Hi Rob,
Like Jeremy and Andy said I create decks that are intended to be the next level of play after starter decks. They contain cards from several different expansions (including the newest set, Revelation of John) and are heavily thematic that go in line with the Biblical story. For example, I have some decks that include a David's Mighty Men offense with a Philistine defense; a Martyrs offense and Romans defense; an early Judges offense with a Canaanite defense; etc. All of the support cards (artifacts, sites, fortresses, covenants and curses) go well with each respective offense and defense and introduce the newer player to these types of cards. The decks are designed to be competive by themselves but also are intended to be built upon depending on what cards you'd like to add/take away from them.
Depending on the value of the cards in each deck the decks are either $45, $50, or $55. Also, each 50 card deck comes with its own sleeves, Ultra Pro deck box, play guide, and a write up explaining certain strategies for each deck. The value of the cards is actually higher than the prices of the deck (they are typically 30 to 40% off normal card value if you were to purchase each card individually, so you're saving a lot of money if you wanted to just buy the cards themselves). Each deck has been playtested through several games and against different deck types to ensure that the deck performs well.
If you would like a list of the current decks I have, or if you have any further questions, please email me at yourturngamesfl@gmail.com and I'll be happy to help you out.
God bless,