Author Topic: My first Type 2 Deck; I need Major Help!  (Read 7129 times)


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My first Type 2 Deck; I need Major Help!
« on: January 23, 2009, 10:53:06 PM »
Hi all! This is my first type 2 deck. I looked at some others posted around here and altered them a little (I'm not nearly smart/creative enough to create my own  ::)). I'm sure this thing couldn't beat 2 starter decks put together until you guys change it; so feel free to mock my deck!

Total Cards: 112
Neutral Cards: 22
Lost Souls: 15
Color Guard
Color Guard
Female Only
Female Only
NT Only
NT Only

Artifacts: 5
Assyria's Tribute
Burial Shroud
Chariots of Fire
Unholy Writ
Unholy Writ

Sites: 2
Dragon Raid

Good cards: 45
Fortresses: 2
The Throne of David
Wall of Protection

Dominants: 4
Son of God
New Jerusalem
Angel of the Lord
Guardian of your Souls

Purple Heroes: 18
Ethiopian Treasurer
Ethiopian Treasurer
King David
King David
King Hiram
King Hiram
King Jotham
King Jotham
King Lemuel
King Lemuel
King's Daughter
Other Heroes: 1
Faithful Servant

Purple Enhancements: 20[/u]
Authority of Christ (Promotional)
Authority of Christ (Promotional)
Authority of Christ (Promotional)
Authority of Christ (Promotional)
Authority of Christ (Promotional)
Reach of Desperation
Reach of Desperation
Reach of Desperation
Reach of Desperation
Reach of Desperation
Peace Treaty
Peace Treaty
Peace Treaty
Unified Kingdom
Unified Kingdom
Great Faith
Great Faith
Royal Parade
Royal Parade
Royal Parade

Evil Cards: 45

Pale Green Evil Characters: 17
Assyrian Archer
Assyrian Archer
Assyrian Archer
Assyrian Archer
Assyrian Archer
Esau, The Hunter
Esau, The Hunter
Prince of this World (Warriors)
Prince of this World (Warriors)
King Tiglath Pilser III
The Assyrian Spoilers
Women as Snares
Women as Snares
The Rabashakeh
The Rabasaris
Messenger of Satan
Messenger of Satan

Pale Green Evil Enhancements: 19

Forgotten History
Forgotten History
Forgotten History
Forgotten History
Forgotten History
Captured by Assyria
Captured by Assyria
Death of Unrighteous
Death of Unrighteous
The Rabsaris Attacks
Two Thousand Horses
Two Thousand Horses
Two Thousand Horses
Two Thousand Horses
Two Thousand Horses

Curses: 3
Unknown Nation
Captured Ark
Confusion of Mind

Fortresses: 2
Assyrian Camp
Assyrian Camp (I'm thinking about taking this out. Color Guard and One should be able to protect me from AOCP, right?

Dominants: 4
Christian Martyr
Destruction of Nehustan
Falling Away

On a side note, how am I supposed to lay my deck out? The way I sorted it looks so... weird.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2009, 10:32:54 PM by Rawrlolsauce! »

Offline Sean

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Re: My first Type 2 Deck; I need Major Help!
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2009, 11:02:44 PM »
For being your first T2 deck it looks pretty good.  You seem to have a good card pool as well, that's always the hardest part of getting into T2 in my opinion.

In general, you want to have more than one of everything in your deck.  This is of course not true for Dominants.  However, because T2 has large decks you will often not draw stuff unless you have multiple copies.  For that reason, I think you should try to get at least 2 of the important Fortresses such as Throne of David and Assyrian Camp.

As long as you lay out your deck clearly it isn't much of an issue what order you put the cards in.

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Re: My first Type 2 Deck; I need Major Help!
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2009, 11:09:24 PM »
For being your first T2 deck it looks pretty good.  You seem to have a good card pool as well, that's always the hardest part of getting into T2 in my opinion.
My card pool isn't that deep actually ;). I'm missing most of the FOOF/ROA on there as well as 2 more Authority of Christs. The rest I have to take out of my type 1 deck...  >:(.

Quote from: Sean
I think you should try to get at least 2 of the important Fortresses such as Throne of David and Assyrian Camp.
I understand The Throne of David, but I'm kinda reluctant to get rid of Assyrian Camp simply because I like my defense to... not die... and there are 5 AOCPS in there. Will removing 2 cards and adding 2 more enhancements really make that much of a difference?

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Re: My first Type 2 Deck; I need Major Help!
« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2009, 11:16:16 PM »
I think you misunderstood me about the Fortresses.  I think you should have more of them, not less.

