Author Topic: Royalty Assyrian/Magician  (Read 2858 times)

Offline Noah

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Royalty Assyrian/Magician
« on: February 03, 2012, 06:19:05 PM »
!!! Scroll down to the fourth reply for updated version !!!

Cards in deck 105

Good 41

Doms 5

Grapes of Wrath
Guardian of Your Souls
Son of God
New Jerusalem
Angel of the Lord

Forts/Covs 4

The Throne of David x2
Wall of Protection
I Am Grace

Heroes 17

King David
Abigail x2
Mephibosheth x2
King Solomon
King Lemuel
King's Daughter
King Asa
King Hezekiah
King Jotham
King Hiram x2
King Amaziah x2
Ahimelek the Hittite x2

Good Enhancements 15

Pentecost x2
Counsel of Abigail x2
Peace Treaty x2
Royal Parade x2
Unified Kingdom x3
Valley of Salt x4

Neutral 23

Sites 2

Dragon Raid x2

Arts 7

Chariot of Fire
The Bronze Laver
Stalks of Flax
Magic Charms x2
Hezekiah's Signant Ring x2

Lost Souls 14

FBTN Lost Soul x2
Shut Door x2
Cannot Be Prevented x2
First Round Protect x2
Female Only x2
N.T. Only x2
Exchanger x2

Evil 41

Doms 5

Destruction of Nehushtan
Christian Martyr
Falling Away

Forts/Curses 3

Captured Ark
Rain Becomes Dust
Confusion of Mind

Evil Characters 18

Assyrian Survivor x4
Assyrian Archer x3
Assyrian Siege Army x3
The Amalekite's Slave
Ming Manasseh
Egyptian Magicians
Damsel With Spirit of Divination
Spirit of Temptation x2

Evil Enhancements 15

Invoking Terror x2
Confusion of mind x2
Two Thousand Horses x3
Forgotton History x4
Death of Unrighteous x4

« Last Edit: February 14, 2012, 03:57:19 PM by tripleplayNo3 »
Filling my Ark since Nats 2016.

Soli Deo Gloria


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Re: Royalty Assyrian/Magician
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2012, 07:46:57 PM »
WoP will hurt you if they have Goliath. I'm surprised not to see any Reaches or AoCPs. I'll leave other comments to more experienced T2 players.
Kansas City Discord:

Offline Nameless

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Re: Royalty Assyrian/Magician
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2012, 05:09:13 PM »
Needs another A archer, ASA, and 2k horses.

Offline Mr.Hiatus

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Re: Royalty Assyrian/Magician
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2012, 02:54:13 AM »
@ Nameless-
It does NOT need another ASA-IMO. It can benefit from A Archer/2K Horses though. As a mod of this child board, I encourage all criticism, long as it's not degrading, and all helpful advice. Just future reference, not saying you have to by any means just helpful advice, when you say add things to a deck it is always nice to say what can come out, or give a brief explanation as to why. I think your advice was good, but when someone tells me take, or add, X to my deck, but gives no explanation or what to swap it out for, it's still helpful, but personally, I'd like to see a more thorough explanation.
I think the top decks in type 2 this year will be 100 cards. Offenses set up fast, attack hard, and do not get successfully blocked as much anymore. In order to compete with the meta, you have to play the meta, but your style. Run your offense and defense, but make it easy to set up, block, attack, and have ratios that benefit your deck and play style. Take out the fluff to streamline your deck so every draw phase you are getting beneficial cards.
Cards in deck 105- Let's get this to 100

Forts/Covs 4

The Throne of David x2
Wall of Protection- What is your Goliath counter for including WoP?
I Am Grace- Personally I find King Hezekiah to work fine. I know weapons kill TtoD, but majority of your enhancements are interrupts. D/C a battle winner to d/c a weapon for TtoD seems eh. I'd rather keep your battle winner and target WC EC's via Valley of Salt. So I think I Am Grace can be removed.

