Here's the thing you'll have to come to realize when playing with a teal deck involving ZT, the fact that the majority of anything your opponent will want to play you will be protected from. Which means you can take out a few of your offensive enhancements to add in some defense.
Along with 3 or 4 enhancements, I would take out Table of Showbread, Storehouse, Harvest Time, Unknown Nation, and Ark of the Covenant. Throw in a Holy of Holies and then you have an extra 7 or 8 defensive spots. Which would put you at 16 or 17 total defensive spots.
Let's assume you have 16 spots, I would just leave 6 spots open and bring it down to 50.
A nice and simple small defense that I usually use is:
Phinehas, son of Eli
Hophni, son of Eli
King Jehoiakin (1/1 Pale green person)
Death of Unrighteouss
Prince of this World (wa)
King of Tyrus (pt or wa, doesn't matter)
Red Dragon
Burial (there was an extra spot, I would add Burial or leave Harvest Time in)