I just recently made a hand discard deck, again. Anyway I used Spirit of Temptation, Gomer, Lot's Wife, and Emperors. It was Spirit x3, Lot's Wife x1, Gomer x1, that way I can do a Spirit to Gomer to Spirit to Lot's Wife to Spirit to Galba, they have to place 3 cards from hand underneath, discard one for Galba, and if you play Heavy Taxes then that is a total of 6 cards from their hand. And you know they will put the junk under their hand first cuz of spirit's, then hit them with Galba should make them d/c a strong card, then Heavy Taxes for the finisher. It does not happen every game, but a basic band is Spirit to Galba- Heavy Taxes, next turn I Am Holy. Then quarter of the way through the game start pulling out more Spirit's. And if you get Gomer/Lot's Wife too early, or late it is still fine because they band to your opponent's dudes, or your emperors.