Heroes 17

King David
Abigail x2
Mephibosheth x2
King Solomon
King Lemuel
King's Daughter
King Asa
King Hezekiah
King Jotham
King Hiram x2
King Amaziah x2
Ahimelek the Hittite x2
-No Esther!? Brown is big this year, Haman's Plot will be lurking. I think Esther over Jotham. I think one Meph can come out for another Hezekiah.
Good Enhancements 15

Pentecost x2- Good but is it needed? This offense is pretty straight forward, and does a fair amount of drawing. Personally taking these out, as Darius' Decree/CWD two HIGHLY played cards kills these 2 cards. Taking out both might actually do the same thing in streamlining/speeding up the deck. Taking out 2 cards that are not battle winners, that are not as versatile for a more powerful offense is better in my experience.
Counsel of Abigail x2
Peace Treaty x2
Royal Parade x2
Unified Kingdom x3
Valley of Salt x4

Neutral 23

Sites 2

Dragon Raid x2

Arts 7

Chariot of Fire- This needed? You should win before you run out of hero's.
The Bronze Laver
Stalks of Flax- Needed? I'd rather have Promised land x1, and take out the CoF.
Magic Charms x2
Hezekiah's Signant Ring x2
Forts/Curses 3

Captured Ark
Rain Becomes Dust- Needed?
Confusion of Mind

Evil Characters 18

Assyrian Survivor x4
Assyrian Archer x3
Assyrian Siege Army x3
The Amalekite's Slave
Ming Manasseh
Egyptian Magicians
Damsel With Spirit of Divination
Spirit of Temptation x2

Good EC selection, but I would say to add Deceiving Spirits over Spirit of Temp for Jacob tech. I would advise against another ASA, as he gives up too much init when paired with magicians, and needs a 2k horses, which you might want on the archers.
Evil Enhancements 15

Invoking Terror x2
Confusion of mind x2- ? The curse?
Two Thousand Horses x3
Forgotton History x4
Death of Unrighteous x4

I'd highly recommend Golgotha x2. Jacob/RTC with Tassels up kills this defense. Golgotha stops that, and helps with your evil enh recursion.
I would suggest to take out, in order to get to 100:
Good: I Am Grace x1, Pentecost x2,
Evil: Confusion of Mind if they are the curses x2, RBD x1
Neutral: Stalks, Bronze Laver.
That's 8 cards, which brings your deck to 97. Golgotha x2, and a Promised Land would fit this deck. I also think your Magicians give up initiative, and then you'd have to waste a vital 2k horses. I do think you should try to work in another, maybe take out another curse.
Offense that hurt this:
Gold- It sets up fast, and has CBN status.
Purple- More CBN enhs with initiative.
Blue- More low numbers with CBN status, plus huge recursion.
So pretty much CBN battle winners with initiative. You have to pull those 2k horses early, and keep them out. Divination could help this defense out a bit.
One question that I always now ask myself due to RTSmaniac...How can your defense stop your offense? What if they take out your 2k horses and TtoD you, ignore you, band in Ahimelek. Magic Charms x2 can't stop everything. This offense is good, and widely played right now, which means it is strong, but also means majority players know how to beat it. Try to throw in some twists, and test this out and see what hurts the defense, and adjust accordingly. Looks like a very solid start though.

Offline Noah

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Re: Royalty Assyrian/Magician
« Reply #4 on: February 14, 2012, 03:53:29 PM »
Out With,

I Am Grace
King Jotham
Pentecost x2

Chariot of Fire
Stalks of Flax

Rain Becomes Dust
Confusion of Mind
Spirit of Temptation x2
Confusion of Mind x2 (They were supposed to be just Confusion)

In With,

King Hezekiah

Promised Land
Golgotha x2

Assyrian Archer
Deceiving Spirit x2
Two Thousond Horses

!!! Updated Version !!!

Cards in deck 100

Good 38

Doms 5

Grapes of Wrath
Guardian of Your Souls
Son of God
New Jerusalem
Angel of the Lord

Forts/Covs 3

The Throne of David x2
Wall of Protection

Heroes 17

King David
Abigail x2
King Solomon
King Lemuel
King's Daughter
King Asa
King Hezekiah x2
King Hiram x2
King Amaziah x2
Ahimelek the Hittite x2

Good Enhancements 13

Counsel of Abigail x2
Peace Treaty x2
Royal Parade x2
Unified Kingdom x3
Valley of Salt x4

Neutral 24

Sites 5

Promised Land
Dragon Raid x2
Golgotha x2

Arts 5

Chariot of Fire
Magic Charms x2
Hezekiah's Signant Ring x2

Lost Souls 14

FBTN Lost Soul x2
Shut Door x2
Cannot Be Prevented x2
First Round Protect x2
Female Only x2
N.T. Only x2
Exchanger x2

Evil 38

Doms 5

Destruction of Nehushtan
Christian Martyr
Falling Away

Forts/Curses 1

Captured Ark

Evil Characters 18

Assyrian Survivor x4
Assyrian Archer x4
Assyrian Siege Army x3
The Amalekite's Slave
Ming Manasseh
Egyptian Magicians
Damsel With Spirit of Divination
Decieving Spirit x2

Evil Enhancements 14

Invoking Terror x2
Two Thousand Horses x4
Forgotton History x4
Death of Unrighteous x4
« Last Edit: February 14, 2012, 03:58:01 PM by tripleplayNo3 »
Filling my Ark since Nats 2016.

