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Priests/Philistines Any suggestions greatly appreciated!!
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Topic: Priests/Philistines Any suggestions greatly appreciated!! (Read 7174 times)
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Posts: 295
North Central Region
Priests/Philistines Any suggestions greatly appreciated!!
April 18, 2009, 02:06:57 PM »
Cards in deck: 105
Lost Souls: 14
Lost Soul (anti-ignore)
Lost Soul (anti-ignore)
Lost Soul (can't be prevented)
Lost Soul (can't be prevented)
Lost Soul (Female Only)
Lost Soul (Female Only)
Lost Soul (N.T. only)
Lost Soul (N.T. only)
Lost Soul (punisher)
Lost Soul (punisher)
Lost Soul (revealer)
Lost Soul (revealer)
Lost Soul (Wanderer)
Lost Soul (Wanderer)
Lamb Dominants: 4
Angel of the Lord
Guardian Of Your Souls
New Jerusalem
Son of God
Grim Reaper Dominants: 4
Christian Martyr
Destruction of Nehushtan
Fortresses: 6
Kingdoms of the World
Kingdoms of the World
Philistine Outpost
Philistine Outpost
Zerubbabel's Temple
Zerubbabel's Temple
Artifacts: 7
Altar of Burnt Offering
Altar of Burnt Offering
Altar of Burnt Offering
Holy of Holies
Holy of Holies
Unholy Writ
Unholy Writ
White Covenant Cards: 6
Carcasses (Black)
Carcasses (Black)
Covenant with Levi (Teal)
Covenant with Levi (Teal)
Covenant with Phinehas (Teal)
Covenant with Phinehas (Teal)
Red Covenant Cards: 2
I am Grace
I am Grace
Multi-Color Heroes: 13
Amariah the High Priest (Teal)
Eliashib the High Priest (Teal)
Jaddua, son of Jonathan (Teal)
Joiada, Son of Eliashib (Teal)
Joiada, Son of Eliashib (Teal)
Joiakim, Son of Joshua (Teal)
Jonathan son of Joiada (Teal)
Joshua the High Priest (Teal)
Joshua the High Priest (Teal)
Phinehas, son of Eleazar (Teal)
Phinehas, son of Eleazar (Teal)
Priests of Christ (Teal)
Shelemiah the Priest (Teal)
Green Heroes: 2
Multi-Color Hero Enhancements: 15
Burning Incense (Teal)
Burning Incense (Teal)
Burning Incense (Teal)
Burning Incense (Teal)
Grain Offering (Teal)
Grain Offering (Teal)
Grain Offering (Teal)
Grain Offering (Teal)
Trumpet Blast (Teal)
Trumpet Blast (Teal)
Trumpet Blast (Teal)
Zeal for the Lord (Teal)
Zeal for the Lord (Teal)
Zeal for the Lord (Teal)
Zeal for the Lord (Teal)
Black Evil Characters: 15
Fallen Warrior
Fallen Warrior
Fallen Warrior
Philistine Armor Bearer
Philistine Armor Bearer
Philistine Armor Bearer
Philistine Armor Bearer
Philistine Garrison
Philistine Garrison
Simon the Magician
Simon the Magician
Simon the Magician
The Twelve-Fingered Giant
The Twelve-Fingered Giant
Black Evil Enhancements: 17
Joseph in Prison
Joseph in Prison
Joseph in Prison
Overwhelmed by Philistines
Overwhelmed by Philistines
Overwhelmed by Philistines
Philistine Chariot and Horses
Philistine Chariot and Horses
Philistine Chariot and Horses
Philistine Chariot and Horses
Pride of Simon
Pride of Simon
Pushed Back
Pushed Back
Wrath of Satan
Wrath of Satan
Wrath of Satan
Last Edit: August 07, 2009, 09:40:08 PM by MitchRobStew
Tournament Host
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Posts: 1065
North Central Region
Re: Priests/Philistines
Reply #1 on:
April 18, 2009, 06:26:05 PM »
You could use Mask of Self -glorification for an Artifact killer and it would be unnegatable with Carcasses up. Or you could include a couple Ashdods and play any color artifact killer you want on a Philistine.
Old Guys Rule
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Posts: 1759
Southeast Region
Re: Priests/Philistines
Reply #2 on:
April 22, 2009, 12:33:03 AM »
I would use btn enhs on your defense. BTN enhs/JiP/Wrath is mean. But 5 Wrath is overkill. Also I do not like Grain Offering I would switch that out for Zeal or something. That or go teal/blue. Playing RTC with Jacob and Burning Incense with your offering is nice.
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Full Member
Posts: 295
North Central Region
Re: Priests/Philistines
Reply #3 on:
April 22, 2009, 01:26:50 AM »
I agree that I have to many Wraths. I'll probably drop a couple Wraths/Hungers for a couple Mask of Self-glorification even though I hate the fact it doesn't negate the art, or possibly a couple more Bringing Fear (more FBTN madness). I might drop out the grain belt stuff possibly I liked the fact that it adds immunity for my terr, and gives my characters immunity to go along w/ Z-temple protection. Though it may be overkill, and leave me even more open to site decks owning me. If I drop the 5 Grain Offering, I'll drop the Alter of Burnt offerings for some Priestly Crowns. I dunno what I'd replace them w/ though. Maybe a couple Jacobs, and 3 x RTC, or other teal stuff. I like the Ashadod idea as it gives me some better art killers, and something to d/c for trumpet blast in the rare situation an opponent doesn't have an evil fort or sites in play.
Last Edit: April 22, 2009, 01:29:33 AM by MitchRobStew
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Sr. Member
Posts: 752
The Force is strong with this one.
Re: Priests/Philistines
Reply #4 on:
April 24, 2009, 09:55:42 AM »
I've used a teal offense for a while in T2 and grain offerings and Altar of Burnt Offerings can actually be a nice combo. But looking at the black defense I use black for T2 multiplayer because its fun to wipe out everyones offense with Wrath of Satans. Not sure how well it works in 2 player but for multiplayer it can be a really nice defense to slow people down, but you would need the teal covenant that protects the house of Eleazar
I never want to grow up, hmmm maybe thats why I'm a youth pastor.
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Full Member
Posts: 295
North Central Region
Re: Priests/Philistines Any suggestions greatly appreciated!!
Reply #5 on:
May 02, 2009, 01:09:17 PM »
I was thinking about adding in some purple and take advantage of the OT placement. Maybe substituting in 3/4 of King Josiah, Melchizedek, King Jotham, and King Hiram with some Peace Treaties. Hiram would give me another way to get out Z-Temple faster, as well as could pull Storehouses and could replace Zacc.
Global Moderator
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Posts: 1759
Southeast Region
Re: Priests/Philistines Any suggestions greatly appreciated!!
Reply #6 on:
May 02, 2009, 04:21:25 PM »
Try it out and see if it works. Teal purple is strong without place enhs though to be honest, all that interrupt and CBN scares most defenses.
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Priests/Philistines Any suggestions greatly appreciated!!
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