New Redemption Grab Bag now includes an assortment of 500 cards from five (5) different expansion sets. Available at Cactus website.
I thought they were not strong against Job? Job doesnt do much for me but against Herods, seemed like Job wins.
I guess it depends on how your Herod's defense is built. If you're using the multiple auto-blocks and BTN options available in gold, then Job isn't much of a threat, provided your offense doesn't take forever to win. Also, any decent Herod defense is probably using at least a few of the Disciples Sites. I haven't played against a Job offense yet that used enough Site access to be fast. Sites always seems to stall them for a while. A Job deck will win the long game, with out a doubt. But you have to be able to make it to the long game first. That's why I haven't seen a Job deck yet that was better than tier 2.
and the two BTN options in Gold (Mask of Fear and KoT) make your opponent's Job's Faith hurt even more.
Quote from: Professoralstad on April 06, 2011, 03:49:27 PMand the two BTN options in Gold (Mask of Fear and KoT) make your opponent's Job's Faith hurt even more.Job's Faith is CBN.
What auto-blocks are you referring too? The only auto-blocks I can think of for Gold are Egyptian Warden and Egyptian Horses + Wonders Forgotten, neither of which are Herods. Obviously, Herods have Herod's Dungeon as an auto-block, but Job is not only uncapturable, his strength is only 6. Herods only have three commonly used characters that won't give Job initiative immediately (Salome, Herodias, and Herod Antipas) and the two BTN options in Gold (Mask of Fear and KoT) make your opponent's Job's Faith hurt even more.
In addition to those three there is also the 7/5 banding Herod who gets initiative against Job, twice.
Personally, I also use TAS and KoT in any gold defense. Any of those initiative characters plus Wonder's Forgotten is an autoblock against Job.
There is also Failed Objective, which I think any decent Herod deck is going to include a couple copies since they already have duplicate characters and it works well against TGT. Then, there's the one shot block with Herod's Treachery. That's up to 11 autoblocks, although most probably won't have all 11.
The BTN is only to negate Job's protection so that CM, Herod's Dungeon and Unholy Writ can work. Every time Job rescues a Lost Soul in T2 he becomes vulnerable to Herod's Dungeon for one use. Those options give Herod's several more autoblocks against Job.
I'm not saying that Herod's are the best defense against Job by any means. But if they're built well they certainly aren't weak.
You can easily get initiative in t2 with gold/teal. Seraiah, Ithamar, Ahimaaz for teal, and gold has plenty of hero's around 3 and 4 on both offense and defense, and The Thankful Leper, Good Samaritan, and The Generous Widow.
If he doesn't I will. 12 pm me there.