Soli Deo Gloria


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Re: Royalty Assyrian/Magician
« Reply #5 on: February 14, 2012, 05:50:07 PM »
If you have King Hez you might want to put in an Isaiah. Why no Reaches?

Offline Noah

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Re: Royalty Assyrian/Magician
« Reply #6 on: February 14, 2012, 06:16:17 PM »
If you have King Hez you might want to put in an Isaiah.

I have nothing to play on Isaiah, and if the banding on King Hezekiah gets negated He's Useless.

Why no Reaches?

I already have a bunch of interrupts, and It's not a battle Winner.
Filling my Ark since Nats 2016.

Soli Deo Gloria


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Re: Royalty Assyrian/Magician
« Reply #7 on: February 14, 2012, 06:35:18 PM »
If you have King Hez you might want to put in an Isaiah.

I have nothing to play on Isaiah, and if the banding on King Hezekiah gets negated He's Useless.

Why no Reaches?

I already have a bunch of interrupts, and It's not a battle Winner.
Then why do you have king Hez. The only reason people use him is to band to Isaiah so he is protected.

Offline Noah

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Re: Royalty Assyrian/Magician
« Reply #8 on: February 14, 2012, 06:42:27 PM »
If you have King Hez you might want to put in an Isaiah.

I have nothing to play on Isaiah, and if the banding on King Hezekiah gets negated He's Useless.

Why no Reaches?

I already have a bunch of interrupts, and It's not a battle Winner.
Then why do you have king Hez. The only reason people use him is to band to Isaiah so he is protected.

He's mainly in there to keep the Throne of David clear of evil place cards. I could probably go without two of them though.
Filling my Ark since Nats 2016.

Soli Deo Gloria



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Re: Royalty Assyrian/Magician
« Reply #9 on: February 14, 2012, 06:43:53 PM »
Isaiahs ability would still stick if they negated the band, so I would say go for it. You can also band him into battle with Unified Kingdom which is pretty beastly. Regardless Hez should stay as it gets past Assyrian Camp.

Offline Nameless

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Re: Royalty Assyrian/Magician
« Reply #10 on: February 14, 2012, 08:27:12 PM »
I just noticed that you have no Assyrian Camps. Why is that ?

Offline Noah

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Re: Royalty Assyrian/Magician
« Reply #11 on: February 14, 2012, 09:19:16 PM »
Isaiah's ability would still stick if they negated the band, so I would say go for it. You can also band him into battle with Unified Kingdom which is pretty beastly. Regardless Hez should stay as it gets past Assyrian Camp.

I guess I can give him a try. What would you suggest to take out for it?

I just noticed that you have no Assyrian Camps. Why is that?

I must have missed that one. What would you suggest to take out for it?
Filling my Ark since Nats 2016.

Soli Deo Gloria


Offline MitchRobStew

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Re: Royalty Assyrian/Magician
« Reply #12 on: February 15, 2012, 08:40:01 PM »
Isaiah's ability would still stick if they negated the band, so I would say go for it. You can also band him into battle with Unified Kingdom which is pretty beastly. Regardless Hez should stay as it gets past Assyrian Camp.

I guess I can give him a try. What would you suggest to take out for it?

I just noticed that you have no Assyrian Camps. Why is that?

I must have missed that one. What would you suggest to take out for it?

Your King Hez shuts down Assyrians Camp.

Assyrian Camp (Pi)

Type: Fortress • Brigade: None • Ability: None • Class: None • Special Ability: Protect Assyrian Evil Characters in your territory from discard, conversion, and capture unless King Hezekiah is in play or set aside. • Play As: Protect Assyrian Evil Characters in your territory from convert and capture abilities and discard unless King Hezekiah is in play or set aside. • Identifiers: Play to territory. • Verse: II Kings 19:35 • Availability: Priests booster packs (Rare)


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