Author Topic: TGT/A-bom Speedy Deck  (Read 6376 times)

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Re: TGT/A-bom Speedy Deck
« Reply #25 on: February 08, 2010, 10:00:35 AM »
no martha? zaccheus could also be tremendously useful, because he can use meeting the messiah and search for any of your 4 forts.

kind of sad to see the pg go...women as snares is really good for tgt. confusion is also an awesome card...can potentially cost your opponent 2 rescues, or 1 by taking out a different offensive dominant/battle winner. in fact, heres what i propose:

women as snares
damsel with spirit of divination

death of unrighteous

magic charms

all of those cards have great compatibility with each other. astrologers fits your theme of territory destruction/draw, and also has low numbers to set off a confusion/dou, or great for provisions food. and both astrologers/damsel can use magic charms, which i think is one of the absolute best battle winners in the game.
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Offline BubbleBoy

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Re: TGT/A-bom Speedy Deck
« Reply #26 on: February 08, 2010, 10:37:35 AM »
So, you think I should bump it to 63? It seems like there are way more cards that would help me to put in than there are cards that I could live without. If I put in those six cards you listed, I would probably take out Unholy Writ because of Magic Charms, and that would make room for Martha. Zaccheus would be nice to fit in, too...maybe out Falling Away for that?

Also, I might think to use Elymas the Sorceror instead of Damsel...
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Re: TGT/A-bom Speedy Deck
« Reply #27 on: February 08, 2010, 04:11:47 PM »
but elymas is useless, while damsel fits your draw theme. she's also pale green and can use both confusion and dou, whereas elymas is grey and cannot.

also, im not saying you should bump it up to 63. the deck works great at 50-56 with all the mass drawing...just find other stuff to take out. personally, i think you could do without:

love at first sight: too slow, requirement to be played in battle (of which susanna is the only one low enough to play it), hur accomplishes the same thing.
words of encouragement: this addition is puzzling, as the only two things you can words into is hir (already has built-in interrupt) or lafs...of which the latter really wouldnt accomplish anything. i suppose a fservant + this/aocp would be worthwhile, but 3 card combos take time.
woman at the well: i just feel martha and zaccheus could do so much more than watw in a deck like this...and you also dont want to fill your opponents backfield, lessening the effect of tgt.
greek philosophers: antiochus/winged leopard are pretty much the only ones needed for abom decks.
satan released: to get back trembling demon...?
kotw: i dont see ctb going around much in any meta nowadays, and kotw wont help against tgt decks either, since you really dont have enough ec's of the same brigade to fuel it.
wall: you shouldnt worry about your opponent banding to your evil, as you should be ignoring all their ec's. offensively it could be useful, but to me it still doesnt warrant a spot in the deck.


guardian of your souls: this seems to me like a deck where you're planning to always be ahead of your opponent. guardian could help immensly.
harvest time: again, offense heavy decks should hit fast and hard, so you want every oppurtunity to attack. ht helps.
shame lost soul for discarder: you have no answer to deal with an ioj, ds, or spreading mildew placed on your tgt. at the very least, the discarder lost soul should be included in this deck.
balaams d: a great battle winner to use with your false priests or sabbath breaker.

also, do not take writ out of your deck; not only does it help tremendolusly in a deck with a small defense, but its also probably the most powerful non-dom defensive option in the game.
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Offline BubbleBoy

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Re: TGT/A-bom Speedy Deck
« Reply #28 on: February 08, 2010, 05:27:13 PM »
I'm kind of glad you said a few of the things you did, because I was thinking them myself, but I still wasn't sure whether or not to take the cards out.

Deck updated, using most of your suggestions.
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Offline Master KChief

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Re: TGT/A-bom Speedy Deck
« Reply #29 on: February 08, 2010, 05:37:54 PM »
they were only suggestions, and as most suggestions by any player, they're pretty biased by the playstyle of that person. :)

one thing i forgot to say was do you find yourself using chariots alot? i dont think you'll find yourself in need of chariots that much...3 tgt heroes means you'll usually always have an oppurtunity to attack with a tgt lady...john/fs ensures an aocp use...joanna/hur ensures a search use. i dunno, you could either add writ back, or torment back (i was especially digging how torment had great compatibility with 3 of your evil characters: sb, tdemon, or uzzah).
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Offline BubbleBoy

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Re: TGT/A-bom Speedy Deck
« Reply #30 on: February 08, 2010, 10:32:24 PM »
they were only suggestions, and as most suggestions by any player, they're pretty biased by the playstyle of that person. :)
Well, I very much appreciate the comments. After using the same general card clique for a while, it's nice to get a different person's perspective.

I also did regret watching Torment go, especially with KotW gone as well, but it seemed the most logical choice. However, I think that if I were to put any one card back in the deck, it would be KotW. It's true, I don't use Chariot much, but I would rather not get rid of too many artifacts because of Uzzah, especially if the card I were to put in for it was Torment.
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Offline BubbleBoy

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Re: TGT/A-bom Speedy Deck
« Reply #31 on: February 17, 2010, 10:21:20 AM »

I was going through my deck, and I wanted to see if I could in any way take advantage of my multicolor EC's. I was thinking I could put in Namaan's Chariot, which Antiochus could use, and then add a Black or Grey battle-winner or two. But then I thought maybe I could utilize Astrologers' Babylonianness. Nebushasban would be a good card to put in so I could steal my opponent's 2-/3-Liner or NT or Female LS or something. Great Image would be nice to have also, especially if I could follow it up with Belshazzar's banquet. Also, with two relatively low-number Babylonians, I might want to put Desecrate the Temple in as a Confusion backup. I might even go further to put Swift Horses and maybe Nebuchadnezzar in. What do you think about this?
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Re: TGT/A-bom Speedy Deck
« Reply #32 on: February 17, 2010, 05:22:36 PM »
probably the best combo you can make with antiochus is by tossing in a gold shield. while it wont trigger before his ability takes effect, its an effective battle winner all by itself (and one card less than a chariots + battle winner, not to mention cbi).

i like where you're going with the babylonians, theres alot of damage you can do there with a relatively small card pool. confusion + desecrate the temple could be absolutely devestating. if you add any babylonian, nebuchadnezzar is an absolute must. he can search for and play all of the crimson cards you proposed. i imagine it could look something like this:


belshazzars banquet
nebby's pride (battle winner + awesomesauce against fbtn...whopping 18 defense when played on nebby)
desecrate the temple

you may be able to get away with that small, compact defense. adding another babylonian would be optimal, of course, but you're limited at deck space as is. if you do, i'd go with either nubushasban (small numbers for initiative, lost soul access) or nergal (cbn is always great for defense).
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Re: TGT/A-bom Speedy Deck
« Reply #33 on: February 17, 2010, 05:31:05 PM »
nebby's pride (battle winner + awesomesauce against fbtn...whopping 18 defense when played on nebby)

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Offline BubbleBoy

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Re: TGT/A-bom Speedy Deck
« Reply #34 on: February 17, 2010, 10:44:23 PM »
The only problem is what to take out. All I have in my defense is the necessary Greeks, the minimum amount of Grey and PG, and Uzzah. And my offense is possibly even less flexible.

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