Author Topic: Moabernacle  (Read 5210 times)

Offline Bobbert

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« on: May 14, 2018, 12:38:08 PM »
The full list that I posted the defense for last week.

100 Cards

38 good
Son of God
The Second Coming
Angel of the Lord
Grapes of Wrath
Glory of the Lord
Guardian of Your Souls  -6 doms
The Tabernacle  -1 fort
Covenant of Prayer x2
You Will Remain x2
Eternal Covenant   -5 covenants
Eleazar, son of Aaron
Ithamar, son of Aaron
Phineas, son of Eleazar (FoM) x2
Dutiful Priest x4
Ahimaaz (FoM)
Captured Priest x2
Eli the Priest (P)
Angel Under the Oak
Joshua, son of Nun
Captain of the Host (Kings)   -16 heroes
Hope  -1 enhancement/hero
Zeal for the Lord x2
Gifts and Offerings x2
Eli's Sound Advice x2
Trumpet and Sword
Zadok Anoints Solomon
Sword of the Spirit  -9 enhancements

38 Evil
Christian Martyr
Rubble and Dust
Falling Away (CoW)
Destruction of Nehushtan  -5 dominants
Overtaken x2   -3 curses
Sabbath Breaker x2
Deciever x2
Moab x2
Balak x2
Emim x2
Moabite Army x2
Moabite Marauders x2
Orpah  -18 ECs
Chemosh Worship
Death of Family
Idol Worship
Balaam's Disobedience x2
Balaam's Teaching x2
Naaman's Chariot x2
Paying Taxes   -12 EEs

24 Neutral
14 Souls
Darkness x2
Prosperity x2
Wanderer x2
Humble x2
Covet x2
Wicked x2
Vindicated x2

Three Woes
Ark of the Covenant
Aaron's Staff x2
Urim and Thummim
Tables of the Law
Book of the Covenant
Ends of the Earth
Gamaliel's Speech

5 good
The Tabernacle
Gifts and Offerings x2
Zeal for the Lord x2
5 evil
Fall of Man
Balaam's Disobedience

This deck wins souls primarily through spamming the three best teal cards: Zeal, DP, and G&O. The defense contains a lot of interruptible chump blocks (Emim, Balaam/Balak, Orpah) that become CBN with Overtaken.

The offense of this deck revolves around Tabernacle being able to grab Gifts and Zeal from reserve or discard with almost every rescue. I'm effectively running five Tabernacles for the purpose of my opening hand: one copy of the card, Glory, Ithamar, and two I am Gabe. There are two other semi-important good setup cards: Eleazar (grabs Phineas, Ahimaaz, and U&T) and Eli (grabs the arts). I'm only running three copies of Eleazar (himself and two jet priests), but I have 4.5 Elis (him, jets, Auto, and ZAS). Auto has a second target in Josh - though Josh/Cap aren't priests, they are still powerful, can be banded to by Phineas/Not Alone, can use SotS and synergize with ESA and Trumpet and Sword.
Similarly, the defense comes out a lot quicker if I find Moab turn one. I have two copies in deck, one in reserve, two Decievers, and two Darkness to try and find him early. I am Gabe can also pull him, if I already have access to Tabernacle. Most of the time I drop him to pull Balak to pull Balaam.

Because Balak negates OT heroes while a curse is up (which will be often, especially if my opponent is running an OT offense), Aaron's Staff is important enough to run two.

I'm a little hesitant on Hope in this deck - it's a fantastic card, but with how few GEs there are in the main deck I'm not sure it's the best choice here. I think most of the time it'll effectively be a band.

One of the main weaknesses of this deck is its reliance on searching - HSR shuts it down hard. There are a few ways to get rid of that annoyance (DoN, 3W, PT), but if you don't have them when it goes up it could be a rough game.

Cards I'd like to add are Pentecost/First Fruits, more jet priests, Namaan and more Chariots, and a second Orpah.
ANB is good. Change my mind.

