Author Topic: Priests/Judges  (Read 5372 times)

Offline Mr.Hiatus

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« on: June 01, 2021, 06:36:24 PM »
This is a fun little offense, The strength of this offense is the initial power burst that really stops the opponent early on while setting up for stronger attacks later for mid-game. Another strength is that this offense allows for room to add, or is ideal for a 100 card deck, but packs a lot of power and strong attacks with little cards. The small offense can also last due to recursion and strong bands and sneakily hits the opponent's territory and deck aggressively. Here is the offense, without any other doms but Glory.

Ezekiel, the V
Phineas, Son
Aaron, God's Mediator
Eli the Priest promo
Joshua, son
Gideon 6/8 meek
Good Samaritan
Moses LR
AwtSN x2
AUtO x2
Angel of the Winds
The Defender of the Saints
Captain warriors
Cherubim POC

Wheel Within x2
Eli's SOund Advice x2
Ehud's Dagger x2
Samuel's Edict x4

The Tabernacle


Arts (for now)

Urim and Thummim
Aaron's Staff
SWJ x2


Prisoner at Gaza x2
Avenged x2

good reserve and a neutral:
Samaritan Water Jar
Zeal x3
Woman at the Well

Obviously, the early attack is old school and CBN protected Gideon with Edict is still extremely strong. Wheel Within a Wheel and angels help with the initial burst to set up what you need, such as; Ezekiel - Cherubim, Aaron, Zadok, Phinehas, Joshua, Captain. Or, you mix up the band, and Go Cherubim to Aaron, Phinehas, Zadok, Ezekiel, AwtSN, switch to Joshua, Captain. Same thing but offers CBN judges enhs. Ehud's Dagger, Eli's Sound Advice, and snagging Zeal of the Lord off Tabernacle makes for a very strong, consistent, rescue. Early to mid game I activate SWJ with 1 of my Samaritans in play and that really messes with people. Top 9 x 3 is soul gen plus a 27 card advantage, that is extremely strong. Then, add in Aaron's Staff to reveal 4 and soul gen plus discard any evil card, consistently, is also very strong. The defense would get rid of Storehouse, naturally. Aaron's Staff + SWJ is very good, just get rid of Storehouse and the band should do the rest when the opponent is left with little resources. Cloud Moses can go in as well, just swap out Wheel for Faith of Joshua maybe, or just make the offense even stronger, but limiting their resources through deck thinning, then limiting what they can do with Moses out, might as well add CWD and go from there.

Offline Reth

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Re: Priests/Judges
« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2021, 06:59:27 PM »
This looks really interesting and like a lot of fun to play! Do you want to go for defense in the same direction, meaning thinning out opponent's deck? Like with Genesis Egyptians or similar?

Offline Mr.Hiatus

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Re: Priests/Judges
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2021, 11:24:24 AM »
If I go Genesis Egyptians I have to pair that with Joseph due to how crazy strong Grain Tenders are with Joseph out. My initial thought was pairing it with mostly Philistines, just black in general since they can now get rid of fortresses as needed, and gold/black have some synergy.

Offline Reth

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Re: Priests/Judges
« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2021, 02:40:10 PM »
This might also be a good option while at least in T1 I found it hard to get Philis up and running to get some blocks done against all those maniacal banding chains with layers of protection, negtion, playing 1st etc. And they need a lot of support in things like Bringing Fear and others while struggling with getting initiative. On the good side they can tutor themselves out of deck & reserve as well as with Garrison being flipped between table and reserve it gives durable support for adding to battle. Also they can equip themselves very well. And with Outpost you can DC a Phili from deck (like Armour Bearer) and get it immediatelly back to play it! Really nice stuff. But so far for me not (yet) playable in T1.
I also remember a bold move in a T1 deck using Grail on The HH Pharaoh converting him to a hero and milling with every attack while he was also able to band (e.g. to another converted Egyptian)! Really cool!

Offline Mr.Hiatus

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Re: Priests/Judges
« Reply #4 on: June 04, 2021, 01:30:21 PM »
I actually like Phillies in T1 but I agree with you, I wouldn't play them competitively. That is an awesome move of a converted Pharaoh, almost as awesome as Love on Devouring Philistines.

Offline Reth

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Re: Priests/Judges
« Reply #5 on: June 04, 2021, 03:27:16 PM »


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