Author Topic: Exodus/Ruth extend  (Read 3676 times)

Offline Mr.Hiatus

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Exodus/Ruth extend
« on: June 23, 2019, 07:00:45 PM »
I love the new Indentured Servant, I also like Death of Family.

Exodus heroes:
Indentured Servant x2
Moses' Parents x2
Pharaoh's Daughter (dual) I think she is so underrated
Slaves in Egypt (dual)

Ruth heroes:
Kinsman Redeemer x2
Elders of the City

You Will Remain x2
Boaz's Sandal
Moses' Staff


Orpah Departs
Kinsmen's Agreement
Death of Family
Sin and Justice
Brother's Conflict

Ruth Meets Boaz
Family Bond
Loyalty of Ruth
Gleaning the Fields
overcome x2
hate wickedness
word of christ
burning bush

the suffering servant
word of christ
music leader

As you can see this is just an outline and has plenty of room to add in enhancements. I love Moses' Staff on Moses
for a CBN regardless of protect two heroes in battle protected from the first evil enhancement played combination, that's insanely strong. Moses to Miriam with Staff exchanges out a card that involves music from reserve, a plague from reserve that is regardless of protect, Exodus enhancements are CBN, deck and Exodus heroes are protected from discard, Moses is protected from the first evil enhancement played in battle, then Miriam bands to your Ruth band if you want. Oh, and Overcome helps to keep giving you battle winners in your hand for all the add to battle mayhem.
That Moses+Staff band is the truth especially with his mom and pop out to watch his 6. Oh yeah, all my Exodus heroes with Pharaoh's Daughter makes my Exodus enhancements/characters CBP as well, just in case you needed anything else. I would pair this offense with a gray defense I think.


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