Author Topic: angels/pharisee  (Read 2757 times)

Offline The ArchAngel

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« on: September 26, 2013, 01:29:17 AM »
I'm fairly new to type 2 and have limited resources when it comes to expensive cards so I don't have cards like mayhem or good souls, but this is what I came up with and would love some friendly advice to make it as good as I can.


2 Michael (angel wars)
2 Gabriel (I starter deck)
2 strong angel (warriors)
2 Captain of the Host (kings)
2 Angel of warning
1 the Destroyer
1 Angel of harvest
1 angel at Jerusalem

3 Striking Herod
2 Angelic Guidance
2 Gloria in Excelsis Deo
2 Consuming Fire
2 Overwhelming Presence
2 Angelic News
3 Protection of Angels
2 Angels Sword
1 Eaten by Worms

1 Chamber of Angels
1 Wall of Protection
1 Storehouse

Son of God
New Jerusalem
Grapes of Wrath
Angel of the Lord


4 Proud Pharisee
3 Sabbath Breakers
2 Entrapping Pharisee
2 Stone throwers
6 Pharisee (2 of each generic)
1 Scribe

4 Pretensions
3 Balaam's Disobedience
3 washing Hands
2 Just a hireling
2 Tenants kill the son
2 Doctrine like Leaven
1 Sorrow of mary
1 Hypocrite's Proselyte

Christian Martyr
Destruction of Nehushtan


1 Golgatha
1 Nazareth
1 Chorazin
1 Caesarea Philippi

1 Asherah Pole
1 holy grail
1 darius decree
1 chariots of fire

14 generic lost souls (all with NT reference)

Offline yirgogo

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Re: angels/pharisee
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2013, 04:17:35 PM »
The Wall of protection I would get rid of because of goliath, and especially in type two, there will be many goliaths in one deck. Goliath's special ability negates banding, pushes back your hero unless it is a giant slayer, and you may present another attacker if you would like, cannot be negated. Wall of protection is another person putting one of your heroes into battle, and you are protected from that because of Wall of Protection. If you are worried about banding, you could put a household idol into your deck. In every deck I create, I put Golden Cherubim because it is really good. I also would add some other speed to your deck, and the new Gabriel from the I & J starter decks because with speed, he will help you keep on being able to play enhancements. I also would add some resurrecting to your offence. One good trick is using doctrine like leaven on Saul Paul, and then converting him, and put I Am Sustainer in your deck to resurrect a generic Pharisee each turn. Looks Good!
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Offline RTSmaniac

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Re: angels/pharisee
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2013, 01:59:55 PM »
how can u convert Saul/Paul if he is set aside?
This is the way Lackey gave it to me. All hail the power of Lackey!

Offline yirgogo

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Re: angels/pharisee
« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2013, 04:42:33 PM »
I don't know, but I heard this advice from someone who actually used this in a deck.
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us." Lord of the Rings, JRR Tolkien

Offline The ArchAngel

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Re: angels/pharisee
« Reply #4 on: November 03, 2013, 02:03:38 AM »
The wall of protection will be coming out.  I experianced the goliath rule recently (luckily i was using goliath).  I was thinking about adding saul/paul.  If I'm not mistaken I can pull him out of set-aside whenever I want so at like 1/1 then use holy grail.  what offense recursion were you thinking?  I have chamber.   

Offline yirgogo

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Re: angels/pharisee
« Reply #5 on: November 03, 2013, 08:42:52 PM »
Chamber can be negated, and best by Assyrians, which is the most common right now, along with magicians, but I wasw mostly thinking about your defence. you could add a protection of Jerusalem and a miraculous hankerchiefs to protect your set aside heroes, and then you could do possibly add some more evil sustainability so that your offence can outlast theirs!
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us." Lord of the Rings, JRR Tolkien

Offline Red Warrior

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Re: angels/pharisee
« Reply #6 on: November 04, 2013, 04:14:23 PM »
If you convert an 11/1 Saul (Decreased by "Doctrine like Leaven") to Paul he has Paul's printed numbers of 10/10. The only way to get Paul's defense down is to decrease him as a hero, since he will remain "Paul". For example, Corrupted would turn him into a Brown Evil Character, he could then be set-aside on Doctrine like Leaven, you would then have to RE-convert him... Worth-It-Ness? 0.43%

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Offline Professoralstad

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Re: angels/pharisee
« Reply #7 on: November 05, 2013, 11:03:45 AM »
If you convert an 11/1 Saul (Decreased by "Doctrine like Leaven") to Paul he has Paul's printed numbers of 10/10. The only way to get Paul's defense down is to decrease him as a hero, since he will remain "Paul". For example, Corrupted would turn him into a Brown Evil Character, he could then be set-aside on Doctrine like Leaven, you would then have to RE-convert him... Worth-It-Ness? 0.43%

Even if you did that, you can't convert EC Paul to Multi-color Hero Paul. He would be single-color Paul.
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Re: angels/pharisee
« Reply #8 on: November 06, 2013, 12:43:21 AM »
I thought there was a default rule that said if a character is converted and then converted back, it automatically goes to the brigade it began originally as.

As for getting Paul better numbers for initiative, Gates of Samaria and Chemosh can do that just fine.
Fortress Alstad
Have you checked the REG?
Have you looked it up in ORCID?

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Re: angels/pharisee
« Reply #9 on: November 06, 2013, 10:51:52 AM »
I thought there was a default rule that said if a character is converted and then converted back, it automatically goes to the brigade it began originally as.

