jotham, the Mighty- KoJ *topdeck a good fort from deck. You may convert this card to meek to take a good card from Reserve. May band to a meek hero. CBN. More speed, meek hero, banding, CBN, takes a good card from reserve, King of Judah, what’s not to love?

Bathsheba- *topdeck a good king from deck. TC if your lone David or Solomon attacks, you may convert this card to meek to choose an evil human to block. A key cog to the offense. If weapons are flying around and I have old throne out then I can choose their ec without a weapon. I can choose a guy who can’t band against David and play Bravery of David, this especially works with David, the Contrite who is 1/8 meek so I can rescue, CtB, my inish, play Bravery.

Offline Mr.Hiatus

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Re: Royalty/Meek offense
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2020, 12:37:31 AM »

It’s almost worth breaking unity for Joseph and Mary, heck even Hananiah. Protecting meek, exchanging for them and bumping them up 10/10 and Hananiah’s ability are almost too good not to add, but then you would want to add Eleazar and Joshua as well, and we just simply don’t have the room for all of them, so some sort of theme must happen. This is what I call trimming the deck, or streamlining it. You want your deck to be streamlined to your plays while maintaining versatility within the offense. This deck does all of that by itself being a King of Judah deck. You should always have characters for brown/offense and always be able to take what you need and add to battle. Now just add some battle winners and some choose the blocker and see their hand, oh and recurring and equipping weapons for protection, but we haven’t quite made it there just yet.
Non LoC heroes:
King Saul CoW
King Abijam
King Jehu the ole switcheroo cheesehead
CoW Melchizedek

As of now, counting x1 of each hero we are at 18 heroes and at least one hero (David) in reserve. That’s a little high for T2, I like 16-18 for 100 card decks, ideally, 17, but I will explain why we need so many, other than for bouncing reasons. We can always add another or double up on one if needed. The thing to consider is how often we are going to use heroes as EC’s for the brown defense, so the “hero” count might have to be bumped up. For these styles of decks, which I consider advanced, you have to look at your ratios very carefully. You need to know how many heroes you have that are true heroes, how many are potential heroes, and how many you want to use for mostly EC’s.

For enhs we want versatility and speed. We don’t necessarily need power due to so many ways to attack and add to battle. I would love to add Abe’s Kid but since we aren’t using Genesis, we miss out on an entire portion of this ability, but the star ability for this, and Boaz’ Offspring is tough to pass up, but does not fit the mold.

I would probably try to fit a Body Armor in reserve just in case I go up against Assyrians, Romans, Philistines etc. who have mostly evil warriors.

Builder’s Sword- 3/2 wc negate an evil card or bounce an EC. You may increase your meek hero 3/3. Adds to the add to battle/bounce theme and bumps up my meek dudes to help their protection/Windows of Narrow Light.

David’s Descendant x2- Red purple, TC x=meek *reveal hand, if there is no hero take one from deck. You may take a good ot fort from deck or reserve. If played in battle, d/c up to X ECs. This is pretty much everything the deck is trying to do.

Offline Mr.Hiatus

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Re: Royalty/Meek offense
« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2020, 12:38:24 AM »
David’s Proclamation- Hero may band to a king or a meek hero from territory, hand, deck or reserve. Withdraw all EC’s. Simplay an amazing, and extremely versatile card. You block, I get initiative via Throne, I band in Abagail or whoever, have a bigger band, draw a bunch and withdraw all EC’s, you can do A LOT with this card due to the banding ability for deck/reserve. Remember that A Soldier’s Prayer can get this out immediately or fetch it from the discard pile if you decide to use a balanced red/purple approach, I might stick mostly to dual enhs/mono purple enhs.

Impartial Judgment x2- It’s purple gold and as of now I am x2 on this, but we still have a lot to add. But this card is extremely versatile and can seriously put a hurting on the opponent, especially if drawn midgame. Negate an evil card. Each other played must discard X(= of meek) of their evil cards from hand and or battle. I’m surprised that this didn’t get a limit on it. I can easily have 4-5 meek guys out, and I can also see people abusing this card mid to late game with 5+ meeks out, even in T1, after 5 does it really matter? But I get to negate what you just played then you have to discard cards from you hand and or battle. I do have a question about this card. Since this is the owners choosing, if they choose their own EC in battle that would not grant them SI, correct? So if I play this off of throne with 3+ meeks out you have to discard X and then you get a chance to negate. So you better be holding a negate and 4 cards in hand because this is too strong and to easy to abuse.

