Author Topic: New Testament Prophets (and Grey Defense)  (Read 2815 times)

Offline ChristianSoldier

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New Testament Prophets (and Grey Defense)
« on: July 20, 2009, 01:43:46 AM »
Yes I made a New Testament Prophet's deck

112 cards:

Lost Souls (15)
Site Doubler x2
Site Guard x2
Site Discarder x2
*4 or Greater x2
Anti-Angel x2
Color Guard x2
Evicter x2

Dominants (4)
Son of God
Angel of the Lord
Christian Martyr

Hormah x2
Patmos (generic purple) x2

Asherah Pole
Hidden Treasures x2
Gifts of the Magi x2

The Garden Tomb
House at Bethany
House of Rimmon
Raiders' Camp

Multicolored Good Enhancements (3)
Preaching the Truth
Burning Censor (Faith or our Fathers)
Spiritual Warfare

Teal Characters
Priests of Christ

Silver Heroes
The Strong Angel (kings)

Red Heroes

Blue Heroes
Mary Magdalene (I might remove for Warriors Gabriel)

Green Heroes

Green Enhancements (3)
New Priestly Duty x3

White Heroes (2)

White Enhancement (4)
"He is Risen"
Lost Coin Found x3

Purple Heroes (3)
Ananias of Damascus
John (G/H)
Ethiopian Treasurer

Purple Enhancements 5
Authority of Christ (original) (want to switch it for the promo)
Reach of Desperation x4

Gold Heroes (4)
The Thankful Leper
The Generous Widow

Gold Enhancements (11)
Mary's Prophetic Act
Training in Righteousness x4
Built on the Rock x3
Fishers of Men
Repentance and Restitution
Convincing Miracle

Evil Characters
Emperor Vitellius
King Hazael x2
Kind Ben-Hadad I x2
The Strong Force x3
King Cushan-Rishathaim
King Pekahiah x5

Multicolored Evil Enhancements
Lying Unto God (would switch for a DoN or Captured Ark if I had an extra one or would run this competitively)

Gray Evil Enhancements (19)
Naaman's Chariot and Horses (I only have one at the moment)
Gold Shield x3
Balaam's Disobedience x2
False Peace x3
Momentum Change x4
Bearing Bad News x2
Night Raid x3
Deadly Snare x3
Demonic Snare x2

The basic offensive strategy is to convert Paul and set him aside with Built on the Rock and use Hidden Treasures, make Peter and/or John Green and likely Gold to play all kinds of enhancements off Hidden Treasures and since they are garden tomb characters they are fairly effective.
Every Good card is New Testament and I don't want to change that.

The defense is a little bit of everything gray can do, capture/raiders' camp, balaam's disobedience and momentum change-bearing bad news.  Emperor Vitellius works well if I convert their evil characters to different brigades first so I can draw a bunch of cards.

This is my 3rd T2 deck so some of the more staple cards are all being used so I have to make due at the moment, including LS and Dominants, and some characters.

What do you think?  Suggestions?
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Offline Mr.Hiatus

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Re: New Testament Prophets (and Grey Defense)
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2009, 01:49:51 AM »
I would use 2-3 Raider's Camp and 2 art killers on your defense. Why PoC? Slrry but the  offense looks like a mess I would focus more on what you are doing more and stick to that. You have nothing to play on half your guys. Training on Rightousness on a guy with no enhs...needs  more cowbell, and battle winners.

Offline Isildur

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Re: New Testament Prophets (and Grey Defense)
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2009, 10:06:27 AM »
I would use 2-3 Raider's Camp and 2 art killers on your defense. Why PoC? Slrry but the  offense looks like a mess I would focus more on what you are doing more and stick to that. You have nothing to play on half your guys. Training on Rightousness on a guy with no enhs...needs  more cowbell, and battle winners.
+ 1 To the max
3 Prophets Packs ftw

Offline ChristianSoldier

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Re: New Testament Prophets (and Grey Defense)
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2009, 01:12:58 PM »
I would love to put another Raider's camp or 2 in my deck, but I don't currently have any more.
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