Author Topic: Tourney Deck  (Read 2274 times)

Offline Farmer_Maggot

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Tourney Deck
« on: September 17, 2014, 04:36:50 PM »
I don't normally do this sort of thing, posting my decks for all to see, call it my competitiveness, I just don't like showing what I consider a solid deck.  However, I am new to redemption and interested in a critique.

I played Lord of the Rings TCG and Magic competitively for years, so I'm familiar to deck-building.  Playing Redemption is just a matter of learning the mechanics.  The cards in Redemption are different and the gameplay is different, but I think I've constructed a solid multi-meta deck.

56 Card Deck
Judging Pharisees

Unholy Writ
Alter of Incense

Good Dominants
Angel of the Lord
New Jerusalem
Son of God

Evil Dominants
Christian Martyr
Destruction of Nehushtan
Vain Philosophy

Caesarea Philippi
Promised Land

Lost Souls
Lost Soul Jeremiah 7:18 (Female Only) (H)
Lost Soul Luke 13:25 (Shut Door)
Lost Soul Ezekiel 31:14 (Shuffler) (Ki)
Lost Souls (Two Liner)
Lost Soul Ecclesiastes 10:3 (Anti Miller)
Lost Soul Jeremiah 11:8 (CBP)
Lost Soul Ezekiel 34:6 (Exchanger)

Boaz (J)
Naomi (J)
Ruth (J)
Elders of the City (J)
Jair (RoA)
Eli the Priest (RoA)
Samuel (RoA)
David (Red) (Ki)
Angel in the Path (Wa)
The Angel Under the Oak (ROA)

Gleaning the Fields (J)
Capturing Canaan
Deborah's Directive
Samson's Sacrifice
Family Bond
When Judges Governed
Samuel's Edict
Joshua Burns the City

Evil Characters
Pharisees - Orange Background
Pharisees - Red Background
Stone Throwers (Di)
Proud Pharisee
The Entrapping Pharisees
Emperor Tiberius (J)

Balaam's Disobedience
Damascus (EC)
Tenants Kill the Son
Sorrow of Mary (J)
Night Raid
False Peace

Explanation of strategy...

The Artifacts basically were chosen to give an easy battle win when the opportunity arrises and to provide some further protection for Heroes.  I'm considering taking out AoI, which if I do, I'll need to replace Eli.

Dominants and LS's are self-explanatory.  I like the exchanger especially, which can open a rescue when, for example, Female Only might prevent.

I noticed many top players favor a 50 card deck over adding Sites, which along with a few other cards, bloat your deck.  However in play-testing I've discovered that this deck's drawing will burn through most of my deck in 6 to 8 turns.  So I chose to include them, for they not only add some neat tricks, but also provide another barrier to rescue attempts.

The Hero / GE side is designed to draw, remove sites, discard and capture, negate characters and EE's, and band to win by numbers; thus providing multiple avenues for rescue attempt.  Although the Boaz-Ruth-Naomi-Elders of the City linkage is very nice, especially when adding AITP (for site access), not to mention their ability to recur GE's, adding the judge side fills-in some holes.  The Judges-Red characters-AUTO combo provide with ridiculous drawing and card fishing.

The EC / EE side is very solid.  I'm finding, as is the case in any TCG, every brigade has strengths and weaknesses.  The Pharisees seem to be very well rounded and have a good assortment of EE's to play with (FP, Scattered, SoM, and TKtS).  Splashing in Emperor Tiberius and Naaman makes a difficult barrier to pass in rescuing LS's.  Naaman especially is a very good card - which is strange, for I have not seen him added into many decks.  He recurs three EE's in this deck, and if defeated, gets added to my Red heroes.  It's a pity I cannot band him with anyone, which is something I've considered, but his ability to influence EE's is too good to pass up.

Well...there it is...  I've been play-testing this deck against any "posted" deck I've find on the forums.  There is always the "skill-factor" of playing a deck, so I can't be absolutely sure of how well it holds up, but thus far, it seems to be a well rounded deck.  It's been holding up nicely.  I'm sure, based on a specific meta, I may swap out a card here and there, but in general...I like it.   :)

Appreciate any constructive criticism. 

His Alone,


I am not religious, I love Jesus.
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Offline yirgogo

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Re: Tourney Deck
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2014, 05:21:40 PM »
For your offence, Gideon is in every deck with Angel under the Oak, IMO, and I would also add Moses and Angel with the Secret Name. I would take out some ruth cards, I don't know since I have never played them.

