Author Topic: Job/ItC  (Read 7105 times)

Offline Noah

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« on: May 01, 2013, 04:33:18 PM »
Version 1.1

Total Cards 105

Good 40

Doms 5

Grapes of Wrath
Son of God
New Jerusalem
Angel of the Lord
Guardian of Your souls

Forts 3

Dust and Ashes x3

Covs 2

I Am Holy x2

Heroes 14

Job x4
Michael x2
Angel at Shur x2
Angel of Warning x3
Attending Angel x3

Good Enhancements 17

Coat of Many Colors
Wheel Within a Wheel x2
ItC x2
Book of Hozai x2
Abraham's Descendent x2 +2
Jubilee x2
Stillness x2
Job's Faith x4

Neutral 23

Sites 6

Samaria x4
Golgotha x2

Arts 3

Holy Grail
Household Idols x2
Darius' Decree x2

Lost Souls 14

Exchanger x2
Far Country x2
N.T. Only x2
Female Only x2
CbP x2
Revealer x2
Shame x2
FbtN LS x2

Evil 40

Doms 5

Destruction of Nehushtan
Christian Martyr
Falling Away

Forts 7

Gates of Jerusalem x3
Gates of Samaria x2
High Places x2
Satan's Seat

Curses 1

Captured Ark x2

Evil Characters 15

King Rehoboam x3
King Ahab x2
King Omri x2
King Amon x2
King Ahaz
The Amalekite's Slave
King Manasseh
Assyrian Survivor x3

Evil Enhancements 13

Image of Jealousy x2
Death of Unrighteous x4 x3
Threatened Lives x4
Land Purchase x4

Any advise welcome. The main problems I have with this deck are King David, Thaddeus, and Hezekiah's Signet Ring. Thanks
« Last Edit: May 13, 2013, 01:14:13 PM by tripleplayNo3 »
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Offline jbeers285

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Re: Job
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2013, 05:34:26 PM »
U may need additional targets for DoU not entirely sure

Samaria seems to be a good bonus in t2 it's dangerous to build a deck around 4 sites though
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Offline Mageduckey

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Re: Job
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2013, 06:15:45 PM »
I see 4 angels (including Michael) but no Striking Herod.  ???

Offline Noah

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Re: Job
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2013, 06:34:24 PM »
U may need additional targets for DoU not entirely sure

I might add another Assyrian Survivor.

Samaria seems to be a good bonus in t2 it's dangerous to build a deck around 4 sites though

It's built more around the In the Clouds Defense with Samaria as a bonus and to make Job 0/6.

I see 4 angels (including Michael) but no Striking Herod.  ???

There wasn't enough room with all the Good Enhancements in here already, Otherwise I would add 2 or 3. :)
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Offline Mageduckey

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Re: Job
« Reply #4 on: May 01, 2013, 09:00:15 PM »
So your defense has three parts:
1) Rehoboam to use In The Clouds (doesn't work against large banding chains and can't be recurred much)
2) Land Purchase to tuck the targeted LS into a site
3) Threatened Lives w/High Places to keep hiding souls

First, I'm not sure how reliable ItC w/Rehoboam's side battle is - you can only use it a maximum of 5 times (2xItC, 1xCoat+Stillness, 2xAbe's Descendants), with the recursion being situational on having Golgotha up or Coat in hand.  Not to mention any banding chain larger than two will get past.

Second, I'm just starting to play T2 so I'm not sure how common FBN offenses are, but making Land Purchase CBN is nice.  Since it's basically a suicide move (they lose access, no need to play other enhancements), having an extra Omri might help against FBN.  Also, Amon is a very nice play because you'll almost always have initiative; it might be worth a second Manny (to get one in d/c sooner for recursion) and another Amon to recur Land Purchase one extra time.

Again, new to T2 here, but if your opponent has site access, once they realize what you're doing they'll always throw that site access into battle to stop the LP block.  Plus any Isaiah or Sam deck will have constant site access and can probably attack more often than you can recur the ItC block.

