Author Topic: Kings, and priests with Caananites  (Read 1618 times)

Offline KingLeo

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Kings, and priests with Caananites
« on: May 26, 2013, 10:33:52 PM »
First time building type 2 deck

Cards in deck: 100
Lost Souls: 16
   Lost Soul (Female Only)
   Lost Soul (female only)
   Lost Soul (first round)
   Lost Soul (first round)
   Lost Soul (Fool)
   Lost Soul (Fool)
   Lost Soul (hopper)
   Lost Soul (hopper)
   Lost Soul (N.T. only)
   Lost Soul (N.T. only)
   Lost Soul (Rejoice)
   Lost Soul (Resurrection)
   Lost Soul (Resurrection)
   Lost Soul (revealer)
   Lost Soul (revealer)
   Lost Soul (Wanderer)

Lamb Dominants: 3
   Angel of the Lord
   New Jerusalem
   Son of God

Grim Reaper Dominants: 6
   Christian Martyr
   Christian Martyr
   Falling Away
   Falling Away
   Vain Philosophy

Fortresses: 6
   Solomon's Temple
   Solomon's Temple
   The Throne of David
   The Throne of David
   Tower of Thebez
   Tower of Thebez

Multi-Color Sites: 2
   Kidron Valley (Teal)
   Kidron Valley (Teal)

Artifacts: 6
   Book of the Law
   Book of the Law
   Golden Cherubim
   Golden Cherubim
   Table of Showbread
   Table of Showbread

Multi-Color Heroes: 12
   Elishama the Priest (Teal)
   Elishama the Priest (Teal)
   Hilkiah the High Priest (Teal)
   Hilkiah the High Priest (Teal)
   Jehoram the Priest (Teal)
   Jehoram the Priest (Teal)
   Jehoram the Priest (Teal)
   Jehoram the Priest (Teal)
   Melchizedek (purple/teal)
   Melchizedek (purple/teal)
   Temple Priests (Teal)
   Temple Priests (Teal)

Purple Heroes: 6
   King David
   King David
   King Jehoshaphat
   King Jehoshaphat
   King Solomon
   King Solomon

Multi-Color Hero Enhancements: 8
   Burning Incense (Teal)
   Burning Incense (Teal)
   Jehoiada's Strength (Teal)
   Jehoiada's Strength (Teal)
   Jehoiada's Strength (Teal)
   Temple Dedication (Purple/Teal/White)
   Zeal for the Lord (Teal)
   Zeal for the Lord (Teal)

Purple Hero Enhancements: 6
   Peace Treaty
   Peace Treaty
   Royal Parade
   Royal Parade
   Unified Kingdom
   Unified Kingdom

Black Evil Characters: 14
   Gibeonite Delegates
   Gibeonite Delegates
   Gibeonite Delegates
   Gibeonite Delegates
   Lot's Wife
   Lot's Wife
   Lot's Wife
   Lot's Wife
   The Woman of Thebez
   The Woman of Thebez
   The Woman of Thebez

Black Evil Enhancements: 11
   Denying Blame
   Denying Blame
   Fortify Site
   Gibeonite Trickery
   Gibeonite Trickery
   Pride of Simon
   Stone of Thebez
   Stone of Thebez
   Stone of Thebez
   Wickedness of Delilah
   Wickedness of Delilah

please forgive me if I'm doing idiotic things XD I need to know what I am doing wrong and what I can do better.

Strategy - Rescue with a purple king, band all but teal hero to battle. Have Elishama or jehoram priest in battle with abilities active. Use their abilities to put Jehoiada's Strength on character in territory. Come back from battle.

Next turn, Go rescue with guy having Jehoiada's Strength on him. Band all but one purple hero, make sure Elishama or jehoram enter battle. put unified kingdom on a purple hero (preferable david) Come back and go to square one.

Thx KingLeo
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Offline jbeers285

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Re: Kings, and priests with Caananites
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2013, 10:38:43 PM »
1st u can only have one copy of each Dom

Otherwise everyone would play 4 SoG and 4NJ

2nd I think u need to use more then uniques and use less duplicates of characters other wise you will end up hand clogged.
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Offline Redoubter

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Re: Kings, and priests with Caananites
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2013, 10:49:58 PM »
1st u can only have one copy of each Dom

Otherwise everyone would play 4 SoG and 4NJ

Also, you really should put in every useful Dom in T2, since the cap isn't an issue.

2nd I think u need to use more then uniques and use less duplicates of characters other wise you will end up hand clogged.

Also agreed.  I've tried to make this deck in the past and run into problems relying on certain characters while at the same time not getting hand clog.  If you have more than 2 of any unique character, you will end up with hand clog sooner or later, and 4 copies will hurt you.  Further, you only have 3 purple kings.  I would recommend adding King Hiram.  Like Solomon, he can pull out your fortresses.  With both of them, you may be able to cut back on total fortresses as well.

As someone who has played Canaanites, you should keep Delegates x4, but cut back on the number of Lot's Wives at least, probably the others.  They come back with Fortify Site (you need 4, trust me), and right now, besides the delegates, you can only play 3 characters.  That's too few.  Throw in Jezebel, who is fun anti-meta in general and can burn opponents' enhancements if you give up SI with it and can remove troublesome characters without granting it in most cases.  Also include Shechem.  He may not be the greatest, but he gives you another option.  Abimelech is an amazing character as well, even without using Gideon.  Give yourself more options to play.

As said before, you need 4 Fortify Sites.  You also need 4 Gibeonite Trickeries and 4 Stones of Thebez.  I know it is a lot of enhancements, but you will win battles outright without them being able to do a thing about it.  For an interrupt, use JiP instead of Denying Blame, and if you end up with any room, Hunger is just mean when played on Delegates before Trickery.


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