Offline Mr.Hiatus

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Re: Moabernacle
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2018, 02:38:10 PM »
What stood out to me was the number of enhs. I know you’re strategy is to recur but you can’t recur it if you never get to play it. Especially with all the negate + battle winners, you’re going to need 2-3 enhs to win a battle, IMO. I love this deck concept and I like the new teal but I can see this taking a while to get the enhs you need out plus the recursion to get going. I like Dutiful Priest + His Name is John. I was looking over your reserve and noticed the other two copies so that helps I’m sure but is this coming out consistently and fast?
I like the defense, I like to use 15-17 ee’s is 12 enough to block with?

Offline Bobbert

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Re: Moabernacle
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2018, 03:17:11 PM »
What stood out to me was the number of enhs. I know you’re strategy is to recur but you can’t recur it if you never get to play it. Especially with all the negate + battle winners, you’re going to need 2-3 enhs to win a battle, IMO. I love this deck concept and I like the new teal but I can see this taking a while to get the enhs you need out plus the recursion to get going. I like Dutiful Priest + His Name is John. I was looking over your reserve and noticed the other two copies so that helps I’m sure but is this coming out consistently and fast?
I like the defense, I like to use 15-17 ee’s is 12 enough to block with?

These are excellent points. While I haven't had a chance to actually test this yet, I think that the current build makes up for what would traditionally be a lack of both good and evil enhancements.

Again, one of the main ideas here is to get Tabernacle up and running add quickly as possible. The reason for so many of my best GEs in reserve is twofold: firstly, it guarantees that I have access to them if I can find Tabernacle, meaning that instead of four copies of each in my deck I effectively have seven (two enhancements and five Tabernacles that can grab the ones in reserve). Secondly, it's Confusion protection - even if the two in the deck are banished, the two in reserve are safe.
HNiJ is a great card that I might consider. It would mean declaring a DP as Solomon's instead of Tabernacle, but cbn G&O might be worth it.
I will say that I am considering swapping Hope out for the slightly more reliable Scapegoat. That said, I can recur Hope with EC, which may be enough to make the variance worth keeping.

The defense is composed primarily of autoblocks (Orpah, Emim, Balak), pseudo-FBTN (Balaam), banding (Army/Marauders), and initiative (SB, Balak, Marauders). The initiative plays Disobedience, the banding chains try to negate AoE, the autoblocks chump (especially if Overtaken activates). Balaam with Balak in territory is hard to get around unless you have a CBP way to interrupt Balak and win the battle. It's also easy to get them both out - drop Moab on an empty board and suddenly you have all three of them.
I could definitely see adding some more enhancements, but a lot of the time I'm not sure I need them. If Moab is in play then 80% of the characters get to grab either a negate (unsuccessful) or a battlewinner (FoM/BD) from reserve (and Army gets to do it for free).

One other thing I realized is that Vindicated isn't a great soul in T2, since it's rescuer's choice. Not sure what I'll replace it with at the moment, but they will likely come out.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2018, 03:25:39 PM by Bobbert »
ANB is good. Change my mind.

Offline The Guardian

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Re: Moabernacle
« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2018, 03:24:33 PM »
With an OT LS line-up, I think Blind LS is the way to go. With how quickly your ECs can pop out, I might consider cutting Darkness LS and going with Punisher (or maybe one of each).

Fortress Alstad
Have you checked the REG?
Have you looked it up in ORCID?

Offline Bobbert

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Re: Moabernacle
« Reply #4 on: May 14, 2018, 03:48:55 PM »
I forgot that Blind was a card :P Yeah, that'll be a good call.

Darkness is mainly there as a turn 1 Moab. I could maybe see replacing them since they aren't very reliable after turn one, but to my mind Darkness>Moab>Balak>Balaam before the first turn is worth a possibly dead soul. I'll have to think about the tradeoffs, and if 1 and 1 is worth diluting the chance for the ideal turn 1.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2018, 03:58:38 PM by Bobbert »
ANB is good. Change my mind.

Offline The Guardian

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Re: Moabernacle
« Reply #5 on: May 14, 2018, 03:59:19 PM »
Yeah, that's definitely worth testing. You certainly could be right that the pay-off is worth risking a useless LS.
Fortress Alstad
Have you checked the REG?
Have you looked it up in ORCID?


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