Lastly, if they have Nazareth up you're screwed (DoU and ItC being your only other blocks).  Taking Naboth's Vineyard can take their Naz for you to underdeck with Threatened Lives, getting it out of the way for a while, and it fits right in.  Personally, I'd add another Amon and 1-2 TNV (not sure what to take out, though).  TNV can also help you clear out their site access to make your LP blocks more effective.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2013, 09:05:09 PM by Mageduckey »

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Re: Job
« Reply #5 on: May 01, 2013, 10:05:39 PM »
I'm just getting into Type 2, but I've played Job in T1 and this offense looks interesting to me. I might go with a different defense (I used Magicians in T1), but I never considered a T2 Job.
Redemption Curmudgeon
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Re: Job
« Reply #6 on: May 01, 2013, 10:26:37 PM »

The ItC is good for infinite blocks as Jubilee recurs Stillness each iteration.

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Offline Mageduckey

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Re: Job
« Reply #7 on: May 01, 2013, 10:34:33 PM »
Okay, but how do his angels play Stillness and Jubilee infinitely with only one Coat?  Unless you mean he uses Jubilee on Job, in which case only Stillness' infinite play ability is unclear.

Offline Captain Kirk

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Re: Job
« Reply #8 on: May 01, 2013, 10:43:44 PM »
You play Coat + ItC + Jubilee + Stillness each turn on one hero of your choice. You get back all enhancements except Stillness which is recurred by Jubilee.

Also I don't think you fully understand what his deck is trying to accomplish. His Samaria sites are not to get blocks as your post suggests. Rather they are there to decrease the opponents' characters. Threatened Lives and DoU allow him to send Samarias to deck to play again and search out with Omri, Land Purchase, and Angel of Warning. He can recur his evil enhancements via Golgotha constantly as well to keep cycling Samarias. The deck works rather well - I played against it.

« Last Edit: May 01, 2013, 10:49:09 PM by Captain Kirk »
Friends don't let friends play T1 multi.

Offline Noah

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Re: Job
« Reply #9 on: May 01, 2013, 10:45:17 PM »
So your defense has three parts:
1) Rehoboam to use In The Clouds (doesn't work against large banding chains and can't be recurred much)
2) Land Purchase to tuck the targeted LS into a site
3) Threatened Lives w/High Places to keep hiding souls

I know there's a lot going on but it all works well together.

Second, I'm just starting to play T2 so I'm not sure how common FBN offenses are, but making Land Purchase CBN is nice.  Since it's basically a suicide move (they lose access, no need to play other enhancements), having an extra Omri might help against FBN.  Also, Amon is a very nice play because you'll almost always have initiative; it might be worth a second Manny (to get one in d/c sooner for recursion) and another Amon to recur Land Purchase one extra time.

If you can find some cards to take out I'd probably add those.

Again, new to T2 here, but if your opponent has site access, once they realize what you're doing they'll always throw that site access into battle to stop the LP block.  Plus any Isaiah or Sam deck will have constant site access and can probably attack more often than you can recur the ItC block.

Land Purchase and Threatened Lives are mainly for stalling till I get ItC set up.

Lastly, if they have Nazareth up you're screwed (DoU and ItC being your only other blocks).  Taking Naboth's Vineyard can take their Naz for you to underdeck with Threatened Lives, getting it out of the way for a while, and it fits right in.  Personally, I'd add another Amon and 1-2 TNV (not sure what to take out, though).  TNV can also help you clear out their site access to make your LP blocks more effective.

I thought you could underdeck your opponent's site without having to control it?

Thanks for all the comments so far.
Filling my Ark since Nats 2016.

Soli Deo Gloria


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Re: Job
« Reply #10 on: May 01, 2013, 10:46:04 PM »
Overall, very nice.  I assume that Gologtha is in there just for recursion with Abe's kids.  Correct?

I see 4 angels (including Michael) but no Striking Herod.  ???

