Author Topic: Underplayed cards that should be staples  (Read 2362 times)

Offline Red Wing

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Underplayed cards that should be staples
« on: August 13, 2017, 08:06:05 PM »
Alright fellow Koney mini-game players T1'ers, here is my first attempt at a rant/semi informative write up. The following cards were noticeably absent at the top tables of Nationals (from what I saw) as well as in the lackey meta.

Punisher Lost Soul (RoA)
This soul should literally in be almost every deck. Koney, Throne/BoM, Clay w/ Every Tribe, even Martyrs can all be shut down with Punisher. Often times it will Woes'd or SoG'd but it's well worth a Woes target and that means they can't SoG your Dull/Imitate/Crowds/Liner/whatever. Run Grail and you greatly increase its value. As far as I now, Kevin and I were the only ones who finished in the top ten at Nats to play it (Kansas meta ftw 8)).

Faith of Underdecking Isaac (CoW)
Major shoutout to Kevinthedude here. This card goes in every deck with predominantly clay or blue heroes. Martyrs, Flood Survivors, Colossae whatever. It lets you choose the best card in the top three (with the potential to be 6!!) cards of your deck. It's cloud so no worries about Moses. Until people actually start playing Darius's Decree and Covenant with Death (which I hear they might soon), there's absolutely no reason not to play it. There is a reason this card is banned in MTG.

I am Creator (AW)
This card has been a thing forever but somehow Minister Polarius has been able to keep the hype quiet. This is not just a Koney or Job card. It doubles your chances of getting the best hero in your deck first turn. That's amazing and all you need is an artifact slot. By now you might be asking, "What if I don't get it first turn?" Well, it can help recover from hypocrisy mayhem or AoE discards. It's also a covenant for Eternal Inheritance and fodder for Uzzah.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2017, 04:27:20 PM by Red Wing »
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Re: Underplayed cards that should be staples
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2017, 08:15:04 PM »

It makes me wonder if people just thought "Maybe if I don't run Punisher, no one else will either..."  ;D

Faith of Jacob is also very underrated and would have countered a certain deck strategy quite well... ::)

I am Creator also helps against the dreaded Hypocrisy/Mayhem.
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Re: Underplayed cards that should be staples
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2017, 08:19:00 PM »
I absolutely agree with all three, especially Faith of Issac. Aside from the benefits you listed it effectively makes your deck smaller. With Moses, Ends of the Earth, and Lawless existing Hopper ends up in your own LoB more than the opponent's so it's main benefit these days is to reduce deck size and Faith of Issac does that job even better most of the time.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2017, 08:40:11 PM by Kevinthedude »

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Re: Underplayed cards that should be staples
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2017, 08:23:24 PM »
I agree with all three and especially Faith of Issac. Aside from the benefits you listed it effectively makes your deck smaller. With Moses, Ends of the Earth, and Lawless existing Hopper ends up in your own LoB more than the opponent's so it's main benefit these days is to reduce deck size and Faith of Issac does that job even better most of the time.
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Re: Underplayed cards that should be staples
« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2017, 08:28:57 PM »
punisher practically got me into top cut in 2016 (thanks John Earley)

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Re: Underplayed cards that should be staples
« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2017, 12:01:02 PM »
Honestly, Hezekiah's Signet Ring should probably be on this list.  Seems like no matter what offense or defense you play these days, when your opponent flips this up, your thoughts become decidedly unhappy   ;)
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Re: Underplayed cards that should be staples
« Reply #6 on: August 14, 2017, 12:14:40 PM »
Just wanted to mention and ask.

1 what does AOE stand for??

2. Does I am Creator still work even with heroes with set aside with feast enhancements?? Does not seem like it only because I believe the SA mentions "If you do not have a hero in play or set-aside area" unless I missed something??

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Re: Underplayed cards that should be staples
« Reply #7 on: August 14, 2017, 12:19:44 PM »
Just wanted to mention and ask.

1 what does AOE stand for??

2. Does I am Creator still work even with heroes with set aside with feast enhancements?? Does not seem like it only because I believe the SA mentions "If you do not have a hero in play or set-aside area" unless I missed something??

AoE stands for "Area of Effect".  The set-asides set aside all your human heroes, thus AoE.  Wrath of Stan, Great Image, and Authority of Christ are AoE effects.

I Am Creator doesn't work when you have heroes in set-aside.  Its purpose is laid out in the original post.
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Re: Underplayed cards that should be staples
« Reply #8 on: August 14, 2017, 01:17:25 PM »
Alright fellow Koney mini-game players T1'ers, here is my first attempt at a rant/semi informative write up. The following cards were noticeably absent at the top tables of Nationals (from what I saw) as well as in the lackey meta.

Punisher Lost Soul (RoA)
This soul should literally in be almost every deck. Koney, Throne/BoM, Clay w/ Every Tribe, even Martyrs can all be shut down with Punisher. Often times it will Woes'd or SoG'd but it's well worth a Woes target and that means they can't SoG your Dull/Imitate/Crowds/Liner/whatever. Run Grail and you greatly increase its value. As far as I now, Kevin and I were the only ones who finished in the top ten at Nats to play it (Kansas meta ftw 8)).

Faith of Underdecking Isaac (CoW)
Major shoutout to Kevinthedude here. This card goes in every deck with predominantly clay or blue heroes. Martyrs, Flood Survivors, Colossae whatever. It lets you choose the best card in the top three (with the potential to be 6!!) cards of your deck. It's cloud so no worries about Moses. Until people actually start playing Darius's Decree and Covenant with Death (which I hear they might soon), there's absolutely no reason not to play it. There is a reason this card is banned in MTG.

I am Creator (AW)
This card has been a thing forever but somehow Minister Polarius has been able to keep the hype quiet. This is not just a Koney or Job card. It doubles your chances of getting the best hero in your deck first turn. That's amazing and all you need is an artifact slot. By now you might be asking, "What if I don't get it first turn?" Well, it combos quite nicely with the AoE set aside feasts. It's also a covenant for Eternal Inheritance and fodder for Uzzah.
I ran IaC at Nationals. I attribute a large portion of my success to Angel of the Winds(Should be a staple!) and IaC.
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