Author Topic: Brand New to Type-2  (Read 4021 times)

Offline jbeers285

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Brand New to Type-2
« on: July 12, 2012, 03:20:13 PM »
PReally curious is this deck is a total joke or if it could be competitive? Any and all help would be appreciated

3 Unholy writs
3 Magic Charms
2 Chariots of Fire
1 seven years of plenty
1 Holy Grail
1 4 D Coin
11 Neutral

2 Thad
2 Matt
1 Thomas
2 John
2 James son of Alpheus
1 Phil
2 Bart
1 Simon the Zealot
1 James son of Zebedee
1 Peter
1 Andrew
3 Reach
3 AoCP
2 Passover Hymn
2 pentecost
1 Covenant with Palistine

Good dom's 5

Good forts
2 fishing boats
1 Store House
1 Wall of Protection
Good 40

Evil forts
2 Pharaohs Thrown Room

1 Jannes
1 King Manasseh
1 Baker
2 Cupbearers
2 Ammy Slaves
2 Dreaming Pharoahs
2 Egyptian Magicians
1 Egyptian Horseman
1 Giant Egytian
4 Egyptian Archers
4 Egyptians Horses
4 wonders forgotten
2 Confusion
2 Failed Objective
2 Magician's Snakes
2 Swift Horses

Evil Dom's 5
40 evil

Lost Souls 14
NT Only x2
Woman Only x2
Wanderer x2
3-Liner x2
Revealer x2
Human Only x2
Punisher x2

Edited to suggestions
« Last Edit: July 13, 2012, 06:58:49 PM by jbeers285 »
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Offline christiangamer25

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Re: Brand New to Type-2
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2012, 03:46:30 PM »
you need to rebalance it forts/covenants first cause they are counted as good/evil but beyond that looks pretty straight forward to me
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Offline jbeers285

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Brand New to Type-2
« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2012, 03:47:12 PM »
It's is very straight forward is that bad good, indifferent?
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Offline Redoubter

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Re: Brand New to Type-2
« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2012, 04:35:10 PM »
Okay, first, let's work on making this deck legal.
  • I'm getting 39 good, 36 evil (remember to include doms, forts, and covenants/curses in the appropriate counts, and that Seven Years is effectively neutral).  Needs to be equal.
  • There are 98 cards in this deck.  Needs to be at least 100.
  • You can only have 3 of an artifact.  You need to cut a Writ and a Charms.

To the advice:

First, don't be afraid to go to 105.  Really, the advantage of having 100 cards is not the same as the advantage of having 50.  Plus, you can add in a couple more strong cards that will help you.  Go to 105, and you'll be happy with it.

Good Cards

==  First, AoCP seems like your best enhancement, but it isn't.  MLaMG is.
  • With your current count of 1 protect fort (add at least 1 more) for your Egyptians, AoCP is not your friend.  It's like that BB gun in A Christmas Story.  You reeeeally want to play with it but then you just shoot your eye out.
  • You have to interrupt first to play it (unless you go in with just James SoA, but then they better know what you plan).
  • MLaMG allows you to negate an evil card and then discard it, so it has a built-in interrupt.
  • MLaMG can destroy your opponents territory when you have initiative (KotW, Tower of Thebez, protect forts, snipe them!)
MLaMG is a better overall card.  You need 4, even if you take out an AoCP.

== I recommend having the max of 2 Passover Hymns.
  • It gets rid of those pesky Horses/Chariots pre-battle, even if your opponent has a protect fort out.
  • It is a great in-battle negate, since it can target any number of EE.
  • It is your best weapon in a FBTN battle (notice that the X is an identifier, and this one goes to 11!).

== Consider adding Ethiopian Treasurer and Faith As a Mustard Seed.
  • ET blow up.
  • FAaMS + ET = Instant Site Access (and low numbers for AoCP still).
  • One of the better negates, since it takes the card out of play as well.
Not necessities, but I would think about it.

== Recommend 2 Fishing Boats.
  • You currently have no other site access.
  • The chances of getting it out and getting your draw on is much better.
  • They can tend to explode when Assyrians come in (and they are the most popular defense in T2 currently)

== Where is your Pentecost?  And where is your other Pentecost?  Draw, you madman!

Offline Redoubter

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Re: Brand New to Type-2
« Reply #4 on: July 12, 2012, 04:35:28 PM »
Evil Cards

== Where is your DoN?  There will be a lot of artifacts you need to kill, and your deck can currently deal with 0.  Necessity.