Nope. The rule is that if a character is converted back, it is able to regain its old special ability (i.e. a Hero converted to an EC to a Hero would be able to use its SA again).
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Offline RTSmaniac

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Re: angels/pharisee
« Reply #10 on: November 06, 2013, 11:51:10 PM »
evil spirit convert Saint of Virtue (in territory) to EC then convert with Holy Grail to green or silver. Attack and play Spiritual Warfare *tada!*
This is the way Lackey gave it to me. All hail the power of Lackey!

Offline Red Warrior

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Re: angels/pharisee
« Reply #11 on: November 07, 2013, 05:39:27 PM »
As awesome as all of this convert-sation has been, I know I'm speaking for Zach when I say he would love some actual advice on his deck, lol...

Just some conversation over the deck a bit: with Washing Hands and Just a Hireling you'll rarely get initiative. With Doctrine like Leaven, this defense practically last forever... and that has cost me the game several times... Chorazin and CP make it difficult if not impossible to pick off Proud Pharisees in his defense. Ashera Pole is awesome with 90% of his attacking being done with NT heroes...

Red was always playable :)

Offline Professoralstad

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Re: angels/pharisee
« Reply #12 on: November 07, 2013, 06:30:06 PM »
Several comments:

You have 13 Heroes, which is 1-3 too light, IMO. Also, 8 of those Heroes are paired uniques (i.e. 4 different Heroes with doubles of each). This can be dangerous. I would try to add some more generics (Cherubim (FF) is awesome, and Legion of Angels is surprisingly effective, especially in certain combos--explained in a bit). I would stick with 2x Gabriel, but only one TSA, one Captain, and one Mike. I would also consider Angel Under the Oak. First, the d2 is nice. Second, putting him in play in a mono-silver offense can mess with your opponent's perception of your deck. Usually, the first thing you think when you see AutO is that it is primarily a Judges deck.

Good Enhancements:
I would cut down to 14-16 enhancments, 4 of those should be Striking Herod, 2 of them should be Wheel Within a Wheel, and the rest of them can be up to you. I wouldn't use Consuming Fire or Gloria. I'd also consider In the Clouds as part of the combo I am about to explain below.

Good Fortresses:
These all look good. I would definitely keep Wall of Protection though. Goliath can hurt, sure, but the easy way to deal with that is to have a Hero in your hand to attack with. But what you should really be worried about is Gomer and/or Spirit of Temptation banding to your entire defense, using your Proud Pharisees to draw and play. A common play I would often use vs. Pharisee defenses was SoT to all the Pharisees then play Suicidal Swine Stampede to remove their entire defense from the game. So I would use Wall in any Pharisees defense.

Good Dominants:
Every T2 player (who isn't keeping his deck optimized for some sort of combo) should use Guardian of Your Souls. There is no worry with the dom/LS limit, so you want to use as many helpful doms as you can. The rest look good.

Evil Characters:
I wouldn't use 6 of the generic Pharisees, I would stick with 3-4 at the max. I would suggest tossing in a few of the more helpful Romans (Pontius Pilate, Emperor Tiberius, and/or Emperor Vitellius). I would also use 2x Scribe, his recursion ability is really good.

Evil Enhancements:
The combo I was referring to earlier is Idle Gossip to make Gabriel/Legion of Angels fight the rescuing Hero with Darius' Decree active. Gabriel can get back a silver enhancement while still able to beat the Hero, and even if the Hero is bigger, In the Clouds can return the Hero (and good enhancements are much less likely to be interrupted by other Heroes). I don't particularly like Doctrine Like Leaven; it takes one of your blockers out, and your generic pharisees won't be discarded as often to make it useful. Washing Hands is alright, but I'd focus more on Sorrow of Mary and/or Idle Gossip as stated above.

Evil Dominants:
I would use all that you have. Assuming you have an I/J starter, you should have Strife and Vain Philosophy. Falling Away and Mayhem should also be added if you get your hands on them. I use 7 evil doms in pretty much every T2-2P deck I use.

I agree with all of these except Chorazin. It stops your opponents from converting your characters, but it also stops you. If you do end up adding Saul/Paul (up to you), you couldn't use Grail, and you also couldn't use Grail to convert your Proud Pharisee to a Hero (which is an awesome combo). Going along with that theme, you could use Spiritual Warfare as a good enhancement that a converted PP could use pre-block.

I would skip APole. Yes, it is nice vs. O.T. Heroes, unfortunately the best O.T. offense (and the only one in which interrupting/preventing your EEs is likely to matter a lot) is Judges, which has Gideon, and several ways to get him quickly. As soon as he enters battle, APole is dead, and isn't coming back. I would also skip Chariot. Assuming you have the requisite amount of Heroes (14-16) you shouldn't worry too much if a few of them are discarded (and you also have Chamber). I would probably use an Unholy Writ or two (on that note, you could use High Priest's Palace with that). And I would definitely use 2x Darius' Decree (regardless of whether you like the Idle Gossip idea).

Lost Souls:
Here are some cheap, easy-to-find LSs that are N.T. to use in place of generics:
-Site discard LS (G deck)
-Speed Bump (Priests)
-N.T. Only (Apostles, it is rare, but they have become pretty common in today's market)
-Rejoice (J deck)
If you can get your hands on some of the harder-to-find LSs, here would be my suggestions for N.T. LSs:
-Revealer (Romans 3:23, AW)
-Beggar, Shut Door, and Negater LSs from Disciples (don't use Pigs or Far Country, but any of the other Di LSs are nice)

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Re: angels/pharisee
« Reply #13 on: November 07, 2013, 07:20:43 PM »
Jordan's advice is spot on. I couldn't have said it better myself.
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