The Generous Widow x3- I would do 2 of her and one more Martha
I like Generous Widow so much more because she not only forces drawing for Abom, but also adds to the hand d/c strategy.
The Woman at the Well x3- I would do 2 of her and add Good Samaritan x2
But...Good Samaritan is so useless.

I would much rather put in a Thankful Leper.
Sword against Sword x2- I can see this helping but I think Battle Prayer could be used
I don't feel like I really need Battle Prayer in a T2 deck. I like Sword against Sword not only because it can be a battle-winner, but also because I can help the Abom theme by forcing my opponent to use Sabbath Breaker.
Angel of the Harvest x5- I think this is too much of him too, I never really see him working, I would go straight gold, or do more power with silver
The reason I had five of him is because he is a generic angel that can both help the forced drawing theme and be used as I Am Holy fodder. The silver is a necessary strategy for this deck because of I Am Holy and Chamber of Angels. Also, Simeon + Captain is a great combo, and fits so nicely in this deck.
Might of Angels x2- Doesn't this discard all NT evil characters?
Only EC's with a NT reference. This is a necessary card, because it gets rid of just about all demons (to which I am weak), yet it keeps almost all my EC's (most of which NT ones have extra-Biblical references) alive.
Abomination of Desolation x5- way way way too much! drop it to 3
You know, I was thinking of reducing my Abom count, but somehow I just couldn't bring myself to it. Having an Abom in my opponent's territory at all times is necessary for my strategy. However, if my opponent has no ways of getting rid of my Aboms anyway, then I am stuck with 4 basically useless cards. I don't think I could drop it to 3, but maybe I could go 4.
The Entrapping Pharisee- Switch this out for Terrifying Beast
I don't want to put an EC in here that discards Greeks. Also, The Entrapping Pharisee is so nice because my defense is full of NT Grey cards, and he adds to the hand d/c strategy, and he is CBN. He's even more useful than Balaam's Disobedience!
Balaam’s Disobedience- this is why your defense is "weak", add more of these
My only concern is angels. If my opponent uses angels, then half my defense is shot. I don't want to get
too dependant on cards like this, and I also would like to have a diversity. Gold Shield and Expelling the Jews can be just as if not more useful than Balaam's Disobedience.
I would take out some EC's for more evil battle winners. Also Spirit of Temptation to Galba is very nice.
Hm...I'm not sure about this. My battle-worthy EC count is already low for a deck this size. I probably won't add any
more EC's, but I really don't think that taking any out is a good idea.
Thank you for all the advice. I will think about it and probably make a few updates in the morning.