== Add another Throne Room.  You need the protection in T2, especially if you're throwing Christ's Authority all over the place.

== Egyptian Wise Men need to come out ASAP.  Replace them with Archers.
  • They are only 1/3.  Not going to help you at all with numbers, and Failed Objective is not a good enough reason to include them over someone a little bigger with a better ability.
  • They only band.  Archers band and can do the sniping thing.
  • They are not magicians, so they help you none with that part (more on that later...).

== Why Potiphar?
  • You don't have the Pharaoh's Prison site that lets you make capture (and future banding, but he only bands to his wife) CBN.
  • He only bands to one EC, and you don't have her.
  • Even if you used the site, you have no evil capture (Magic Charms and Unholy Writ are neutral).
  • Even if you used the site, you have no evil banding (he doesn't start a chain, and any banding previously done in the turn cannot 'gain' CBN status after the fact).
He won't help your deck at all, but I have some cards later I'll suggest you add instead.

== I recommend replacing your Charioteers with Horsemen.
  • Charioteers can't stop CBP or CBN, and most offenses you'll be fighting will be using one or the other.
  • Horsemen can let you draw or make an opponent discard, making him incredibly versatile and useful.
  • Both are WC and don't band any more, so you aren't doing anything to your deck except upgrade the SA.
Horsemen have a better ability and can still do what you need them to do.  Swap out.

== Jannes and Jambres.  I say take them out (at least Jambres)
  • You have no Egypt site, meaning the band is not CBN.
  • You have little opportunity to have both out at the same time for some nice banding.
  • Only Jannes is actually useful (searching out your protect fort).
If you keep one, keep Jannes, but I don't see as much use for them unfortunately.

== Add more Magicians, another Confusion, and 2 Magicians' Snakes.
  • You only have 2 characters (both the same card) that can use Magic Charms, but you want to max out on them.  You need more just to play it on.
  • By adding more Magicians, you could actually play that Confusion in your deck, and it would be worth it to add another one.
  • Magicians' Snakes gives you a CBP battle-winner whether you go in with an Egyptian band or a Magician.
  • Magicians are magical.
I'd throw in Manny (for the banding to Egyptian Magicians and into your banding chain) at least, but Damsel and Astrologers are loads of fun too.  If you don't add more magicians, you need to take out Confusion and all of the Magic Charms.

== In general, add more to the Egyptian part of it to be able to play those enhancements.  I recommend maybe having 4 archers at least to get that banding chain up, plus some more who can use Horses to play next.  You don't want to be glutted with enhancements without being able to play them.

Neutral Cards

== Chariot of Fire.
  • Your Disciples will die.  Especially the most useful ones.  You will not always have TNC, so you need 1-2 Chariot of Fires.
  • It allows you to discard heroes when you overdraw without being worried about not getting them back.
  • This is T2.  Mass wipes will happen (especially if a sneaky ASA hits your boat).
Add it.  At least 1.

== Holy Grail?  The most staple artifact?
  • Convert the most pesky EC, especially one with a weapon.
  • Some protect forts don't protect from conversion, letting you get past and snipe their most useful cards.
Add it.

= Four-Drachma Coin.
  • Protecting your deck is so key when the odds of having SoG in hand in a 100 card deck is so small.
  • Easy D4 off of Peter.
Not a necessity, but I would highly recommend it.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2012, 04:39:08 PM by Redoubter »

Offline jbeers285

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Brand New to Type-2
« Reply #5 on: July 12, 2012, 05:36:02 PM »
Just a couple thoughts on ur comments

First and foremost thank you for all the insight.

1. I think I'll be adding a pharaoh's prison x2? If I add this should I remove storehouse? Should I add the Egypt site? I really had not planned on using potiphar for anything more then to hold a weapon, numbers and he counts towards genesis Egyptians, should I add a copy or 2 p his wife?

2. I was under the thought that egyptian wisemen, jambres and jannes are all considered magicians which is why I maxed on charms.

