Author Topic: My take on Job  (Read 2002 times)

Offline Mr.Hiatus

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My take on Job
« on: April 18, 2011, 03:29:30 PM »
42 good

Seraphim x5 (band to blue)
Michael x2 any version works
TSA x3 warriors
Attending Angel x2
Angel of Warning x2

Job x4

Dust and Ashes x2
Chamber of Angels x1

Job's Faith x5
Abraham's Servant x3
Abraham's Descendant x3

Gathering of Angels x2
Swift Beings x5

Defense will probably be Crimson/orange. Rehobaom x3, Creeping Deceivers x5, Sapphira x2, Wolves in Sheep's Clothing x5, Judas' Plot x2 or 3 and the rest orange.


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Re: My take on Job
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2011, 03:49:17 PM »
I might use a few Jubilees, just because they take Job's Faith to hand instead of putting it to the bottom. Perhaps take out a few of the Seraphims? Otherwise, I really really like this offense.

Offline Mr.Hiatus

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Re: My take on Job
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2011, 04:16:35 PM »
But then I got a lot of enhs on offense. I would rather do Job's Faith x4 for 1 Jubilee, and something else for a Jubilee...

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Re: My take on Job
« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2011, 04:17:13 PM »
I would go with a couple Striking Herods instead of Swift Beings, Michael and SH has saved me a couple times in the endgame, and it goes well with TSA/Captain. I also like Consuming Fire to stop autoblocks like Uzzah, Trembling Demon, and Horses, all of which give Job problems.

4 Jobs isn't really necessary, I usually go with 3, but I guess it's up to you. I never use Gathering of Angels, it takes too long, and rarely works out in the end. I like Gloria in Excelsis Deo as well, to get rid of weapons instead of just negating them. And it stops human EC's of all brigades.

If you want to be creative, you can add a Jubilee or two, and maybe Stillness. If you get Job to fight Michael in a side battle, you can play as many Job's Faith's as you have, and then Stillness, since it will be a mutual destruction. No one loses, and you get to have your JF's back in hand.

Make sure you have a GoJ or two for Rehoboam, otherwise JF will negate him (unless you want him too).  
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Offline RTSmaniac

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Re: My take on Job
« Reply #4 on: April 18, 2011, 06:21:24 PM »
(unless you want him too). 

This is the way Lackey gave it to me. All hail the power of Lackey!

Offline Mr.Hiatus

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Re: My take on Job
« Reply #5 on: April 19, 2011, 01:26:06 AM »
I would go with a couple Striking Herods instead of Swift Beings, Michael and SH has saved me a couple times in the endgame, and it goes well with TSA/Captain.
I completely agree, but Swift Beings is in there solely for Job's Faith as you know. I could try out 3 SwiftB, and 2 SHerod's and switch it up.
I also like Consuming Fire to stop autoblocks like Uzzah, Trembling Demon, and Horses, all of which give Job problems.
Great suggestion, but the main reason them not being in there is because I don't see these being better then my enhancements. I thought about it, but I really don't mind them dying off and auto blocking a few times. TSA gathered stops them more times than Consuming Fire, which is why I chose Gathering over Consuming.
4 Jobs isn't really necessary, I usually go with 3, but I guess it's up to you.

This is just the first version, I will probably do 3, thanks.
I never use Gathering of Angels, it takes too long, and rarely works out in the end.
I feel like this card has more uses. Like I said above it stops auto blocks consistently, and a Job/TSA is pretty intimidating.
I like Gloria in Excelsis Deo as well, to get rid of weapons instead of just negating them. And it stops human EC's of all brigades.

If you want to be creative, you can add a Jubilee or two, and maybe Stillness. If you get Job to fight Michael in a side battle, you can play as many Job's Faith's as you have, and then Stillness, since it will be a mutual destruction. No one loses, and you get to have your JF's back in hand.
That was originally in here, but took it out for space. I don't see there being room for everything you suggested.

Make sure you have a GoJ or two for Rehoboam, otherwise JF will negate him (unless you want him too). 
Yeah I don't mind him negating the side battle. I just want to go out there and play it when I think it's needed. If I end up adding the Stillness' then I would definitely add GoJ. Still tweaking/testing, but great suggestions.

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Re: My take on Job
« Reply #6 on: April 19, 2011, 01:47:31 PM »
I guess I didn't really think about Seraphim and Job to play SB then JF, but I question if that will ever really work. How often will people play enhancements to get rid of Job (already pretty difficult) that can be interrupted? If you try it and it works, then go for it, but I think it's a bit unlikely. My experience with Job is that people use all the auto-blocks they can, and if they don't have any, then they just don't block. Pretty much the only time I get to play Job's Faith is in a side battle.

As for Gathering, if you find that they work, great. My biggest fear of set-asides that take that long is Darius' Decree. Almost every T2 deck nowadays packs two of them (if not 3). All your opponent has to do to ruin your day is wait until just before turn 4, pop it up, and Gathering is wasted.

I ended up taking out my Stillness/Jubilees as well, because while it was great when it worked, I found it rarely did.
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Offline RTSmaniac

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Re: My take on Job
« Reply #7 on: April 19, 2011, 09:55:45 PM »
I guess I didn't really think about Seraphim and Job to play SB then JF, but I question if that will ever really work
Herods. Other than that I agree. Stops Balaam's Disobedience.
This is the way Lackey gave it to me. All hail the power of Lackey!

Offline Mr.Hiatus

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Re: My take on Job
« Reply #8 on: April 20, 2011, 12:41:12 AM »
If they hurt Seraphim then I play it. I just need initiative, not necessarily them trying to hurt Job. I agree with the Gatherings versus Darius' Decree, but I only have 2 in there, so I don't mind too much. The Seraphim's are really in there for the banding of course, the Gathering would just be very nice if I got one out. I have yet to play with a Job deck, but from what I have heard, and from what you are saying, is that Job does not really need to recur Job's Faith b/c you never get to play it. I might remake this deck and just do Abraham's Descendants x5 and Job's Faith x3. Then all the rest silver with Gloria/Consuming Fire to stop the autoblocks. Who wants to give initiative to Job? So why bother maxing it all out.


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