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Just watch out for Judas Iscariot if you are going to use an all gold offense. If you run into him you are done for.
OUTHouse in Bethany (helps against demons, but won't really help win a battle)
Wall of Protection (most CtB decks will use their own ECs to block and none of your characters really need protected too much)
Temple of Dagon (no one really captures evil characters)A-Pole (you will never really get a chance to use this, most OT heroes use pre-block abilities)
Household Idols (can be good, but Darius' Decree is much, much better)
Most of the Gold enhancements except Meeting the messiah and a few Rep. and Rests (You need to splash in another offensive color)
Philly priests and Goliath (Not really that useful... add in more armor bearers)
Overwhelmed by Phillistines (too situational with phillys)
Philly Chariots and Horses (initiative really doesnt help Phillys)
Reckless Endangerement (not needed)
INDarius Decree x3
Bronze Laver x2
More Meeting the Messiah (probably 4 or 5)More Armor Bearers
Another Good Brigade