3. I definitely see your point about adding an extra protect fort

4.  If I drop one New Cov for chariots is that enough or do I need more?

5. Do most type-2 max out on holy grails or is 1 or 2 enough? If I add the grails am I getting to artifacts happy?

6. I'll add DoN
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Offline Redoubter

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Re: Brand New to Type-2
« Reply #6 on: July 12, 2012, 05:47:05 PM »
1. I think I'll be adding a pharaoh's prison x2? If I add this should I remove storehouse? Should I add the Egypt site? I really had not planned on using potiphar for anything more then to hold a weapon, numbers and he counts towards genesis Egyptians, should I add a copy or 2 p his wife?

Really not worth it to add all of that, especially if you wanted him to hold a weapon and that's it.  Archers, Chariots, Horsemen, Huge Egyptian.  Use them for WC.

Don't add it because you have no evil capture, and all it would actually do is make the band CBN, and the wife is only 2/2.  Just remove him completely and don't use any prisons or his wife.

2. I was under the thought that egyptian wisemen, jambres and jannes are all considered magicians which is why I maxed on charms.

Wisemen are not.  Jambes and Jannes are, but they are relatively useless (Jambres is absolutely useless).  If you keep Jannes, then your magician problems wouldn't be as bad, but you'd still have to add more to take advantage (and to use PG Confusion).

4.  If I drop one New Cov for chariots is that enough or do I need more?
I recommend at least 1, but no more than 2 Chariots.  TNC may not be the card you want to cut per se, but 1 Chariot may be enough.

5. Do most type-2 max out on holy grails or is 1 or 2 enough? If I add the grails am I getting to artifacts happy?
Holy Grail's use limit is a game limit.  Multiple copies will only hurt you, since they cannot be used more than twice across all copies.  Just stick with one - but put that one in!

The most important thing for you to do is to get all of the cards that you would like to use put in stacks of good, evil, and neutral.  Once you get them together, determine how much Neutral you'll have, make some cuts, then figure out how big your good and evil piles need to be.  It is a long process to fine-tune a T2 deck.

Offline jbeers285

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Brand New to Type-2
« Reply #7 on: July 12, 2012, 06:13:57 PM »
Thank you very much for all the help and support
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Offline RTSmaniac

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Re: Brand New to Type-2
« Reply #8 on: July 13, 2012, 10:40:03 AM »
I am still counting 38 on offense and 40 on defense.
My suggestion would be get it down to 100 cards by taking out 2 evil cards and then 3 more cards.

The deck seems very concentrated on power which is good. Im not sure how I feel about  Magician's Snakes and I think that what needs to be considered is how this deck will match up against the current metagame.

Can it contend with standalone defenses? Thadd and James the lesser are good

What are your weaknesses on offense? needs blue tassels

How about site access? soul gen and boat are good but are they enough?

Will your defense last long enough for you to win? AoCP + SoulGen + Failed Objective + whatever your opponent sends your way...16 EC is always a good number but still something to be considered.

Overall: very competitive just needs some tweaks that comes from playing the deck.
This is the way Lackey gave it to me. All hail the power of Lackey!


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Re: Brand New to Type-2
« Reply #9 on: July 13, 2012, 06:24:57 PM »
It's 41/39. He has Wall of Protection listed under evil.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2012, 06:28:49 PM by Rawrlolsauce! »

Offline Redoubter

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Re: Brand New to Type-2
« Reply #10 on: July 13, 2012, 06:44:56 PM »
The deck seems very concentrated on power which is good. Im not sure how I feel about  Magician's Snakes and I think that what needs to be considered is how this deck will match up against the current metagame.

Can it contend with standalone defenses? Thadd and James the lesser are good

Say what?  This is T2, what standalones do you speak of?  The meta is Assyrian/Magicians, and it can definitely help against that, though he could use a Crown of Thorns to seal it (ASA).

What are your weaknesses on offense? needs blue tassels

Blue Tassels only prevents capture.  It can do nothing to CBP or CBN capture, and it actually stops him from using TAS.  Plus it can't return anyone that gets captured.  What you actually need is Covenant of I've said many times.  There are literally 0 cards in the game better at dealing with capture of heroes than CoP.  It has the prevent of capture and returns captured heroes to territory since that's what you actually need.

Offline MitchRobStew

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Re: Brand New to Type-2
« Reply #11 on: July 13, 2012, 07:48:51 PM »
The deck seems very concentrated on power which is good. Im not sure how I feel about  Magician's Snakes and I think that what needs to be considered is how this deck will match up against the current metagame.