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Re: My first Type 2 Deck; I need Major Help!
« Reply #4 on: January 23, 2009, 11:18:17 PM »
I think you misunderstood me about the Fortresses.  I think you should have more of them, not less.
... I guess that is what happens when I got about 4 hours of sleep last night and should go to sleep now...  ::)

What do you think I should take out for another TToD? I was thinking...
Lydia - (Already have 7 heroes to use 8 enhancement)
King Jotham - (No comment)
Assyria + Burial Shroud (then add 1 more evil card)
« Last Edit: January 23, 2009, 11:20:26 PM by Rawrlolsauce! »

Offline Sean

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Re: My first Type 2 Deck; I need Major Help!
« Reply #5 on: January 24, 2009, 01:30:13 PM »
I'd probably go without Esther unless you are going to face Haman's Plot.  Jotham I think is pretty useful because of all the warrior class evil characters.  I would sooner take out an enhancement than a Hero.  Maybe Unified Kingdom.

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Re: My first Type 2 Deck; I need Major Help!
« Reply #6 on: January 24, 2009, 01:33:22 PM »
I'd probably go without Esther unless you are going to face Haman's Plot. 
The reason Esther/King's Daughter are in there is for King Lemuel. I don't think 1 female royalty will draw fast enough, so I put in two.

Offline franta012

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Re: My first Type 2 Deck; I need Major Help!
« Reply #7 on: February 23, 2009, 08:17:17 PM »
Ya might want a storehouse with all your enhancements.


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Re: My first Type 2 Deck; I need Major Help!
« Reply #8 on: February 23, 2009, 10:01:43 PM »
Ya might want a storehouse with all your enhancements.
I originally was trying to work that in, but I didn't know what to take out. I don't have banding aside from Assyrian Archer so I was thinking of taking out Wall of Protection, but I'm not sure about that. If they can band to my Archers they could abuse my strategy :(

I'd also like to work in a Household Idols or 5... maybe have a split defense. If I were to have a split defence It would probably be black, so I can have 12 Fingered-Giant x 5 just to make sure Ring Wraith can't abuse his pre-battle immunity or banding  8). I'd probably also add in another Chariots of Fire to make sure I can easily recur my heroes because of Wrath of Satan.

I don't know. I've been making different versions on RTS and playing them against other working decks I uploaded around here. I guess I'll just use Guess and Check :/.

Thanks for your opinion/changes.
Changed a tad. I added in a couple of Messanger of Satans, took out King Sargon II. I'll probably also take out another Prince for Women as Snares
« Last Edit: February 23, 2009, 10:33:57 PM by Rawrlolsauce! »


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Re: My first Type 2 Deck; I need Major Help!
« Reply #9 on: February 23, 2009, 10:44:00 PM »
you don't think I can't get around your 12 Fingers? silly little hobbitses. hello, my name is (heh, shouldn't tell you my escape route), you *cough tried to cough* killed my band, prepare to die!

and HHI is no problem with 3 Covenant's with David.

you NEED a JT, or I will rip you apart with confusions.

and for your side note, I suggest you say "Forgotton History x5" and the like.

also, bravo on your lack of captures, you are VERY smart for it. Blue Tassels is rampant. but instead of Pergamum, I suggest Assyria, as you can utilize King Sargon II for both your camps and the capture, just in case you run into someone who doesn't (well... I don't use it, but I don't need to, I'll be immune.)

and 5 Assyrian Archers isn't important. also, you can take out one Esau the Hunter if you add Assyria, as you only have 4 captures. King Asnapper is a nice add, as he can wipe a Syrian defence, like my fathers, (so long as you can get around the whole House of Rimmon dealy-o, but Assyria Conquers Israel takes care of that... you might want to add one of those, just for pesky things that might screw with your defence, like a Throne of David... ... ... ... ...)

good deck though!

Offline TheraxC

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Re: My first Type 2 Deck; I need Major Help!
« Reply #10 on: February 24, 2009, 12:49:10 AM »
good to see someone new joining type 2

  first off, I'd cut the deck down to 105 card for more reliability

  second, my type 2 deck is also purple and designed to attack on every turn, and 14 heroes are usually enough for this, many in our playgroup run 12 or even less, it depends on how disposable you treat them
  same for evil character, 14 means that very few turns pass without defense
of course, my deck does feature 5x AOC/P, 5x Wrath of Satan, so the count has to be high for me

  as for evil protect forts, one plus one way to search for it, or 2/3 lost soul sites of the right color for color guard is ok, but as you're running purple you probably want more, one site + color guards will never happen when it counts

  Dragon Raid and Pergamum is more harm that good, you won't have much of a chance against a dedicated site deck with only 1 multicolored site, and the Pergamum will hurt you more that it helps, use a generic purple site for protection instead (2/3), or use (2x) promised land and/or an artifact like temple vale (1), searched up by the magi (1) who can also find other important single artifacts, like Burial Shroud and Unholy Writ

  bottom line for finding impotent cards in time in a hundred card deck is you need 3 ways to get it (1 copy + 2 search, or three copies) two is somewhat risky, based on my experience

  other than that, consider cutting Ethiopian Treasurer for 2 more Kings Daughter, depending on your playgroup, he may just be a 5/4 New Testament male, but she's a female royalty with site access

  overall very good, sort of what I was imagining of building for a Throne of David deck on the offense
disclamer - all comment only apply to type 2 unless otherwise noted


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Re: My first Type 2 Deck; I need Major Help!
« Reply #11 on: February 24, 2009, 09:01:11 AM »
  other than that, consider cutting Ethiopian Treasurer for 2 more Kings Daughter, depending on your playgroup, he may just be a 5/4 New Testament male, but she's a female royalty with site access
we hate sites in type 2. franta012 tried it once... my 4ish brigade colors in all of my decks totally kill that idea.

but, with protection forts, ET isn't as good, and we like protection forts, so that's a good idea. but your math is a little off...

