Author Topic: Blue toss  (Read 4874 times)

Offline Mr.Hiatus

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Blue toss
« on: February 19, 2020, 11:18:43 PM »
With the new set right around the corner I have been pretty busy checking out all the amazing-ness. LoC, at least on the offensive side, really focuses on a few brigades; white, gold, blue, and purple, and they all have red of course. Each brigade has their own theme and strategy, or sub-theme, that are drastically different from one another. I really think blue has a very strong sub-theme of being able to toss. At face value they only have 2 cards, Peace and Goshen and Goshen is meek centered, not just blue centered. The strongest aspect of Goshen is that it allows toss to overcome its nemesis, banding. What I mean by this is not evil banding, Wool Fleece is great for that, but Goshen allows for tossing to happen in battle without having to have a lone hero in battle. Goshen allows for a meek or a Patriarch to be in battle and toss dual enhancements, which is a lot. So I can band with a Patriarch in battle and toss all sorts of stuff. Peace on a blue hero is amazing, especially a blue meek hero that is protected from banish, capture and discard via Enoch. Methuselah is an obvious Peace target because of his numbers and being meek. Enosh will negate opponents neutral cards, so that’s key as well. Kenan has first strike and is 8/11 so Peace on him is very nice as well, so you have plenty of targets. Father Abraham is 12/12 and Jacob is 10/10 that can snag a Genesis enhancement from deck to toss if needed as well. Archpachshad is awesome because of his numbers and then decreases an EC every time he attacks, another strong Peace target. Of course you also have Job and Job’s Faith. Coliseum is also nice for this deck as another potential target to help tossing.

That’s the main deck idea, get out Peace, Goshen comes out so easily due to PoC and start tossing. Wool Fleece also comes out easily due to star abilities and grabbing a Wool Fleece from reserve. Bless the nations is a main toss enhancement and Job is protected from some capture and discard and snags Job’s Faith for a 7 toss. The enhancement for the decks are geared towards toss but mostly Genesis. When the opponent does not play for toss, which who does, they have a very difficult time going against a Patriarch band with Goshen out or a large hero with Peace that is protected. That is very difficult to stop and Wool Fleece should be up majority of the time to stop the opponent from banding and now you have a somewhat protected hero that tosses everything and you’re built for it and they aren’t. I’ll make the offense list soon, perhaps tomorrow, but that’s the gist of the deck.

Offline Watchman

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Re: Blue toss
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2020, 05:23:06 PM »
Nice analysis, Tyler!  Don't forget about the "beast" of toss enhancements for the blue side of this strategy--Leviathan.
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