For sites, I would have 7 sites, keep Nazareth and Ceasaria Phillipi. I would add Chorazin, Golgotha, Pergamum, Leper Colony, and Hormah. Those are the 7 I would do, but they don't matter as much. I don't feel like you need promised land since if you have 7 sites than you will have site access to a lot of other things, and those you don't you should be able to discard.
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us." Lord of the Rings, JRR Tolkien

Offline Farmer_Maggot

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Re: Tourney Deck
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2014, 05:37:34 PM »
For your offence, Gideon is in every deck with Angel under the Oak, IMO, and I would also add Moses and Angel with the Secret Name. I would take out some ruth cards, I don't know since I have never played them.

For sites, I would have 7 sites, keep Nazareth and Ceasaria Phillipi. I would add Chorazin, Golgotha, Pergamum, Leper Colony, and Hormah. Those are the 7 I would do, but they don't matter as much. I don't feel like you need promised land since if you have 7 sites than you will have site access to a lot of other things, and those you don't you should be able to discard.

I guess I don't understand site access.  You said that "if you have 7 sites, than you will have site access..."  Does that mean, the sites I have (color) give me access to my opponent's sites of that same color?

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Offline yirgogo

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Re: Tourney Deck
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2014, 05:54:20 PM »
Yes! Sorry, I should've explained this more. Any single color site you can use for access to an opponants lost soul on that singe color site also.
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Re: Tourney Deck
« Reply #4 on: September 17, 2014, 05:58:07 PM »
For your offence, Gideon is in every deck with Angel under the Oak, IMO, and I would also add Moses and Angel with the Secret Name. I would take out some ruth cards, I don't know since I have never played them.

For sites, I would have 7 sites, keep Nazareth and Ceasaria Phillipi. I would add Chorazin, Golgotha, Pergamum, Leper Colony, and Hormah. Those are the 7 I would do, but they don't matter as much. I don't feel like you need promised land since if you have 7 sites than you will have site access to a lot of other things, and those you don't you should be able to discard.

I guess I don't understand site access.  You said that "if you have 7 sites, than you will have site access..."  Does that mean, the sites I have (color) give me access to my opponent's sites of that same color?

As long as they don't have lost souls in them, sites can be added to battle with your hero to gain access (if your hero's brigade doesn't match your opponent's site color).
noob with a medal

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Re: Tourney Deck
« Reply #5 on: September 17, 2014, 05:59:55 PM »
Yes! Sorry, I should've explained this more. Any single color site you can use for access to an opponants lost soul on that singe color site also.

...that changes things considerably.   :(  Wow...  I didn't know that.  I need to rethink the entire deck, at least as far as site access goes.  And since I have 5 sites and a site access Angel, that means minimum 6 cards.  That's a huge change to the deck.

Thanks man.

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Offline yirgogo

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Re: Tourney Deck
« Reply #6 on: September 17, 2014, 07:08:15 PM »
I would take out Angel in the path, and a ruth hero and a ruth enhancement, and add Moses, Angel with the secret name, and Gideon.

Also, I would suggest taking out Eli the priest for Ehud, and another enhancement for Ehuds dagger. Bothe are really good together, Ehuds dagger goes with either Ehud or Moses really well.
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us." Lord of the Rings, JRR Tolkien

Offline Farmer_Maggot

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Re: Tourney Deck
« Reply #7 on: September 17, 2014, 09:20:15 PM »
I would take out Angel in the path, and a ruth hero and a ruth enhancement, and add Moses, Angel with the secret name, and Gideon.

Also, I would suggest taking out Eli the priest for Ehud, and another enhancement for Ehuds dagger. Bothe are really good together, Ehuds dagger goes with either Ehud or Moses really well.

Ehud's dagger does not have the "warrior class" insignia on it.  Can Ehud still hold it?  When can I play it on him?

I am not religious, I love Jesus.
I play Redemption, competitively

Offline yirgogo

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Re: Tourney Deck
« Reply #8 on: September 18, 2014, 08:36:41 AM »
When he has iniciative. It works well with Ehud since yo uuse him to force a king to block that you will get iniciative with, and than you use ehud's dagger to discard him.

With moses you use it to discard an enhancement CBN, which is really good for getting numbers to beat the opponant with Mosses.
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us." Lord of the Rings, JRR Tolkien


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