Author Topic: Old School Type-2 (Green & Gray)  (Read 2614 times)

Offline Red Warrior

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Old School Type-2 (Green & Gray)
« on: June 22, 2011, 01:16:44 PM »
I'll post my deck soon, but I would like some help learning about some of the new dangers out there lately (haven't played type-2 in a tourney since the release of ROA, TXP or DISCIPLES).

I'm running a Green/Gray search-and-side-battles deck.
---I use Deluge of Rain or the banding brothers to blow up defense in side battle
---I need ideas for green "things to do" in Idle Gossip side battles

Some unique elements
-I use Bezaleels to search for Tabernacle, and Aaron to protect HoHs
-I use Ark to take out trouble evil characters (RA, search, then Visions of Iddo).
-I try to use the kamikaze gray brothers for an instant block (should I use wasting disease?)

so the question of the hours...

What do I need to watch out for?[/b][/glow]


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Re: Old School Type-2 (Green & Gray)
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2011, 01:37:53 PM »

I love Green but will probably abandon it this Nationals because of Nazareth. But if you choose to do so, Make sure you have the teal/green prophets in there. Use Benedictus to neuter Nazareth once. Most of Green's uniqueness is destroyed by Naz single card. Wool Fleece is always useful with Green. The (di) Prophets are a nice banding chain. My Green type two is most effective with Black defense because it gives me the best option to snag the Naz from my opponent. If you switch to Black, You want to set up a prep phase where you play benedictus then land dispute to snag Naz, or else it becomes a long "un-prophetable" day. Don't forget Able. He is often forgotten but with the Pharisees defense so popular he is effective against the favorite Proud Pharisee + Gold Shield play because he can't be converted. Throw in the Seraphim that bands to Green Prophets to counter Balaam's Dis. Don't build your offense to be heavily dependent on Hidden Treasures. Darius Decree is very popular and HT becomes mute.

I sure hope they have a more effective way to make Green stand alone with the next set.
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Re: Old School Type-2 (Green & Gray)
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2011, 02:18:01 PM »
Nazareth is not the problem.  the problem is Cesarea Philipi.  CP prevents you from attacking their nazareth via any number of site destroying cards.  Before ANY green prophet deck can become viable again, CP HAS to be dealt with.

The fact that this one card can emasculate a nats winning deck from last year (an my similar deck placed 4th in multi and 5th in 2 player) is absolutely unexcusable.

Count fount is right.  Abandon prophets until after Nats.  I have been told that there are remidies for CP in the next set.

But in reality, CP should have never been created without viable counters to it (that any or most brigades could use)

I just dont understand why we keep doing this each and every set...
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Re: Old School Type-2 (Green & Gray)
« Reply #3 on: June 22, 2011, 02:20:28 PM »
Nazareth is not the problem.  the problem is Cesarea Philipi.  CP prevents you from attacking their nazareth via any number of site destroying cards.  Before ANY green prophet deck can become viable again, CP HAS to be dealt with.

The fact that this one card can emasculate a nats winning deck from last year (an my similar deck placed 4th in multi and 5th in 2 player) is absolutely unexcusable.

Count fount is right.  Abandon prophets until after Nats.  I have been told that there are remidies for CP in the next set.

But in reality, CP should have never been created without viable counters to it (that any or most brigades could use)

I just dont understand why we keep doing this each and every set...

Amen. I would have given your comments more "+s" but they just don't allow that either.  ;)
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Offline Red Warrior

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Re: Old School Type-2 (Green & Gray)
« Reply #4 on: June 22, 2011, 03:34:42 PM »
Amazing, yet depressing, advice guys. Thanks for looking out for me though! I had read a lot about Nazareth on the boards so I had edge of sword/habakkuk stands ready, but didn't know about Caesarea Philippi at all! That is an insane card, makes me want to paste the Centurion's ability onto a certain Green Centurion (ehem, Cornelius), think anyone would notice?  ;)

If you switch to Black, You want to set up a prep phase where you play benedictus then land dispute to snag Naz, 

If I try this, what should I do to get rid of Naz once I "snag" it? (it still stops search even in my territory).

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Offline CountFount

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Re: Old School Type-2 (Green & Gray)
« Reply #5 on: June 22, 2011, 03:38:43 PM »
Amazing, yet depressing, advice guys. Thanks for looking out for me though! I had read a lot about Nazareth on the boards so I had edge of sword/habakkuk stands ready, but didn't know about Caesarea Philippi at all! That is an insane card, makes me want to paste the Centurion's ability onto a certain Green Centurion (ehem, Cornelius), think anyone would notice?  ;)

If you switch to Black, You want to set up a prep phase where you play benedictus then land dispute to snag Naz, 

If I try this, what should I do to get rid of Naz once I "snag" it? (it still stops search even in my territory).

