Author Topic: New Player (Round 2) Casper, WY  (Read 4446 times)

Offline Platinum_Angel

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New Player (Round 2) Casper, WY
« on: March 11, 2009, 10:52:45 AM »
Thank you for the information.  It was very helpful.

5. What starter decks could I combine (if any) to make a type 2 deck?
    What starter deck should I start with and modify for a type 1 deck?
       a) If i can combine starters...what cards do i have to take out for type 2?
       b) Do people play more type 1 or type 2?

6. What sets packs should I start purchasing for a beginner player (or should i just purchase singles)?

7. What do you mean by one special ability card (the card with the sickle on it)?

8. What kind of strategy should I start with as a beginner?
   a) What LS cards do i use for type 1 (7 minimum) type 2 (14 minimum)
   b) what site cards should i use in type 1 (how many) type 2 (is the count 3-5?)
   c) what artifacts should i use in type 1 (how many) type 2 (how many)
   d) what colors should i start with for heros and villans? (one color each or two?)
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Re: New Player (Round 2) Casper, WY
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2009, 11:49:46 AM »
Thank you for the information.  It was very helpful.

5. What starter decks could I combine (if any) to make a type 2 deck?
    What starter deck should I start with and modify for a type 1 deck?
       a) If i can combine starters...what cards do i have to take out for type 2?
       b) Do people play more type 1 or type 2?

6. What sets packs should I start purchasing for a beginner player (or should i just purchase singles)?

7. What do you mean by one special ability card (the card with the sickle on it)?

8. What kind of strategy should I start with as a beginner?
   a) What LS cards do i use for type 1 (7 minimum) type 2 (14 minimum)
   b) what site cards should i use in type 1 (how many) type 2 (is the count 3-5?)
   c) what artifacts should i use in type 1 (how many) type 2 (how many)
   d) what colors should i start with for heros and villans? (one color each or two?)
   5.  I think it is the G/H starter that people combine to make the type 2 deck.  The starter deck with the Crimson Brigade defense is the way to go because a lot of Crimson's best cards are all common or uncommon.
           a.  If you combine starters, then you only need to take out SoG and AoTL, then you must add 2 cards to make sure it is back to a minimum of 100 cards.
           b.  My experience and the numbers at tournaments (including nationals) all point to Type 1 2-player being the most popular category.  IMO, it is the easiest to build and start winning at when you're new.
   6.  If you have $10-15 depending on where you purchase, then the best way is to buy the tins (either FooF or RoA) because it lets you know on the bottom of the tin what cards you will get.  Plus, you get one pack from each of the previous non-retired sets.  So you get like 60 cards, and 10 of them start a theme for you.  If you don't have that much, then it becomes a matter of preference.  Kings being the top in my book for beginners.
    7.  I'm assuming you are asking a deck building question.  In Type 1, you can have only one of each individual card (a certain name) with writing on the picture.  In all types, you can have only one of each individual dominant (lamb or sickle).  For instance:  you can have two lamb iconic cards if they have different names like Son of God and Angel of the Lord.  Different cards but both have the lamb icon.  The same goes with the sickle Burial and Christian Martyr can be in the same deck but not 2 Christian Martyrs.
   8.  Strategy is personal preference.  What would you like to do or accomplish?  But I do tell all beginners to try and start with one brigade offense and one brigade defense. 
     a.  As many lost souls with Special Abilities that you have...but they have to have different SAs and artwork in Type 1 (you can't have 2 female only lost souls) in Type 2, you are allowed a Lost Soul SA for every 50 cards (so you can have 2 female only lost souls in a 100 card deck but not 3)
    b.  Sites are personal preferences.  Either use none or as many as there is lost souls (7 in type 1 or 14 in type 2)
   c.  artifacts are used to compliment your offense or defense.  this answer varies from deck to deck.  there are some staples but you probably don't have them as a beginner.
   d.  colors are the same as artifacts; it varies greatly to what you have and what you want to do.  As a beginner, start with colors that you own a lot of battle winners in.  "battle winner" is a term used to mean that the battle would immediately end in your favor. 

good luck and feel free to continue posting your questions!
noob with a medal

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Re: New Player (Round 2) Casper, WY
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2009, 12:05:09 PM »
7. What do you mean by one special ability card (the card with the sickle on it)?

I read your previous post, so now I think I know what you're asking.

  Like I eluded to in my first reply, an ability is the numbers in the top left hand corner, and the "special ability" is the writing on the card art that somehow impacts the game.
   Ex.  Idolaters is a brown evil character.  Their ability is 1/3.  Their special ability is:  Capture Aaron.
*So when they enter battle, if Aaron is in play somewhere then they take Aaron and put him with the other lost souls because he is captured per their special ability.
  Because Idolaters has the writing "Capture Aaron" then you are allowed only one of them in a 50-99 card Type 1 deck.  Whereas 5 are allowed in a 100 card Type 2 deck.