Can it contend with standalone defenses? Thadd and James the lesser are good

Say what?  This is T2, what standalones do you speak of?  The meta is Assyrian/Magicians, and it can definitely help against that, though he could use a Crown of Thorns to seal it (ASA).

What are your weaknesses on offense? needs blue tassels

Blue Tassels only prevents capture.  It can do nothing to CBP or CBN capture, and it actually stops him from using TAS.  Plus it can't return anyone that gets captured.  What you actually need is Covenant of I've said many times.  There are literally 0 cards in the game better at dealing with capture of heroes than CoP.  It has the prevent of capture and returns captured heroes to territory since that's what you actually need.

Blue tassels protects from capture.  The prevent only applies to unholy writ.

Blue Tassels (Pa)

Type: Artifact • Brigade: None • Ability: None • Class: None • Special Ability: No character may be captured. Prevents Unholy Writ. • Play As: Protect all characters from capture abilities. Prevent Unholy Writ. • Identifiers: None • Verse: Numbers 15:38 • Availability: Patriarchs booster packs (Uncommon)

See also:


« Last Edit: July 13, 2012, 07:51:45 PM by MitchRobStew »

Offline Redoubter

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Re: Brand New to Type-2
« Reply #12 on: July 13, 2012, 09:44:02 PM »
Blue tassels protects from capture.  The prevent only applies to unholy writ.

Had to look up the ruling.  You're right, it is still (currently) a protect, even though similarly worded cards are ruled a prevent (see: Wool Fleece).

However, it can do nothing about characters captured when it is not active.  That means you must have it up at all times (huuuge opportunity cost in this deck), and it is therefore useless.  It also stops you from being able to use Cupbearer and TAS, which is unacceptable.

CoP returns captured characters, meaning it works no matter when they were captured.  It also does not stop Cupbearer or TAS.

There is no better anti-capture card that can be put in an artifact pile than CoP, period.

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Re: Brand New to Type-2
« Reply #13 on: July 14, 2012, 09:06:53 PM »
Protect > Prevent

Standalones in today's meta:

Goliath (P)
Ammy Slave
Sabbath Breaker
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Offline Redoubter

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Re: Brand New to Type-2
« Reply #14 on: July 15, 2012, 01:05:46 AM »
Protect > Prevent

Standalones in today's meta:

Goliath (P)
Ammy Slave
Sabbath Breaker

...Do you think we're in the T1 Advice Board  ???

That kind of defense is not a T2 defense at all.  The meta is Assyrians/Magicians, not one-shot characters.

And you completely missed my point on the capture issue.  Of course protect is better, but you can't protect against something done in the past.  You have to have it up all the time, which is unacceptable in this deck.  And unlike CoP, it can do nothing to get back anyone captured while it wasn't up.  Blue Tassels is greatly inferior to CoP.

Offline Jmbeers

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Re: Brand New to Type-2
« Reply #15 on: July 15, 2012, 01:14:10 AM »

My T2 and all the T2's in my area would walk all over a defense that spread out and character driven.

Goliath < my CBN banding
KoT < my CBN/P enhancements
Uzzah < to my Abby or CWD
Ammy < because captured characters fuel Babs
Sabbith < my draw 6 plush inish or CWD again.
The only reason people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory.

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Re: Brand New to Type-2
« Reply #16 on: July 16, 2012, 10:59:33 PM »
Falling Away

Kingdoms of the World
Assyrian Camp
Philly Outpost

Rain Becomes Dust
Cov. w/ Death x2
Captured Ark x2

Evil Characters
Assyrian Siege Army x4
Assyrian Survivor x3
Assyrian Archer x3
Philly Armorbearer x3

Confusion x2
Forgotten History x3
DoU x4
Land Dispute x2


This is the way Lackey gave it to me. All hail the power of Lackey!

Offline Redoubter

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Re: Brand New to Type-2
« Reply #17 on: July 16, 2012, 11:15:48 PM »
Falling Away

Kingdoms of the World
Assyrian Camp
Philly Outpost

Rain Becomes Dust
Cov. w/ Death x2
Captured Ark x2

Evil Characters
Assyrian Siege Army x4
Assyrian Survivor x3
Assyrian Archer x3
Philly Armorbearer x3

Confusion x2
Forgotten History x3
DoU x4
Land Dispute x2



..can you please explain this post ???  I'm a little confused.  If you were trying to respond to my statement about the meta T2 defense, your post only had 1 of the 'meta' characters you mentioned, and it actually supports what I said is the meta (Assyrians, though normally with Magicians they are the basis).

