Author Topic: New Player! Casper, WY  (Read 3243 times)

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New Player! Casper, WY
« on: March 10, 2009, 08:12:21 PM »
Hello!!! I am a new player. (New to Redemption that is) I have been playing numerous trading card games and board games for over 10 years. Each card game has an element and a strategy. I understand that in Redemption there is 2 basic formats and Rules for each format. I was hoping an experienced player (no offense to you newbies) could include me in on a lot of questions that I would like answers to. Since there are (as of yet) no players that I can find in Casper, WY I don't have people to ask questions. Please help???

1. What Starter Decks and sets are legal in type 2?
2. Is every set legal in type 1?
3. How many of each card and kind of card can you use in your deck?
4. What is the minimum and maximum deck count? (I understand the Lost Soul Count)

If you could please help me out with these first 4 questions, I would be eternally grateful!
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Offline Cameron the Conqueror

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Re: New Player! Casper, WY
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2009, 08:16:45 PM »
First off, welcome! 

1.  There are not currently any type 2 starter decks.  Type 2 is a separate, secondary strategy which is typically used by only advanced players.  It requires far more cards than Type 1.  Every card is legal in T2, but the deck building rules are different.

2.  Yes, every set is legal in T1.  In fact, Redemption has no banned cards.

3.  In T1, you can only have 1 of the same special ability card per 50 in deck.  I don't remember the T2 off hand.  However, the rule book has all the info you need for deck building.

4.  In T1, the minimum is 50 cards.  In T2, the minimum is 100 cards.  There are no maximum deck counts in either =D


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Re: New Player! Casper, WY
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2009, 08:29:41 PM »
Hey homeslice d/frizzle. I be ansarin' da questions 'yall have kay?

1.) All sets be legal in both types dawg.
2.) This iz a space taker hommie!

In type one, you may have....
1 of each card with a special ability per 50 cards in your deck
1 of each card that is multiple brigades and is a hero, enhancement, or evil character (ie: Philosophy)
3 of each card that is a single brigade and doesn't have a special ability
You may not have more sites that lost souls (silly)

Important things for type 1
Type one decks are a minimum of 50 cards, and there is no maximum.
For a 50 - 56 card deck you need 7 lost souls, for a 57-63 card deck you need 8. Don't go bigger than that, beings your new.

In type two, you may have....
Up to three of any Artifact, Covenant, or Curse
No more than 5 of any card
Maximum of 1 of each multi colored card that is a hero, enhancement, or evil character
Maximum of 1 of each special ability lost soul or site per 50 cards.

Important things in type 2
The number of your good cards and the number of your evil cards MUST be equal.
The number of sites may not exceed the number of Lost Souls in a deck.
There is no maximum of cards to a deck as long as it is 100 cards or more.
100-105 card decks need 14 lost souls, whereas 106-112 need 15 lost souls.

Naow homie I think I worded dat weird, so feel free to ask questions.


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Re: New Player! Casper, WY
« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2009, 07:02:22 PM »
sauce, he said no noobs.  ;)  :D

welcome! I recommend Redemption Table Simulater (RTS)for all your brilliant deck ideas! one of these boards (the RTS one...) has it all on there, and if you ever want to play anybody, hamachi is great for testing these decks before you go and buy all the cards you want for a deck that fails epically.


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Re: New Player! Casper, WY
« Reply #4 on: March 31, 2009, 08:05:23 PM »
welcome, NO I AM NOT A NOOBIE I've been playing for a long time and am pretty good (not to brag  :P ) but they're is a story behind my completely messed up status anyways I suggest you wait a little while before jumping on into t2 ;)


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