Author Topic: Creation 2.0 In depth guide  (Read 5021 times)

Offline The Schaefer

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Creation 2.0 In depth guide
« on: September 10, 2020, 02:41:01 PM »
This is the list I ran at Nats and using that I will go over some of the main ideas and card choices for this deck as well as some changes I will look into making in the future.

104 cards

Souls 14
1x Remnant
1x Blind
2x Distressed
2x Exiles
2x Foreigner
2x Humble
2x Hunter
2x Covet

Neutral Cards 12
1x Three Woes
3x Jacobs Ladder
2x Book of the Covenant
1x Hezekiah's Signet Ring
1x Deceit and Vengeance
1x Land Dispute
1x Coat of Many Colors
1x Tree of Knowledge
1x Forbidden Fruit

Good Cards 39
1x Issac, Willing Sacrifice
1x Perez, the younger
1x Abraham (CoW)
1x Hezron the Enclosed
1x Noah (CoW)
1x Mahalalel the Interpreter
1x Methuselah (His Death Brings)
1x Benjamin
1x Abram's Army
1x Jared the Beholder
1x Lot
1x Joseph the Dreamer
1x Enosh the Worshiper
1x Judah, the Leader
1x Melchizedek (CoW)
1x Jacob (FooF)
1x Midianite's Slave
1x Rachel
1x First Sacrifice
1x Offering Your Son
2x Judah's Intervention
2x Joseph Before Pharaoh
1x Abraham's Descendant (LoC)
1x Answer to Prayer
1x Forgiveness of Joseph
1x Israel's Bow
1x Creation of the World
1x Solomon's Dream
2x Covenant with Philistia
1x Covenant with Abraham
1x Storehouse
1x Guardian of your souls
1x Angel of the Lord
1x Son of God
1x Second Coming
1x Valley of Dry Bones

Evil Cards 39
2x The deceiver
3x Syrian Mercenaries
1x King Rezin
1x Captain of the Chariots
1x The Strong Force
1x King Hazael
2x Syrian Archer
1x The Syrian Reinforcements
1x False Leaders
1x Balaam
1x Idol Worship
2x Scattered Sheep
3x False Prophecy
3x Balaam's Disobedience
3x Arrest in Jerusalem
3x Syrian Victory
3x Unsuccessful
2x Sheol
1x Doubt
1x Burial
1x Shipwreck
1x Falling Away (Wo)
1x Christian Martyr

Reserve 15
1x False Peace (PoC)
1x Hypocrites Proselyte
1x Foreign Exile
1x False Prophecy
2x Namaan's Chariot and Horses
1x Damascus (TEC)
1x Land Dispute
1x Delivered
1x Covenant with Noah
1x You will Remain
1x Answer to Prayer
1x Abraham's Descendant (LoC)
1x A Soliders Prayer
1x The Three Visitors

Offline The Schaefer

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Re: Creation 2.0 In depth guide
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2020, 02:41:35 PM »
Primarily you want to start the game by having access to Joseph the Dreamer. Joe Dreamer gives you access to a turn 1 creation of the world play via coat of many colors but also can search out quite a few other cards for the deck which depending on what you need at the time is incredibly helpful.

Cards that can get out Joe are:

The three visitors
Covenant with Noah
Covenant with Abe
Judah's intervention
Offering your son
Forbidden fruit
Tree of knowledge
Book of the Covenant
Jacob's Ladder
(Covet provided your opponent has exiles or remnant in deck)

You can technically get out Joe with Noah, Melky, and Solomons dream but those are not really optimal as they dont allow the first turn play but in awful draws could matter I guess. I dont think Ive ever had to do them though. There are 20 ways to get Joe if you count himself so thats about 22% that any given card will be able to get you to him (Souls replacing themselves equates to 90 cards in the deck for drawing purposes). For the creation turn rescue you are looking to play a CBN enhacement to win the battle. Benjamin gives CBN, Jacob gives the play ability, and Melky and Jared provide the enhancement if you dont already have it or draw one elsewise. You can win without an enhancement via cards like perez and midianite slave + abrams army but they are more of a backup and provide utility more than anything. Perez normally will reset Jared or bounce benjamin if he gets too big. Methuselah is always used as meek to provide a meek antidiluvian for Enosh and to have easy access to Solomons Dream. Other heroes like Jared can be meek for Solomons dream in a pinch. ASP can be played on AA primarily to replay Solomons dream and get back other Red Enhancements.