There wasn't enough room with all the Good Enhancements in here already, Otherwise I would add 2 or 3. :)
You may have to find room for at least one silver battle winner. Otherwise I think Goliath would be a large-scale problem for your offense.

Offline Mageduckey

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Re: Job
« Reply #11 on: May 01, 2013, 10:48:18 PM »
Wow, I'm apparently out of it tonight - Stillness returns Coat and Threatened Lives can target any site (not just yours).  My bad.

Offline Noah

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Re: Job
« Reply #12 on: May 01, 2013, 10:54:37 PM »
Overall, very nice.  I assume that Gologtha is in there just for recursion with Abe's kids.  Correct?

Golgotha's for Abe's Kids, Threatened Lives, and DoU. 8)

I see 4 angels (including Michael) but no Striking Herod.  ???

There wasn't enough room with all the Good Enhancements in here already, Otherwise I would add 2 or 3. :)
You may have to find room for at least one silver battle winner. Otherwise I think Goliath would be a large-scale problem for your offense.

That's what Holy Grail is supposed to be for. If you see anything that can go feel free. I could take out Book of Hozai x2, But that would just make it slower. I guess You can't get much slower though.
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Soli Deo Gloria


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Re: Job
« Reply #13 on: May 02, 2013, 12:34:20 AM »
I think it would be more beneficial to have max Abe's Descendants and drop the Books o' Hozai, since Descendants is such a versatile card.

I would highly recommend swapping 2 LS of your choice for 2 Negater LS to shut off the Thorns, as that LS could be troublesome for you.

I'd rather have Darius' Decree x2 instead of Household Idols x2, for Fishing Boat and anti-preblock playing insurance, and in case your Job is Water-jarred.

It's too bad the best counter to King David and Thad (Cov w/ Death) is also counterproductive to your strategy, since Satan's Seat won't last long against DragonRaid. Image o' Jealousy would be a nice add if you had room, but Disciples would probably just Passover Hymn it away...

I'd probably prefer 1 Gomer instead of 1 TAS to potentially band to your opponent's def.

I think Mayhem warrants a spot. I know if you have all the cards you need you will never use it but if you don't have the right hand it could be a lifesaver.

I like the deck very much! 8) Did you have much luck at the last tourney with it?
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Offline Noah

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Re: Job
« Reply #14 on: May 02, 2013, 09:29:12 AM »
I think it would be more beneficial to have max Abe's Descendants and drop the Books o' Hozai, since Descendants is such a versatile card.


I would highly recommend swapping 2 LS of your choice for 2 Negater LS to shut off the Thorns, as that LS could be troublesome for you.

I'll probably take out either the N.T. only x2 or revealer x2.

I'd rather have Darius' Decree x2 instead of Household Idols x2, for Fishing Boat and anti-preblock playing insurance, and in case your Job is Water-jarred.

That's a good point especially seeing as both my brothers play Disciples and Samaritans. :P

It's too bad the best counter to King David and Thad (Cov w/ Death) is also counterproductive to your strategy, since Satan's Seat won't last long against DragonRaid. Image o' Jealousy would be a nice add if you had room, but Disciples would probably just Passover Hymn it away...

I wouldn't have to worry about Passover Hymn if I had DD now would I? ::)

I'd probably prefer 1 Gomer instead of 1 TAS to potentially band to your opponent's def.

Good point, but if my opponent has WoP it's a dead card. Another reason to add Image of Jealousy I suppose.

I think Mayhem warrants a spot. I know if you have all the cards you need you will never use it but if you don't have the right hand it could be a lifesaver.

If you see something that can come out go right ahead.

I like the deck very much! 8) Did you have much luck at the last tourney with it?

Thanks for liking it! Coming from you that means a lot. No luck whatsoever. 0-2
Filling my Ark since Nats 2016.

Soli Deo Gloria


Offline RTSmaniac

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Re: Job
« Reply #15 on: May 02, 2013, 02:03:33 PM »
Also I don't think you fully understand what his deck is trying to accomplish. His Samaria sites are not to get blocks as your post suggests. Rather they are there to decrease the opponents' characters.