And your link goes to a thread where everyone is talking about if you should use 4 Uzzah, which just puzzles me more.

How does this all relate to this thread?

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Re: Brand New to Type-2
« Reply #18 on: July 16, 2012, 11:47:48 PM »
Say what?  This is T2, what standalones do you speak of?  The meta is Assyrian/Magicians...

There are stand alones in todays meta as well, and in recent years there has been a tendency toward playing more one ofs in decks due to Water Jar and even more recent the new game rule of only 4 of a card. This pushes the trend of splashing more stand alones.

I remember a hand control deck I piloted to great victory in years past and one of it's hardest match ups was against a Zebulan deck because that deck wanted my opponent to have no hand so they could walk in for the victory.

My opponent (gabe) played alot of one of's so he could just drop from his hand whatever he drew.

The deck went on to win NATS 2010.

Cards in deck: 100
Lost Souls: 16
   Lost Soul (deck discard)
   Lost Soul (deck discard)
   Lost Soul (Female Only)
   Lost Soul (Female Only)
   Lost Soul (hopper)
   Lost Soul (hopper)
   Lost Soul (N.T. only)
   Lost Soul (N.T. only)
   Lost Soul (Site Discard)
   Lost Soul (Site Discard)
   Lost Soul (site doubler)
   Lost Soul (site doubler)
   Lost Soul (Speed Bump)
   Lost Soul (Speed Bump)
   Lost Soul (Wanderer)
   Lost Soul (Wanderer)

Lamb Dominants: 5
   Angel of the Lord
   Grapes of Wrath
   Guardian Of Your Souls
   New Jerusalem
   Son of God

Grim Reaper Dominants: 5
   Christian Martyr
   Destruction of Nehushtan
   Falling Away

Fortresses: 7
   Kingdoms of the World
   Philistine Outpost
   Philistine Outpost
   Solomon's Temple
   The Gates of Hell
   The Tabernacle
   Wall of Protection

White Sites: 2
   Mildewed House
   Mildewed House

Red Sites: 3

Gold Sites: 2

Green Sites: 1
   Babylonian Banquet Hall

Purple Sites: 2

Artifacts: 6
   Blue Tassels
   Crown of Thorns
   Holy Grail
   Lampstand of the Sanctuary
   The Bronze Laver
   The Bronze Laver

White Covenant Cards: 3
   Captured Ark (Crimson)
   Captured Ark (Crimson)
   Captured Ark (Crimson)

Red Covenant Cards: 1
   I am Grace

Gold Covenant Cards: 1
   I am Redemption

Green Covenant Cards: 2
   I am Salvation
   I am Salvation

Blue Covenant Cards: 2
   I am Holy
   I am Holy

Silver Heroes: 3
   Angel at Shur
   Captain of the Host
   Captain of the Host

Blue Heroes: 11

Blue Hero Enhancements: 6
   Reuben's Torn Clothes
   Reuben's Torn Clothes
   Reuben's Torn Clothes
   Well Reopened
   Well Reopened
   Well Reopened

Crimson Evil Characters: 3

Black Evil Characters: 7
   Philistine Armor Bearer
   Philistine Armor Bearer
   Philistine Armor Bearer
   Philistine Armor Bearer
   Philistine Garrison
   Philistine Priests
   The Twelve-Fingered Giant

Brown Evil Characters: 3

Black Evil Enhancements: 4
   Land Dispute
   Land Dispute
   Land Dispute
   Land Dispute

Brown Evil Characters: 4
   King of Tyrus
   King of Tyrus
   Prince of this World
   Prince of the Air

This is the way Lackey gave it to me. All hail the power of Lackey!

Offline Redoubter

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Re: Brand New to Type-2
« Reply #19 on: July 17, 2012, 12:02:33 AM »
Okay, really?  Your deck you just posted was actually cohesive and didn't use one-use characters.  And it only had half of the 'meta' characters you mentioned.  I really am not seeing your point.  Of course those characters are used, but only in a defense where it makes sense.  Gomer makes sense in that deck, as does Goliath, as does KoT, and Uzzah is used in many T2 decks because of the many artifacts.  That's not what that deck is built around, and your previous statements suggested that entire decks are built around those characters.  They just aren't, and would not be competitive in any case.