Melky is one of the trickier cards to use since normally I play a soul from my own deck with him. He can search out souls that cause your opponents problems but also via souls like foreigner be used to essentially take a card from your reserve since you may draw 1 after topdecking. Melky also is key for searching out delivered first turn so that after battle you can activate something like Signet ring to make your opponent struggle on their opening. Whatever your preffered artifact is will work I just went with a Signet ring. Noah primarily is used defensively to search Evil Characters or recur them but can be used to get back heroes if need be. Hezron is a way to recur GEs that you like. Judah the leader is a great card to help answer cards like sheol.

The 3 visitors is key to the deck because of Jacobs ladder. Ladder can get 3 Visitors from reserve giving you access to the turn 1 Joe but also provides much needed battle extension for your Patriarchs. Abraham will be able to search him out the deck to your hand so its no real issue that he exchanges if you play creation.

After the first turn provided you Creation you will be looking to use Benjamin as your primary rescuer. You can play banding enhancements like Abes descendant or bless the nations to keep the creation turn plays going with hezron to recur stuff. But its not exactly necessary as CBN stuff on benjamin is already really strong.

A fun play is a play first Deciet and Vengeance off of Jacob to wipe out an opponents defense and force them to block from hand (provided they are all male which is likely) it comes with some risk but ladder should allow you to win if they do block from hand via adding someone like benjamin to battle.

Overall the key to a Creation deck is figuring out how you want to win with your Genesis heroes and how you want to get card advantage. This was just my build for this year and I think its close to where I want but not fully there.

The biggest issue though is how to handle things when your opponent doesn't let you get the early creation turn or stops it entirely. My current answer is to rely on the strength of cards like Benjamin or keep threatening creation if you still have access to it. They will either be giving you free souls, you do the creation thing, or they stop it and you play more of an old school genesis deck and try to piece things together as you go. Card advantage may suffer compared to the full shebang but its solid enough to rescue so choosing a defense that works for you is key.

That being said you can basically play whatever defense you like. If you are using CoW Noah you want to play humans so sorry orange but there may be some argument to play LoC Noah (primarily for the shuffle) I choose Syrians because I liked the play first CBN enhancements style of things that could stall most decks. False Leaders is also really good as a turn 1 search with CoW Noah since he can punish your opponent and help set you up further with TC enhancements to play on him. That's all Ill really say on the defense since I feel its mostly straightforward otherwise and you really can play whatever you like defensively with little effort.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2020, 02:47:10 PM by The Schaefer »

Offline The Schaefer

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Re: Creation 2.0 In depth guide
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2020, 02:42:38 PM »
So Sheol is still really good against this offense so I am highly considering putting in 2 copies of Orphans soul and possibly switching melky to the newer one since im not sure that the advantage that the CoW can provide via soul searching my own deck is superior. There are other cards like Coliseum that can hurt ( I had a creation play stopped by one since answer to prayer is CBN) and there are in general some annoying cards that this deck can struggle to answer at times especially if you dont get the creation play off. LoC Noah is a consideration of mine but im not sold on him considering what I would give up in CoW Noah. I didn't have a Chronicles of the Kings at the time and forgot to borrow one but that's a card that is obviously very good. Ark of Salvation should be in. Its easy to search and provides a nice layer of protection that matter more than you may think. Adding Seven years of plenty could be very good as it could provide card advantage and search out ark or storehouse. ASP should be another copy of Solomon's dream. I only had one and thought ASP was an adequate replacement but in the game against Jayden it possibly cost me a tie since I needed both a meek hero and AA to use ASP and Solomon's dream and I couldn't manage to get both and play them before Jayden had set up to stop me from doing so. Replacing the Answer to Prayer in reserve for another copy of Creation is probably correct as well as I had Answer to prayer stopped via coliseum against Jayden, and having creation negated via something like woes hurts and while it is possible to recur via foreigner and a reserve search it takes too long. Upfront card advantage is somewhat of an issue if things go wrong as well so finding more ways to generate more card advantage outside of battle and on defense is something ill be looking into. the "faith" cloud cards are considerations but not being genesis enhancements is sometimes an issue. The best thing I can say it if you want to play this deck you need to play around with it. There are tons of options so you need to feel out what you like and don't and go from there. If you dont understand the deck well enough time outs can be an issue. I also haven't played this in multi but I imagine it could perform pretty well with some adjustments for multi style play. There likely is a type 1 version of this deck that will perform well but its not an easy task to make considering all the options and limited deck size you would be looking at.

Much of my explanations and thoughts are just spit balling off the top of my head so sorry if it sounds a bit scatterbrained. If you have any direct questions, thoughts, or concerns on anything just let me know and ill try to respond to the best of my ability.


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