This deck's idea was simple, everyone is using O.T. this year so band to their offense. This was my National's deck for the most part and did exceptional. Had I used this deck first round against Jordan instead of my Genesis offense (verse his demons- Genesis is not good against demons) I think the results would have been different. Round 2 was 7-0, Round 3 was 7-1, Round 4 was 7-0. Round 5 was verse RTSManiac. He Water Jar'ed my NJ/AotL. His DoU's held me off as he didn't let me have Abigail out, or played them before I had initiative. We timed out before I could get my NJ for the win, 6-5 him, well played. My last round was for either 2nd place or 5th or below. I should have switched decks and I think I would have won. Josiah has a great deck, but he used my offense early on to propel himself to win. I had him down to just about nothing left but 2 band cards, and only one Samuel left to play them on, so the defense did great, just my own offense beat me. -__-
This is a slightly different version from Nationals, I added Mayhem/RBD.
Here's the deck-
105 cards- 14 ls
DRaid or Priestly Crown, they switch from time to time
Foreign Sword x2
Holy Grail
Magic Charms x3
Armorbearer x2
Eli the priest
Samuel x2
Angel with the Secret Name
Angel Under the Oak x2
Ahimelek x2
Ishmaiah x2
Wheel Within a Wheel
Deborah's Directive x2
Samuel's Edict x3
A Soldier's Prayer x2
Bravery of David x3
Battle Cry x3
Cov. of Palenstine
Wall of Protection x2
The Rabshekah
ASA x2
Astrologers x2
Egyptian Magicians x2
King of Tyrus
Spirit of Temptation x3
Foul Spirit
King Amon
King Manasseh x2
Gomer x2
Worshipping Demons x2
Haman's Plot x2
Gibeonite Trickery x2
Invoking Terror
Divination x2
Forgotten History x3
Two Thousand Horses x4
Captured Ark
Rain Becomes Dust
Gates of Jerusalem
Kingdoms of this World
Strategy: Draw/CBN everything. Samuel starts everything. He has good numbers, and stops them from 2k horses or the play abilities that my defense uses, so usually he gets initiative. Once I get to play I band in my dudes, your dudes and draw, win, negate stuff, choose a different EC to block, and protect my characters/lost souls. The band never got blocked. If it's just one EC I just drop a CBN battle winner. Once I get rolling and they have lost souls out I band Cherubim to Samuel and put back their dominants, then Foreign Sword stuff so they get hand clogged, you can't draw your counters once the band is set, and holding evil doms hurts you. That's pretty much it, band in Ahimelek/Foreign Sword and Ishmaiah/Foreign Sword for their EC's/protection/sites/artifacts, and ASA everything else when they attack.
The defense is set to never give initiative, except against a lone Samuel, then I just do my low guys and play a CBN.
Main band in Spirit, put a battle winner under my deck, then band to Egyptian Magicians to play it, which helps hurting your hand. My favorite play is Spirit to Gomer to Spirit to Manasseh to Spirit to Magician to Egyptian. Now you just put 3 cards back, I put down 3 but I got to get one back and draw, and play the other one in battle for a CBN, so I only lost 1 card from my hand. Now on offense I attack with my band and clog your deck, it works well together.
There's always the CBN huge btn band for me. At the end I can recur my Gib Tricks with a 2/2 King Amon, not bad.