Author Topic: Royalty hybrid/Herod Hybrid  (Read 1358 times)

Offline Mr.Hiatus

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Royalty hybrid/Herod Hybrid
« on: February 05, 2012, 04:08:47 AM »
100 cards
14 ls

Herod's Dungeon x2
Promised Land x2
New Jerusalem x2

Hezzy's Sig x1
Writ x2
Wool Fleece x2

Caleb (red)
Ahimelek x3

Israelite Archer x4

Esther (promo)
King Solomon
King Lemuel
King Hezekiah
King Hiram
King David x2
King Amaziah x2

Counsel of Abigail x2

Royal Parade x2- Should this be Peace Treaty?
Valley of Salt x3
Unified Kingdom x4

I Am Healing x2

The Throne of David x2

SoG, NJ, AotL, GoYS

KoT (gold)
Emperior Claudius
Potiphar's Wife
Herod Agrippa II
Herod Phillip II
Herod the Great
Archelaus x2

Foul Spirit x2
Gomer (brown) x2

Deceiving Spirit x2
Spirit of Temptation x2

Romans Destroy Jerusalem
Herod's Treachery

Gibeonite Trickery x2

Mask of Fear x2
Moses kills Egyptians x2
Swift Horses x3
Wonders Forgotten x3

Covenant with Death x1

Burial, CM, FA, DoN

I like to call this little number Dek Tek. It has a lot of meta techs in it. Splash hybrid defense and offense that mesh perfectly to counter multitude of strategies. Orange/brown are splashed in to help with large bands, hurts Genesis offense and RTC. Banding stops Ahimelek, and Archelaus x2 is great for Samuel decks/Di/TGT/Z Temple/Silver bands/Red bands, pretty much everything he smacks down. Herod the Great is also great for this years banding offenses. With Gomer/Spirit on defense for CBN banding with Foul Spirit x2 and a KoT to end the band, plus all my enhancements have numbers, and five of them are 0/4 CBN end the battles, it's very nice. RDJ is always a great momentum killer, and Herod's Treachery is always a block, if not dc'ed, I have plenty of interrupts/negates because I know I give up initiative, but hopefully with the human to demon bands, and 2-3 different brigades being in battle, my opponent can't target everything, or it can be negated. I went with this Herod hybrid due to King David seeing more game time. I cut back on Herod's so I could still have the intimidation factor/banding killers, but added the demons and other brigades so I could still block.
On offense I included a Caleb for all those Goliath splashes out there, and swiping your access is not too shabby. The Wool Fleeces are very underrated. This year a lot of banding is going on, on both offense and defense. If it is CBN banding, oh well, but all those little bands/archer's, Wool Fleece dominates, and players won't see it coming. Of course it makes an Ahimelek banded in a battle winner. Israelite Archer's are also a great tech that meshes with the offense. Having more WC hero's is good for the offense, more versatile banders to both mine, and opponent's, hero's is solid, but so many WC EC's this season. Between Wool Fleece and Israelite Archer's I shut down majority defenses. Esther/Lemuel is great, and Esther for Haman's Plot can win me a game. The rest of the offense is simple, have your archer's shoot WC guys holding weapons, and band to purple royalty. They block, you draw, you band, you wreck face with your band finished to Ahimelek. Let me know what potentially hurts the offense/defense, and what I missed out.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2012, 02:59:19 PM by Mr.Hiatus »


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