Leave Naz unoccupied and send Naz into battle with your prophet (regardless of whether it gives you access or not), I understand that site S/A are negated in battle. This allows the searching to take place for you and .... your opponent.
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Re: Old School Type-2 (Green & Gray)
« Reply #6 on: June 22, 2011, 04:23:22 PM »
  Before ANY green prophet deck can become viable again, CP HAS to be dealt with.

N.T Prophets with Angels are certainly viable in type 2, especially type 2 multi. The problem is that they are slow, and the lack of searches now hurts them. Your right there is no really good way to deal with naz, if you get around cp to play disupute it still bites you with its ability. Basically the only good way to "counter" is to play with minimal search cards. Infact any Green Prophets deck I build this season, in two player, will not contain any searches or hidden treasures. Then I can point and laugh at the Nazereth NoOBs. :)

The fact that this one card can emasculate a nats winning deck from last year (an my similar deck placed 4th in multi and 5th in 2 player) is absolutely unexcusable.

Golgotha emmasculated the natz winning two player deck. Anyways Nazereth has been the best thing to happen to Redemption in a long time. It has helped so much in both catagories. You know there is something wrong when the whole meta for multi is the same green- gray 5 false peace 5 searches (although last time I played I only used 3 false peaces). Throw in Momentum change and the occasional, and practicly unstopable, ANB for more fun and you were ready to play type 2 multi. To top it all of they came out with a cbn search and Naaman, which I know is/was a regret (to counter the btn that was running all over them *tear*). Basically the player who was able to get a few of those searches played would come out on top.  How is that fun?

Iin two player green wasn't as bad. But the three step drop of HT, ANB, and any Hero in the deck punished strategy too harshly. You basically made them eat 10-15 turns maybe more, and all you have to do now is search for the cards you want while they sit and wait to get set up. Type two was ment ot be a strategy game not 52 card pick!  :)

In conclusion, yes Nazereth gutted green but not to unplayablilty. imo it helped the game ALOT.
I just dont understand why we keep doing this each and every set...

You either have to restrict and ban cards or make counters in the new set. Redemption has choosen the later and has also discovered that inevitable a new beast arises that must be vanquished in a similar manner. But you are totally right it gets old...  I guess redemption is like the toy horse at the kiddie store.. we all want to ride  it but we know that if we do it will break.

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Re: Old School Type-2 (Green & Gray)
« Reply #7 on: June 22, 2011, 05:12:35 PM »
Wow! All that commentary and not one Que reference. Looks like we need a new QF President.  :o (Green Hater!)
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Re: Old School Type-2 (Green & Gray)
« Reply #8 on: June 22, 2011, 08:59:20 PM »
Though my T2 deck is a shuffling prophet offense, I agree that Naz was needed.  There was almost no help against shuffling and, though nice, searching did take a lot out of planning for what to add after you add the couple of battle winners (also, Herod Temple was another nice add).

Offline crustpope

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Re: Old School Type-2 (Green & Gray)
« Reply #9 on: June 22, 2011, 10:33:47 PM »
I dont have a problem with Naz as I stated before. Nazareth is not the problem. I like Nazareth, it does slow down prophets and make more strategy come into play if I wanted to play my prophets deck.

if they had STOPPED at Nazareth, I would have been fine.

Cesarea Philipi is the problem.  Cesarea Philipi makes virtually all those sites untouchable for all except red decks with the centurion  and they dont really care about searching anyway. 

And Golgotha does not emasculate a nats deck.  Golgotha could have been dealt with the same way Nazareth could be dealt with, by stealing or d/c ing the site.  it takes more strategy, but the basic deck still works, you just add a counter to Golgotha.

CP flushes all of that.  If CP and been a PRevent, then I would not have had as much a problem with it because I could figure out some way to play a CBN Danites attack on my simon the magician or with A-pole up against OT charachters, That would work, but to make it a protect with virtually NO cards that can negate the protection was beyond foolish. IMHO.
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Offline Red Warrior

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Re: Old School Type-2 (Green & Gray)
« Reply #10 on: June 23, 2011, 02:05:54 PM »
The only problem is that my deck centers SO MUCH around search (Unknown Nation, Bezaleel, Micah, Search, False Peace...) so I probably better just scrap it for now (I only have 2 disputes and 2 garrisons as far as any hope for Benedictus). I'll start a new post. THANKS A TON FOR ALL THE ADVICE, I really appreciate the discussion and helpful pointers, it made catching back up with the game a lot easier than finding out at a tournament.

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