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Egyptian type 2 deck advice needed
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Topic: Egyptian type 2 deck advice needed (Read 2157 times)
redemption collector 777
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Egyptian type 2 deck advice needed
November 21, 2014, 10:21:46 AM »
here is my type 2 Egyptian defense. Any suggestions or changes do you think is needed?
Egyptian Warden
Egyptain Magicians x 2
The Dreaming Pharaoh x 2
Potiphar's Wife
Foregin Wives
King Shishak
Huge Egyptian
Egyptian Charioteers
Pharaoh's cupbearer
Pharaoh's Baker
Egyptian Archer
Queen Tahpenes
The Amalekite' Slave
Spirit of Temptation
King's Pomp
Egyptian Horses x 2
Wonders Forgotten x 2
Enslaved by Egypt
Rizpah's Sackcloth
Magicians' Snakes
Failed objective
4 white
2 Gold
Pharaoh's Throne Room
Given over to egypt
Unholy Writ
Have this defense paired up with a Genesis offence.
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Re: Egyptian type 2 deck advice needed
Reply #1 on:
November 21, 2014, 11:41:10 AM »
Characters 17
Egyptian Warden
Egyptain Magicians x 2
The Dreaming Pharaoh x 2
Potiphar's Wife
Foregin Wives
Egyptian Charioteers x 3
Pharaoh's cupbearer x3
Pharaoh's Baker
Egyptian Wisemen x 2
Enhancements 14
Egyptian Horses x 4
Wonders Forgotten x 4
Besiege the City x 2
Failed objective x 4
Fortress: 1 evil
Pharaoh's Throne Room
Doms 6
Christian Martyr
Falling Away
Vain Philosophy
Destruction of Nehustan
Wall of Protection - this will count against your offense not defense though for deck building purposes. (Maybe even x2)
This version of your defense does a couple things.
1. It streamlines the defense to avoid some of the weaker characters and enhancements that your original contains. Cards like Ruthless are rarely worth the slot in type 2 because the overwhelming majority of offensive battle winners will be CBN.
2. This version puts your focus on Genesis Egyptians to take advantage of the speed. I cut out the exodus Egyptians and even A-slave because you want the dreaming pharaoh engine running if at all possible. I added 2 additional copies of cupbearer so you can generate souls and make sure u can keep a dreaming pharaoh on the table. Playing Egyptians usually means your running a fast deck so you will want to be at 100 cards including 2 hopper lost souls so soul gen will be important. I kept the charioteers and add a few more for 2 reasons. He may be able to help you with numbers against a solo Moses when you add counters to him and most offensive interrupt, negates are not CBN so he hurts their ability to negate besiege the city and its a great character to hold the weapons.
3. I loaded you up on the weapons for optimal draw abilities and optimize your ability to play Wonders Forgotten to win battles off of a big band that draws with dreaming pharaoh.
4. In type 2 having a couple devastating combos that require several cards is ok because you usually have time to set it up a couple times a game. This deck contains the BtC/mayhem combo which you will have multiple ways of triggering. If you don't know the combo I'll explain it in another post.
5. Having lots of small number EC's allows you to use FAiled objective consistently to stall. This is another benefit for a speed type 2 deck. You should be less worried about killing their entire offense and more about holding out long enough to get to 7 for yourself.
6. Abandonment is a tricky card for this deck it may belong but more often then not I think your large banding chain from dreaming to Potiphar or another Egyptian may give you the numbers to defeat a large FBTN band so I'm not sure it's needed. (Others may disagree and may be right I am not sure about it having not tested the card myself.)
7. Wall of protection is a must maybe even a second copy because you don't want to deal with your opponent using ur defense against you. Also it stops them from using ur banding chain and the ending it with a chump block to wipe out your defense.
Hope this helps give you a better dorection to go with this deck.
Last Edit: November 21, 2014, 11:41:04 PM by jbeers285
JMM is a modern day prophet
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Northeast Region
Re: Egyptian type 2 deck advice needed
Reply #2 on:
November 21, 2014, 11:45:31 AM »
Pairing this with disciples or genesis usually works pretty well. Genesis has more synergy, Joe and Zebulun with with storehouse, 7 years of plenty for fort search and drawing. But honestly both of those pairings are solid with Egyptians.
JMM is a modern day prophet
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Re: Egyptian type 2 deck advice needed
Reply #3 on:
December 05, 2014, 12:01:03 AM »
I would go with 2 Failed Objective and 2 Abandonment--there are very few (if any) T2 decks that don't use some banding, so they will almost always be good for a block.
Fortress Alstad
Have you checked the REG?
Have you looked it up in ORCID?
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Re: Egyptian type 2 deck advice needed
Reply #4 on:
December 05, 2014, 04:29:22 PM »
I didn't know egiptians were still good in t2
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Re: Egyptian type 2 deck advice needed
Reply #5 on:
December 05, 2014, 06:14:03 PM »
I wouldn't run Egyptians without at least a couple of lies because it is cbi if you choose a brigade they don't have a negate in. Lies is really good if you are running genesis too because Joseph can't die.
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Egyptian type 2 deck advice needed
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