Also to decrease your own Job to gain initiative.

10 silver heros and no silver battle winners seems bad.

heres a suggestion:

Lamb Dominants: 5
   Angel of the Lord
   Grapes of Wrath
   Guardian Of Your Souls
   New Jerusalem
   Son of God

Fortresses: 5
   Dust and Ashes
   Dust and Ashes
Blue Covenant Cards: 1
   I am Holy

Silver Heroes: 8
   Angel at Shur
   Angel at Shur
   Angel of Warning
   Angel of Warning
   Atteding Angel
   Atteding Angel

Blue Heroes: 4

Multi-Color Hero Enhancements: 2
   Wheel Within a Wheel (Green/Silver)
   Wheel Within a Wheel (Green/Silver)

Silver Hero Enhancements: 8
   Angel's Sword
   Angel's Sword
   Fire, Smoke, and Sulfur
   Fire, Smoke, and Sulfur
   Fire, Smoke, and Sulfur
   Striking Herod
   Striking Herod
   Striking Herod

Blue Hero Enhancements: 7
   Abraham's Descendant
   Abraham's Descendant
   Abraham's Descendant
   Job's Faith
   Job's Faith
   Job's Faith
   Job's Faith

« Last Edit: May 02, 2013, 02:44:06 PM by RTSmaniac »
This is the way Lackey gave it to me. All hail the power of Lackey!

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Re: Job
« Reply #16 on: May 02, 2013, 05:42:04 PM »
Also I don't think you fully understand what his deck is trying to accomplish. His Samaria sites are not to get blocks as your post suggests. Rather they are there to decrease the opponents' characters.

Also to decrease your own Job to gain initiative.

10 silver heros and no silver battle winners seems bad.

heres a suggestion:

Lamb Dominants: 5
   Angel of the Lord
   Grapes of Wrath
   Guardian Of Your Souls
   New Jerusalem
   Son of God

Fortresses: 5
   Dust and Ashes
   Dust and Ashes
Blue Covenant Cards: 1
   I am Holy

Silver Heroes: 8
   Angel at Shur
   Angel at Shur
   Angel of Warning
   Angel of Warning
   Atteding Angel
   Atteding Angel

Blue Heroes: 4

Multi-Color Hero Enhancements: 2
   Wheel Within a Wheel (Green/Silver)
   Wheel Within a Wheel (Green/Silver)

Silver Hero Enhancements: 8
   Angel's Sword
   Angel's Sword
   Fire, Smoke, and Sulfur
   Fire, Smoke, and Sulfur
   Fire, Smoke, and Sulfur
   Striking Herod
   Striking Herod
   Striking Herod

Blue Hero Enhancements: 7
   Abraham's Descendant
   Abraham's Descendant
   Abraham's Descendant
   Job's Faith
   Job's Faith
   Job's Faith
   Job's Faith
I think you kinda missed the whole ItC strategy that he was going to use for defense, plus his Fortresses seem a little much for what they seem to be... :P I don't know that the Fire, Smoke and Sulfurs and Angel's Swords are really necessary since the point is to mostly just be attacking with Job although I do like the idea of using Striking Herods.

Offline Noah

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Re: Job
« Reply #17 on: May 02, 2013, 05:53:09 PM »
I think you kinda missed the whole ItC strategy that he was going to use for defense, plus his Fortresses seem a little much for what they seem to be... :P I don't know that the Fire, Smoke and Sulfurs and Angel's Swords are really necessary since the point is to mostly just be attacking with Job although I do like the idea of using Striking Herods.

+1  Just so everybody knows, the win condition is (supposed to be): use ItC for infinite block, wait till they deck (that part is optional), Job's Faith there hand, Samaria there big ECs, walk in.
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Re: Job
« Reply #18 on: May 02, 2013, 06:10:21 PM »
The problem with Job is that most defenses you run into will be able to block him around 16 times. In other words you have to make 21 rescue attempts to win the game.

