Welcome to the Official Redemption® Message Board!
Cards in deck: 56Lost Souls: 8 (plus hopper) Lost Soul (1st round) Lost Soul (female only) Lost Soul (hopper) Lost Soul (N.T. only) Lost Soul (revealer) Lost Soul (shuffler) Lost Soul (Wanderer) Lost Souls (3-line)Lamb Dominants: 3 Angel of the Lord New Jerusalem Son of GodGrim Reaper Dominants: 2 Burial Christian MartyrFortresses: 2 Storehouse The DarknessMulti-Color Sites: 2 New Jerusalem (site) Promised LandArtifacts: 3 Holy of Holies Tables of the Law The Silver TrumpetsCovenant/Curses Cards: 3 Covenant with Levi (Teal) Covenant with Phinehas (Teal) Plagued with Diseases (Brown)Teal Heroes: 7 Abiathar (Teal) Ahimaaz (Teal) Azariah the High Priest (Teal) Jethro (Teal) Melchizedek (Teal) Shelemiah the Priest (Teal) Zadok (Teal)Purple Heroes: 1 King HezekiahTeal Enhancements: 9 Burning Incense First Fruits Jehoiada's Strength Jordan Interrupted Melchizedek's Blessing Passover & Unleavened Bread Pentecost Perpetual Priesthood ScapegoatBrown Evil Characters: 7 Abner Athaliah Beast from the Earth Haman King Zedekiah Morgan ZereshBrown Evil Enhancements: 9 Abner's Spear Dungeon of Malchiah Face of Death Gibeonite Trickery Great Mourning Haman's Plot Korah's Rebellion Mask of Arrogance Shimei's Malicious Curse
The only thing I would recommend, is if you want to play with a larger size deck then do! A lot of people on here think you are silly for playing with a deck over 63 (and even then most want 50-56). If you decide to make a larger deck then you can carry 3 of the same card (except multi-color & Dominants), so carry 3 of the best cards, you don't have to have 150 different cards!