Israel’s Bow- WC red/blue this might go into the reserve but it’s a weapon with a bounce ability and if used by meek, I can d/c it to take a fortress. 

The Lord’s Charge- Negate an evil or neutral card. If used by royalty, dc that card unless it is human. CBN meek

Royal Parade- ItB. Bounce all ECs in battle. If used by meek you may d1 and this is CBP. This card is begging for a music leader red/white meek deck. This card can be used by so many different offenses it’s scary. Teal can easily get this and make it CBN. I just said one quick music leaders deck since this GE involves music. 24 elders is insane with this card. It’s ItB. It’s a very solid card and a staple for numerous offenses.

Shields- 1/6 red/purple wc- protect bearer from EEs. Once per battle, if bearer bands to a hero, you may protect that hero from EEs. So I can throw this on any of my banders and protect them both from harm…it’s also 11 Chronicles 26 and as Gabe mentioned in his latest article, some of these weapons are begging to be used on Azariah, CBN protection…But I do like Azariah being able to take this from deck or a red warrior, dc an evil fort, and he’s a strong brown EC as well. Choices, choices.

Sling Stones- 7/0 red/purple weapon- while in battle, you may dc to negate and dc an enh. Not bad for toss on Goshen, recurring, or just to have on anyone, might be a reserve card though.

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Re: Royalty/Meek offense
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2020, 12:39:03 AM »
Solomon’s Dream- *look at a hand or a reserve. TC- uf used by Solomon or a meek hero you make take a good card from deck. If played in battle you may draw X(meek, limit 3) This would probably be a x1 in deck and x1 in reserve.

Temple Spears and Shields- probably x2 of this one in main deck- 4/3 red/teal wc- protect royal heroes from harm. If used by an OT priest, it may band to a red warrior. If used by a red warrior you may bounce an EC. This is pretty much everything the deck wants to do. I am protected and when I add to battle I can bounce you. The opponent constantly has to have negates and ItB to get past my bounce but also I am still protected. So they have to negate this outright or itb and give me SI. The entire time I am not playing anything, just merely adding heroes to battle through what I already have out. Then slap down 1-2 impartial judgments on them and they’re quickly out of resources.

Older enhs:
Faith of David
Counsel of Abigail x2
Valley of Salt x2

If I counted correctly then we are at 17 GE’s with some in the reserve. That might have to come down to 14 due to the dual characters, artifacts and forts.

Our enh decklist, not reserve is:

Faith of David
Counsel of Abigail x2
Valley of Salt x2
Temple Spears and Shields
Solomon’s Dream
Royal Parade
The Lord’s Charge
Impartial Judgment x2
Builder’s Sword
David’s Proclamation
David’s Descendent x2

Got it down to 16 for now. This doesn’t include covenants, which will mostly be in reserve as well as a couple situational battle winners and some weapons that I previously mentioned.

With this build I can add to battle, bounce, protect, negates for days, negates characters and enhs in battle with meeks, get out exactly what I need, hit your hand, wipe the board of ECs consistently, draw, band, search, play first, and look at the opponent’s hand. And all of that is not breaking unity or straying from the deck’s strategy. Consistently add to battle and bounce EC’s while being protected over and over again.

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Re: Royalty/Meek offense
« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2020, 09:52:27 AM »
Sorry everyone- I did a copy paste from word late last night, I’ll clean this up and post the offense in the first post.  ;D

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Re: Royalty/Meek offense
« Reply #6 on: February 15, 2020, 10:31:40 AM »
I always love seeing your analysis of T2 offenses and defenses, Tyler! It was the inspiration behind the article on LoR yesterday.
Have you visited the Land of Redemption today?

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Re: Royalty/Meek offense
« Reply #7 on: February 16, 2020, 09:26:29 AM »
I love giving my thought process, especially early on to track what I was thinking when the set came out, stimulate ideas from others, and showing people why I picked certain cards. It is difficult for me to do all of this without having everything in front of me, I do think that it will need some * enhancements that grab heroes, but I can always edit. I want to do a brown King of Judah defense and post the final decklist here, with school and moving this weekend and next, that'll have to wait.
Ironically, I saw that post on LoR and thought I should pick back up to give myself a good boost to learning the new set, so you inspired me as well. You can also clearly see the resemblances of offense from your post to mine.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2020, 10:31:15 AM by Mr.Hiatus »


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