Offline Noah

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Re: Job
« Reply #19 on: May 02, 2013, 06:11:45 PM »
The problem with Job is that most defenses you run into will be able to block him around 16 times. In other words you have to make 21 rescue attempts to win the game.

If I play Job's faith in the side battle they shouldn't be able to block.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2013, 06:20:56 PM by tripleplayNo3 »
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Soli Deo Gloria


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Re: Job
« Reply #20 on: May 02, 2013, 11:23:40 PM »
I will say from running the first In the Clouds deck in T2 and placing at Nationals with it that once my defense set up my opponent didn't attack again. So I wouldn't bank on always being able to play Job's Faith in a side battle.

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Offline RTSmaniac

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Re: Job
« Reply #21 on: May 03, 2013, 02:40:07 AM »
Well In the Clouds will be alot better after new cards spoiled.

Fire, Smoke, and Sulfer is in case they band. A Job deck is based on Silver. It is essentially a Silver deck, I feel, in order to run optimally. You have to get Job out and numbers decreased in order for Job to even be viable in my opinion. Heres my current build:

Cards in deck: 101
Lost Souls: 14
   Lost Soul (deck discard)
   Lost Soul (deck discard)
   Lost Soul (FBTN)
   Lost Soul (FBTN)
   Lost Soul (first round)
   Lost Soul (first round)
   Lost Soul (revealer)
   Lost Soul (revealer)
   Lost Soul (Site Discard)
   Lost Soul (Site Discard)
   Lost Soul (site doubler)
   Lost Soul (site doubler)
   Lost Soul (Wanderer)
   Lost Soul (Wanderer)

Lamb Dominants: 5
   Angel of the Lord
   Grapes of Wrath
   Guardian Of Your Souls
   New Jerusalem
   Son of God

Grim Reaper Dominants: 5
   Christian Martyr
   Destruction of Nehushtan
   Falling Away

Fortresses: 6
   Dust and Ashes
   Dust and Ashes
   Gate of Samaria
   Gate of Samaria
   Gate of Samaria
   Wall of Protection

White Sites: 2

Green Sites: 4

Artifacts: 6
   Hezekiah's Signet Ring
   Household Idols
   Priestly Crown
   The Bronze Laver
   The Bronze Laver
   Three Nails

Blue Covenant Cards: 1
   I am Holy

Silver Heroes: 8
   Angel at Shur
   Angel at Shur
   Angel of Warning
   Angel of Warning
   Atteding Angel
   Atteding Angel

Blue Heroes: 4

Multi-Color Hero Enhancements: 2
   Wheel Within a Wheel (Green/Silver)
   Wheel Within a Wheel (Green/Silver)

Silver Hero Enhancements: 8
   Angel's Sword
   Angel's Sword
   Fire, Smoke, and Sulfur
   Fire, Smoke, and Sulfur
   Fire, Smoke, and Sulfur
   Striking Herod
   Striking Herod
   Striking Herod

Blue Hero Enhancements: 7
   Abraham's Descendant
   Abraham's Descendant
   Abraham's Descendant
   Job's Faith
   Job's Faith
   Job's Faith
   Job's Faith

Pale Green Evil Characters: 5
   Assyrian Siege Army
   Assyrian Siege Army
   Assyrian Survivor
   Assyrian Survivor
   Assyrian Survivor

Brown Evil Characters: 7
   King Ahab
   King Ahab
   King Ahab
   King Jeroboam I
   King Nadab
   King Omri

Pale Green Evil Enhancements: 2
   Death of Unrighteous
   Death of Unrighteous

Brown Evil Enhancements: 10
   Gibeonite Trickery
   Gibeonite Trickery
   Gibeonite Trickery
   Haman's Plot
   Haman's Plot
   Haman's Plot
   Haman's Plot
   Wickedness of the Tenants
   Wickedness of the Tenants
   Wickedness of the Tenants

Also has King Manny, 2 Ammy Slave, 2 Jezebel. Deck still in progress. Mike/Sword/Wheel is a beast. Making Mike a 6/2 or Job a 0/6 is key unless Mike has sword. Demons kill this deck. Im trying to kill Nazzy.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2013, 02:45:25 AM by RTSmaniac »
This is the way Lackey gave it to me. All hail the power of Lackey!

