...Was Music Leader with martyrs. Of course.
Ryan and I won't be at the T2 only, and I did have an idea for a T2 deck this year, so this is it. Mostly. I know I wanted to make a more gimmicky thing with max Fearless Travelers and a bunch of Faithful Witnesses, but I couldn't swing it. If anyone wants to try it out for me and let me know, go for it. Swap and experiment, cause I sure haven't.
LS: 14Lawless x2
Imitate x2
Humble x2
Dull x2
Jim x2
Switch x2
Forsaken x2
Other: 8Three Woes
Golden Censer
The Ends of the Earth
Fire Foxes
Warning Against Rebellion x2
Kinsmen’s Agreement
Good: 39GoYS
YWR x2
Covenant of Prayer
Heavenly Temple
Priests of Christ
Faithful Witness x4
Fearless Traveler x2
Angel from the Sun x2
Justin Martyr
Music Leader x2
The Woman with Child
Twenty Four Elders
Fifth Seal/Justice Seekers
Not Alone
Day of Fury
Word of Christ
Overcome! x2
Hate Wickedness
Love Righteousness x3
Consider the Lilies x3
Evil: 39CM
FA (CoW)
Captured Ark
Broken Covenant
The Deceiver x2
Foreign Wives
Outsiders (Crimson/Brown) x2
Lions x2
Medium in Endor
Foul Spirit
King Ahaziah
King Zedekiah x2
Gomer x2
Kings of the Earth
Frog Demons
Job’s Wife
Bad Dealings
Dungeon of Malchiah x2
Provoked x2
Wickedness of the Tenants x2
Gib Trick x2
Confusion (CoW) x2
Reserve: 10Blood of the Lamb
Word of Their Testimony
A Child Is Born
Gamaliel’s Speech
Third Bowl of Wrath
Image of the Beast
Shrine to Artemis
Treasures of War
Ideally, one Music Leader recurs Word of Christ and Hate Wickedness while the other does Love Righteousness and Warning Against Rebellion. The trick would be to keep them on the table and keep them not negated/keep anti-search cards off.
Most of the wins are getting Faithful Witnessi in the discard and then spam recurring Third Bowl (Fifth Seal/Love Righteousness & Polycarp/Consider the Lilies abuse). I'm sure it could benefit from an Antipas.
Defense is whatever you want, I didn't think too hard about it. Manipulate with Outsiders. Of course Confusion, because it's T2.