Offline franta012

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Re: My first Type 2 Deck; I need Major Help!
« Reply #12 on: February 24, 2009, 04:57:49 PM »
Yeah, you won't have to worry about sites unless we go to a big tournament.
Ring Wraith is right:  ET has lost a lot of power with protection forts.  aocp can still be used to win battles, however.
HHI might be a good idea.  Ring Wraith and I use banding, but he uses 3 Cov w/ David.  This is your call.  (Forcing him to activate that as his artifact would be beneficial)

A split defense is a great idea!  I really enjoyed having 2 brigades with my new deck this tournament.  Ring Wraith's dad uses Jacob and pre-battle ignoring.  So then I would just choose the other brigade!

I guess the most important thing is to test it out.


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Re: My first Type 2 Deck; I need Major Help!
« Reply #13 on: February 24, 2009, 05:30:49 PM »
14 heroes are usually enough for this, many in our playgroup run 12 or even less, it depends on how disposable you treat them
Originally I had 16, I just didn't know what else to put on good, so I added more. Ones I'd probably take out: Ethiopian Treasurer, Widow, Faithful Servant.

  same for evil character, 14 means that very few turns pass without defense
of course, my deck does feature 5x AOC/P, 5x Wrath of Satan, so the count has to be high for me
I'd like to keep plenty of characters for defense. I was thinking about adding a few more Death of Unrighteous, and with those and AOCP x 5 my evil characters will die quickly.

  as for evil protect forts, one plus one way to search for it, or 2/3 lost soul sites of the right color for color guard is ok, but as you're running purple you probably want more, one site + color guards will never happen when it counts
I want 2 in there because one will probably get discarded. I did plan to add Assyria and King Sargon II, however.

  Dragon Raid and Pergamum is more harm that good, you won't have much of a chance against a dedicated site deck with only 1 multicolored site, and the Pergamum will hurt you more that it helps, use a generic purple site for protection instead (2/3), or use (2x) promised land and/or an artifact like temple vale (1), searched up by the magi (1) who can also find other important single artifacts, like Burial Shroud and Unholy Writ
I'm not to worried about sites. I'm fairly sure no one in my playgroup uses a Type II site deck, and if I'm playing against people I don't know I do usually bump up my access.

  other than that, consider cutting Ethiopian Treasurer for 2 more Kings Daughter, depending on your playgroup, he may just be a 5/4 New Testament male, but she's a female royalty with site access
Even without AOCP, ET is still a great add. I don't have a lot of banding on offense, so if I'm worried about CM I can have ET play Unified Kingdom, or I could have him use Reach of Desperation also if I'm afraid of someone blocking with Assyrian Archer x 5 and playing Forgotten History (Don't you just hate it when people use that defence?) I was planning on taking one out, however.

On a side note, I'm working on splitting the defence... :)


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Re: My first Type 2 Deck; I need Major Help!
« Reply #14 on: February 24, 2009, 06:46:43 PM »
HHI might be a good idea.  Ring Wraith and I use banding, but he uses 3 Cov w/ David.  This is your call.  (Forcing him to activate that as his artifact would be beneficial)

A split defense is a great idea!  I really enjoyed having 2 brigades with my new deck this tournament.  Ring Wraith's dad uses Jacob and pre-battle ignoring.  So then I would just choose the other brigade!
not that beneficial. go ahead and waste a DoN on that or Alter of Burnt Offering, there'll always be another waiting. and if Covenant with David isn't up, the Lampy will be... it's how my deck rolls :P

franta, your "split defence" isn't ordinary. I think it will be very difficult to use a split defence because 2k horses are so powerful, and you'll either not have enough killers for them, or not have enough of them...

also, black is weak :P

Offline TheraxC

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Re: My first Type 2 Deck; I need Major Help!
« Reply #15 on: February 25, 2009, 09:03:20 PM »
we hate sites in type 2. franta012 tried it once... my 4ish brigade colors in all of my decks totally kill that idea.

Not many people around here use more than 2 or 4 single colored sites in their decks, so one tournament I went down to one multi colored site, and someone decided that the group didn't have very many site access cards and built a site deck. Not a very good site deck, but it had something like 12 single colored sites of various colors and owned some people. You never know what strategies you will face, but if your group doesn't use sites, I wouldn't be too concerned about them.

your math is a little off...

Yea, I didn't bother to run any probability calculations. Based off of experience, I'm going to stick with 3 copies of or ways to find cards I need early to mid game, and 2 copies of cards I want to find in long game situations, in case one gets discarded.
disclamer - all comment only apply to type 2 unless otherwise noted


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