Offline Noah

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Re: Job
« Reply #22 on: May 05, 2013, 03:41:57 PM »
I will say from running the first In the Clouds deck in T2 and placing at Nationals with it that once my defense set up my opponent didn't attack again. So I wouldn't bank on always being able to play Job's Faith in a side battle.


That's a good point. But then if they're not attacking that gives you more time to use up they're battle winners.

Well In the Clouds will be a lot better after new cards spoiled.

Do tell. ::)

Fire, Smoke, and Sulfur is in case they band. A Job deck is based on Silver. It is essentially a Silver deck. I feel, in order to run optimally, You have to get Job out and numbers decreased in order for Job to even be viable in my opinion.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but from the look of it I'd say we're both approaching Job with two different strategies in mind. your deck has more battle winners, while mine has more Site/Side Battle manipulation.

Demons kill this deck. Im trying to kill Nazzy.

While your deck has a weakness to demons, because all your good battle winners only target humans, my deck would eventually discard them all by cycling Samaria. It also seams you had to add ASA to counter Nazareth, while my deck would just use threatened lives instead. The biggest advantage your version has over mine is CWD doesn't hurt as much, whereas my deck has a really hard time with it.
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Offline RTSmaniac

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Re: Job
« Reply #23 on: May 05, 2013, 10:06:10 PM »

The problem I see is the ratios's. You have 4 blue heros and 12 blue enhancements. Your offence cant even work until your defense gets set up. I can see the side battles wrecking people but if your opponent starts disrupting you in any way then your deck falls apart. It's worth it to pull off 1 Job's Faith though. Dont take the comments personally. I just want to help the deck reach it's full potential. It still seems Nazzy is a pain. I would also add some kind of site access as Wheel may not be enough. Priestly Crown works great with Job. The Jubilee/Stillness plan doesnt seem to me to be the best plan to victory.
This is the way Lackey gave it to me. All hail the power of Lackey!

Offline Noah

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Re: Job
« Reply #24 on: May 06, 2013, 10:42:00 AM »
The problem I see is the ratios's. You have 4 blue heros and 12 blue enhancements.

That's a good point, but I also have Coat of Many Colors to use them on silver heroes and since most of my evil enhancements will be played outside of battle it frees up room in my hand to hold extra good enhancements.

Your offence cant even work until your defense gets set up.

Yeah, I don't like it either. But when it does get set up it ticks like clock work.

I can see the side battles wrecking people but if your opponent starts disrupting you in any way then your deck falls apart.

If you have any suggestions for ways to counter Nazareth/CWD/Hezekiah's Signet Ring/King David/Thad feel free.

It's worth it to pull off 1 Job's Faith though.

I think we can both agree on that. ;) It's fun to watch new people when they say "I have to discard three?!"

Dont take the comments personally.

I didn't mean to. I was just trying to better explain what my deck is trying to accomplish. :)

I just want to help the deck reach it's full potential.

Yes, and thank you for doing that.

It still seems Nazzy is a pain.

Yeah, but I find Hezekiah's Signet Ring to be worse at times. The biggest problem I can see is if they have Nazzy out and CWD active.

I would also add some kind of site access as Wheel may not be enough. Priestly Crown works great with Job.

I'm tight on space, but if you found something worth taking out I'd add one for sure.

The Jubilee/Stillness plan doesnt seem to me to be the best plan to victory.

I liked the Idea of ItC and figured this was the best thing to pair it with. I'll change the title to reflect that.

Thanks for all the input so far.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2013, 03:10:00 PM by tripleplayNo3 »
Filling my Ark since Nats 2016.

Soli Deo Gloria



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