Author Topic: Competitive play and deck predictions  (Read 3060 times)

Offline Mr.Hiatus

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Competitive play and deck predictions
« on: July 19, 2017, 11:53:51 AM »
Well it's that time of year again. States and regionals have all wrapped up and now it's time for Nationals! Topic pretty much says it all, but every year I like to do deck/meta predictions.
As for type 2 2 player, since it is on the first day against Booster Draft, I estimate about 15+\- 3 players. Because of the new set just releasing, most people will be playing booster to acquire the cards and shy away from type 2 since they do not have their decklist, or all the cards they needed. This affects the meta because instead of it being primarily RoJ/CoW, it'll be scattered with RoA offenses. I think a heavy flux of Assyrian defenses, some sort of Magician/Assyrian defense, Magician/demons, Caananites are always popular as are Philistines. I suspect to see Pharisees around a good bit due to only needing a few new cards from the new set to make them powerful. I would also expect a Babylonian defense or two due to Head of Gold being so dominant right now and orange making it's way into decks due to easy reserve access. Brown will be played and I will mention why in regards to offense. I don't expect to see Romans,  Egyptians, Syrians, or Heretics.
As for offenses, you would think Revelation Martyrs/Angels would be rampant but I think white Music/Martyrs will be the popular play. Because of Music Leaders being around for a while and 24 Elders being so dominant and easy to set up, I think this will be a very popular offense, and it's usually paired with brown because the DAE's.
Expect Isaiah offenses, especially with 4Living Creatures. Because Isaiah will still be played, The Watchmen also helps, Assyrians will still see play.
Noah's Ark decks could find their way into an offense. I still think Throne will be around in 2-4 decks. Judges are always in competitive play, although I don't think they are a strong play in type 2 this year.
Pairing "He Is Risen" with N.T. Angels is always a good play as well and works with the whole Musicians theme/Revelation angels.
As always, there should be some sort of odd deck, or against the norm, that works, as well as some sort of combo deck.
What all do you think? Anything that I missed?

Offline Ironisaac

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Re: Competitive play and deck predictions
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2017, 12:20:57 PM »
*SIGH* some day, priests will be taken seriously :'(
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Offline Mr.Hiatus

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Re: Competitive play and deck predictions
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2017, 12:29:59 PM »
They just haven't gotten the same amount of love as the other sets. Dutiful/Gifts is awesome. His Name is John with Dutiful is awesome. The Tabernacle to get what you need consistently is awesome. The Tabernacle has yet to be released, and teal can benefit from Ram's Horn/Trumpet Blast/Zeal, as well as they best access to Urim and Thummin. It can not access the reserve, is slower in gameplay, and doesn't have everything there yet. You need to use First Feuits/Pentecost/Gifts and Offering to get some sort of speed going. It's getting there, but still seems a splash offense and too many people would rather splash another color over teal. Also, it hasn't won anything yet. I personally think Dutiful/Ram's Hirn/Gifts/Phineas/Joshua/U&T/Zeal/T Blast is enough. Couple that with set aside cards/His name is John and you have plenty of initiative and CBN. Just people have yet to win with it, so it's not played as well.

Offline The Guardian

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Re: Competitive play and deck predictions
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2017, 12:44:45 PM »
I could see Solomon's Temple with 4x Temple Priests and 4x Dutiful being a very viable option. Add Phinehas, Joshua, Amariah, and maybe some Priests of Christ and you've got all the Heroes you need. Honestly I think the thing Teal suffers from is not having the powerful FBTN Hero or CBN band option that gives you a chance at "freebie" LS (i.e. Moses, 24 Elders, Joshua/Captain, Daniel/Michael, Michael/TSA). You pretty much always have to have a battle winner which makes them feel "slow" in a sense.
Fortress Alstad
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Offline The Schaefer

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Re: Competitive play and deck predictions
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2017, 10:51:11 PM »
Teal is viable but it needs to be splashed with another brigade imo. Red is a good example since silver trumpets and Ahimelek is a strong play. There are other options but ultimately the Teal splash idea will likely be an odd or against the norm deck.