If your point was that he should be concerned with those particular characters when they come up, then he has cards to deal with them.  John deals with some, James+Thad with most, Phil+Bart overcome with their large CBN banding, and there are several bands to overcome Goliath.

Now, in all seriousness, can we get back to the actual deck he wanted some help with?  I don't see how this is helping him out, which is the point of this kind of thread.

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Re: Brand New to Type-2
« Reply #20 on: July 22, 2012, 05:32:43 PM »
I recommend replacing your Charioteers with Horsemen.
Charioteers can't stop CBP or CBN, and most offenses you'll be fighting will be using one or the other.
In my experience, charioteers over horsemen, easily. Everyone assumes all these enhancements are CBN now. All the meta CBN enhs have restrictions. Charioteers with a horse on him is much more versatile. Block, D2, play any enh and now they can't play a negate or interrupt unless CBN, or CBP but low chance.
My T2 and all the T2's in my area would walk all over a defense that spread out and character driven.

Goliath < my CBN banding
KoT < my CBN/P enhancements
Uzzah < to my Abby or CWD
Ammy < because captured characters fuel Babs
Sabbith < my draw 6 plush inish or CWD again.
RTSManiac is not saying an entire defense be like this, just splashed. It's easy to say, "Oh my offense can pwnsauce this defense!" then you get blocked by one of these characters. In this example you are saying you have to have the right hero's, and not be blocked initially by Goliath... Now you get blocked by KoT, he has one EC and you have to have your hero, plus your enhancement, his odds are better. Ammy, your response was captured characters fuel Babs, didn't you use Babs this past weekend? Now your last reason was CWD, which could probably be said about the majority of hero's you are using to attack these "stand-alone" EC's. It's hard to play the what if game.
RTSmaniac is just pointing out that these EC's are used in majority of top competitive decks. Not every single EC in the same deck, but enough to where you need to know exactly what to do when you get blocked by them.
Back to the dude's deck.
I think you need one more James alphy over that one Andrew. I think you need 2 Phillip's and only one Bart, not the opposite as you have. I don't think you need a Storehouse. I would max out on Failed Objective's. I think the addition of Magicians is weaker. I know Magic Charms are great, but adding EC's that are not, and do not flow as well in your deck, does not justify the Charms. Stick to 3 Unholy Writs', that'll be enough. Try to make the deck 100.

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Re: Brand New to Type-2
« Reply #21 on: July 22, 2012, 07:37:40 PM »
I think you need 2 Phillip's and only one Bart, not the opposite as you have.

Didn't even notice that, and I would definitely agree.  Bart can be searched out, so you only actually have to pull Phil.  While I like to use 2 of both in certain decks, it is definitely an easy cut to make.

I don't think you need a Storehouse. I would max out on Failed Objective's. I think the addition of Magicians is weaker. I know Magic Charms are great, but adding EC's that are not, and do not flow as well in your deck, does not justify the Charms. Stick to 3 Unholy Writs', that'll be enough.

I would disagree on Storehouse, not only because of its usefulness but also the power it gives to TDP.  I would recommend still keeping it, but the counter-argument is valid as well.

I would also consider upping Failed Objective, because while the deck should be more focused on banding chains to Horses to Forgotten History, an Archer can snipe, still have initiative, and then plop it to win you blocks.  Plus, it'll be there for you when you don't have the other battle-winner you need.

Agree about the magicians.  As I pointed out before, you'd have to add a decent amount of magician support to have Confusion and Magic Charms.  With what you've put in, it'd be more worth it to use more useful artifacts, a couple of more Egyptian banders, and some enhancements with more synergy (more Failed Objectives, for instance) and take out any non-Egyptian magicians, Confusion, and Charms.

Try to make the deck 100.

I've always been a proponent of 105 card decks.  The advantage of 50 vs 56 is considerable, but 100 vs 105 is negligible, if it even exists.  Having 5 powerful cards added in, however, is a very real advantage.  Since you have so many cards in deck, having 5 more really doesn't restrict your dom access.  Also, with this deck being very draw-heavy, you'll get through it incredibly fast.  Keep it 105, in my opinion, but consider the other ideas on that.


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Re: Brand New to Type-2
« Reply #22 on: August 13, 2012, 08:55:52 PM »
Wow, nice.
"Brand New to Type-2"
....and 1 month later he's our national champ!! Very Cool.  8)


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