The dominants (Lamb and sickles) are different.  They are only ever allowed one of each individual dominant like I explained above.
noob with a medal

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Re: New Player (Round 2) Casper, WY
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2009, 12:06:04 PM »
Soul Seeker already answer and I'm sure all of what he said was accurate but I typed this up so I'll post is anyway.  :)

Welcome to Redemption.  I hope you find it to be as much fun as we do! ;D

There's a lot great articles at that will answer many of your questions as well as teach a lot of basic strategy.

5) The easiest starters to combine to make a T2 deck are 2 G/H
Also G/H
     a) The T2 deck building rules are in the back of the rulebook that comes with your starter deck.  It lists how many copies of different types of cards are allowed.  From the starter decks you would only be able to keep 1 copy of any dominant or multicolor Hero/Enhancement.
     b) Most people only play T1.  T2 is usually for people that have been playing for a while.

6) I would recommend getting tins from Faith of our Fathers and Rock of Ages.  If you only want packs Priests and Kings contain a lot of really good cards.

7) I'm not sure I understand this question.  A card with a special ability means that it has text over the picture.

8 Use something that's fun for you and as you aquire more cards try different strategies.  Different people enjoy different types of play (some like defense, some like to play fast, etc) so there's no right or wrong answer.  One thing I found when I was a new player is that I liked FBTN (Fight by the Numbers) characters (like Moses and Sapphira) because I didn't have to worry about what my opponent's cards did most of the time. :)
a) The lost souls you use depends on the type of strategy your deck is trying to use.  If you have them I would always use ones that have a special ability.
b) Your deck may or may not use sites depending on your strategy.  I recommend always having at least two site access cards in your deck (such as Dragon Raid or Promised Land).
c) These also vary from deck to deck.  Most will use 3-6 although some use none and others use a lot more.
d) Start with either one or two brigades on both offense and defense.  There's no right or wrong color to use.
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Re: New Player (Round 2) Casper, WY
« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2009, 12:07:41 PM »
wow, we'v been getting alot of new players lately
Your biggest competition is YOURSELF

Offline Platinum_Angel

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Re: New Player (Round 2) Casper, WY
« Reply #5 on: March 11, 2009, 12:18:30 PM »
Thank you again for the great advice. I have purchased a Collectors Edition starter and a 3rd edition starter. (I found another 3rd edition starter at Salvation Army for $1.95)

9. What is the best deck (e,f,g,h) to use for type 1?

10. What 2 colors should i use for the type one deck that i could combine with (e,f,g,h)?

11. What 2-3 colors should i use for the type 2 deck (g,h) and which cards could i add from (e,f)...if any?

12. Which lost soul cards should i use for the type 1 deck? type 2 deck? (can i get a list please? the lists I have found on the other posts don't have the Chapter and Verse reference so i can find them on LionsGaming website)
      a) If i were to use a couple 3 sites in my type 1 deck...what 3 do you suggest? (are the sites in the e,f,g,h
          starter decks good/bad to use?)
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Offline soul seeker

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Re: New Player (Round 2) Casper, WY
« Reply #6 on: March 11, 2009, 12:47:45 PM »
Thank you again for the great advice. I have purchased a Collectors Edition starter and a 3rd edition starter. (I found another 3rd edition starter at Salvation Army for $1.95)

9. What is the best deck (e,f,g,h) to use for type 1?

10. What 2 colors should i use for the type one deck that i could combine with (e,f,g,h)?

11. What 2-3 colors should i use for the type 2 deck (g,h) and which cards could i add from (e,f)...if any?

12. Which lost soul cards should i use for the type 1 deck? type 2 deck? (can i get a list please? the lists I have found on the other posts don't have the Chapter and Verse reference so i can find them on LionsGaming website)
      a) If i were to use a couple 3 sites in my type 1 deck...what 3 do you suggest? (are the sites in the e,f,g,h
          starter decks good/bad to use?)
BTW, Gabe is a good person to listen too.  He affirmed a lot of what I told you, but he added something I forgot.
9.  either the g or h crimson Defense.  I believe it's the G deck.  It has great cards to start with and Crimson cards are easier to come by...a lot of the "battle winners" are common and uncommon.
10.  purple and white work very well together.  Off the top of my head, then I would suggest those 2 brigades.  Just toy with different ones, it really is a matter of preference.
11.  My memory is a bit Hazy of what's in the E/F, so I'll let someone else tackle that.  However, if brigades colors match then put them in.
12.  There are some links here and there on the boards with lists for all the cards that have been released in Redemption.  I think you can use the search function to find them and download them.  One of the best sites is in the FooF tins which is Hormah.  The sites in the other starters is okay to start with but there are better ones depending on your strategy.  This game is very versatile for you to find what you like.
noob with a medal


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