Author Topic: Isaiah offense/Assyrians  (Read 1572 times)

Offline Mr.Hiatus

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Isaiah offense/Assyrians
« on: February 01, 2012, 09:19:48 PM »
100 cards
14 ls
I realized I had no way of taking away sites, so I took the sites out, and added more to the offense and defense.
NT/Site Protect/DC and evil Card/Female/1st rnd/Anti burial/Btn

Siegeworks x2
Razor x2

Writ x2
*Hidden Treasures x2

Dragonraid x2
Golgotha x2

John the Baptist
Isaiah x2

Attending Angel x2
*Seraph with a Live Coal x2
*Seraph x2
*Cherubim x2

Protection of Jerusalem x2

Isaiah's Call x2
Live Coal x2
Spiritual Warfare x2
*Wheel Within a Wheel x2
Two Bears x3

*Storehouse- Currently in until I find my Obadiah's Cave

SoG, NJ, AotL, Goys
Took out Grapes.

*Crippling Demon x3
The Rabsaris
*Women as Snares
*Prince of this World
The Tartan
*The Rabshekah
ASA x2
Messenger of Satan x2
Assyrian Survivor x3
Panic Demon x3

DoU x4
2k Horses x4
Forgotten History x4
*Destructive Sin X2

*Gates of Hell x2

CM, Burial, FA

Added Crippling Demons for Jacob/RTC tech, as well as Gates of Hell to add in any of my demons, which is always beneficial. Took out some Assyrians because I was pulling too many, and like my 2k horses on ASA. Since I took out KotW for CTB tech, I figured Destructive Sin/Gates could help against that. The orange is really just an anti-meta add. Destructive Sin/Panic Demons should do work on their top hero's, and when I lose a battle, I add in a demon via Gates of Hell, and make you waste more. Assyrian Camp reluctantly came out due to Protection of Jerusalm, and me wanting to target my own Assyrians. 

« Last Edit: February 07, 2012, 02:23:59 AM by Mr.Hiatus »


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Re: Isaiah offense/Assyrians
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2012, 10:19:35 PM »
How are the old prophets doing for you, I never liked them. You could always add in some Isaiah angels. D9 anyone? Striking Herod is nice too maybe take out your spiritual warfares as you cannot play them pre block.

Offline Mr.Hiatus

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Re: Isaiah offense/Assyrians
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2012, 03:00:07 AM »
How are the old prophets doing for you, I never liked them
I'm considering going N.T. prophets with Baptism of Jesus, but that means add more enhs, or take out Two Bears for them. I simply can't fit both.
You could always add in some Isaiah angels.
What Isaiah angels would be worth it? I have Seraph with a Live Coal x3. I do not want to draw too much as the deck is simple, and gets set up so fast. I do not need an abundance of cards.
Striking Herod is nice too maybe take out your spiritual warfares as you cannot play them pre block
I would love Striking Herod x2 but Spiritual Warfare is able to be played on all my hero's. It's a more versatile battle winner, so it gets the spot. It also ignores all humans, doesn't just d/c a male human. The old prophets are fine, I mean I just about always attack with angels to Isaiah, so the other hero's don't really mean anything.
The O.T. prophets do fit the deck well though. Hosea is just nasty, he will always make a lost soul against any defense. Nathan and Habakkuk are always good. One high numbers, one high attack low defense, not too shabby. A 1/1 is always helpful, and Micah for a little more recursion and good numbers is also helpful. The only thing I do wish I had was the N.T. band, but the angel bands are fine. I might swap some O.T. for N.T. and leave the Two Bears.


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Re: Isaiah offense/Assyrians
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2012, 08:42:59 AM »
Yeah, the N.T band is nasty I would give it a try. Spirtual Warfare is versatile like you say but I think you will find yourself eating DoUs, Just a Hireling's, and Failed Objectives more often then not. I think it works well better with your deck then most Isaiah decks though. Maybe Hidden Treasures is worth the spot?

Offline Mr.Hiatus

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Re: Isaiah offense/Assyrians
« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2012, 01:39:57 PM »
Hidden Treasures over Burial Shroud sounds good. It's definitely worth it, good add Nathan. I added Simeon/Anna for Micah and Grapes. I hardly ever use Grapes due to the offense setting up so fast. When it comes to eating DoU's, Failed Obj's, Hireling's, and Banquets, Striking Herod would do nothing either. They get initiative and kill themselves. In the slight chance that I have initiative and they have not played first, I drop my ignore, then they play that card, then that's fine. That is only a miniscule part of the deck. Between Seraph, Isaiah, and Golgotha/DoU, I recur everything I need. My normal RA is Seraph with Protection of Jerusalem out, d/c my Assyrian, d/c their guy (usually with horses), get out Siege/Razor/Live Coal, then band to Isaiah, put the other one back on deck and draw 1-3 cards. I now have a minimum of 1 battle winner and 1 negate and d/c in my hand, plus I get to draw. Usually I have 1-2 green or silver battle winners in my hand, battle winners for defense, and neutral battle winners, plus I now have consistent recursion of Razor/Siegeworks, which is ridiculous. Let alone DoU/Golgotha for more Forgotten History's or DoU's. The deck sets up so quick between Isaiah x2, Attending Angel x2, and Isaiah's Call x2. Then it has 6 banding angels. It's fast, but not too fast, I always have battle winners and negates in my hand.


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