Offline The Guardian

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Re: Competitive play and deck predictions
« Reply #5 on: July 20, 2017, 02:21:11 PM »
I don't expect to see Romans

Part of me wonders if Romans would be a very, very sneaky play. With NT offenses getting such a huge boost in RoJ, Romans Destroy Jerusalem is a ridiculous play right now--especially if you can time it right. 

Tyler and I had a game the other night where we both had massive territories set up until I was able to use RDJ. All of a sudden his offense was gone, and his defense started disappearing too as he was forced to make sub-optimal attacks that allowed me to gain a huge card advantage for my attacks (through multiple uses of Heavy Taxes).

I could see a Roman/Demon or Roman/Pharisee defense doing quite well in the current meta.  8)
Fortress Alstad
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Re: Competitive play and deck predictions
« Reply #6 on: July 20, 2017, 02:55:10 PM »
Well it's that time of year again. States and regionals have all wrapped up and now it's time for Nationals! Topic pretty much says it all, but every year I like to do deck/meta predictions.
As for type 2 2 player, since it is on the first day against Booster Draft, I estimate about 15+\- 3 players. Because of the new set just releasing, most people will be playing booster to acquire the cards and shy away from type 2 since they do not have their decklist, or all the cards they needed. This affects the meta because instead of it being primarily RoJ/CoW, it'll be scattered with RoA offenses. I think a heavy flux of Assyrian defenses, some sort of Magician/Assyrian defense, Magician/demons, Caananites are always popular as are Philistines. I suspect to see Pharisees around a good bit due to only needing a few new cards from the new set to make them powerful. I would also expect a Babylonian defense or two due to Head of Gold being so dominant right now and orange making it's way into decks due to easy reserve access. Brown will be played and I will mention why in regards to offense. I don't expect to see Romans,  Egyptians, Syrians, or Heretics.
As for offenses, you would think Revelation Martyrs/Angels would be rampant but I think white Music/Martyrs will be the popular play. Because of Music Leaders being around for a while and 24 Elders being so dominant and easy to set up, I think this will be a very popular offense, and it's usually paired with brown because the DAE's.
Expect Isaiah offenses, especially with 4Living Creatures. Because Isaiah will still be played, The Watchmen also helps, Assyrians will still see play.
Noah's Ark decks could find their way into an offense. I still think Throne will be around in 2-4 decks. Judges are always in competitive play, although I don't think they are a strong play in type 2 this year.
Pairing "He Is Risen" with N.T. Angels is always a good play as well and works with the whole Musicians theme/Revelation angels.
As always, there should be some sort of odd deck, or against the norm, that works, as well as some sort of combo deck.
What all do you think? Anything that I missed?

I think type 2 is going to see lots of different deck ideas because A) many strategies are viable and B) people are going to go with their gut in the absence of prerequisites for establishing a distinct meta, long tournament season, $$ incentives,.. etc

I think judges are definitely a better plan than last year because Colosseum is less popular and has more counters now.  Also its pretty difficult nowadays to divorce pharisees from emperors, in any pharisee defense there is going to be some romans splash. You hit there hand with romans if they dont have protection and punish with entrapping and Domitian if they do. in addition to Domitian, Tiberius and Claudius are almost auto includes with pharisess. Only romans? probably not that has never really been popular but has been used by one or two people for hand control. Eygptians, canaanites, phillistines, syrians and babylonians are all weak defenses this year.

Offensively, I think you will see white and clay the most with different mixtures of both colors.Some silvers offenses because of hype and plenty of splash but I don't think Isaiah offenses will be too wide spread or effective. Offense sets up faster, yes, but thats only one aspect of speed, and more importantly he is egregiously blockable haha. I expect to see him in some throne offenses, however. And teal is basically isaiah with no speed lol. My dark horse is red warriors with some combination of teal, gold, or green splash.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2017, 03:22:01 PM by TheHobbit »

Offline jbeers285

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Re: Competitive play and deck predictions
« Reply #7 on: July 20, 2017, 07:45:39 PM »
4 Syrian reinforcements with Damascus and Shrine seems pretty legit
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Offline The Guardian

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Re: Competitive play and deck predictions
« Reply #8 on: July 20, 2017, 10:37:00 PM »
4 Syrian reinforcements with Damascus and Shrine seems pretty legit

They're unique though...hard to make a 4x unique work unless it's a character like AutO that goes to deck or discard.
Fortress Alstad
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