9 Good Enhancements
Well Reopened
Two Bears
Isaiah's Call
Live Coal
His Name
The Lord Provides
Abraham's Descendant (LoC)
Offering Your Son
Eve's Descendant (PoC)
Nine GEs seems like a lot, especially with only seven heroes, but remember that Well Reopened is an evil card (and Offering Your Son is looking a little dubious). I went back and forth on which/how many Isaiah battlewinners to include - I think there's still a strong case to be made for Razor, but for now His Name is the only one (though of course Live Coal is there as an option too, and one that's easy to dump from hand for the extra d1 if you have two angels and nothing in discard pile). Call is mostly there as an out for a bad draw - pulling Seraph with a Live Coal from reserve can get the Isaiah package going if Noah and Abraham decide to hang out on the bottom of the deck. I feel like the deck could use one more solid blue battlewinner - it's times like this I really miss Reuben's Torn Clothes - but at the same time a pile of negates can go a long way. Eve's Descendant has additional value in being blue/green, allowing both Isaiah and the full blue Genesis heroes to play it. Lord Provides may actually be the weakest link, surprisingly.
5 Dual Icon
King Saul (CoW)
Persian Horsemen
Deceit and Vengance
Speak Favorably
King Saul's Spear
Honestly, most of these aren't really dual-aligned. Saul and his Spear are always evil, and Horsemen is almost always a character. D&V and Speak Favorably can go either way, although I tend to find myself playing Speak as evil since I have chonky kings and enough good negates.
6 Evil Characters
The Fallen King
King Jeroboam II (PC)
King Omri
The Lying Prophet
Profane Daughters
The playable Kings of Israel along with a small meta-brown package. Fallen King is who you're really looking for early, since he can CBI pull the Samaria site to get Gates rolling (or, if you already have Gates, pull the site to decrease a hero). Omri does the same, but not CB-anything, and if either of them die Necromancer can keep the chain going (as long as you have one of the other two kings). Lying Prophet is not only the solid card he usually is, but when the opponent inevitably has a way to destroy Gates if you're running low on resources, you can snipe the prophets trying to get into your plethora of green sites.
4 Evil Enhancements
Wickedness of the Tenants
Reap the Whirlwind
Return the Captives
+24/+24 king + cbn negate = sad heroes
Return the Captives is the only way to bounce meek heroes.
10 Reserve
Samaria (Pi) x2
Magic Charms
Shrine to Artemis
Covenant with Noah
Covenant with Adam
Wasting Disease
Seraph with a Live Coal
Haman's Plot
Samarias are pulled by Cov w/ Abe. The usual Profane Daughters/Persian Horsemen package, although I could see trying to fit a Scattered as well. Covenant with Noah is a better I Am Creator. Shrine, of course, recycles Samarias and is pulled by Endless Treasures (there's an argument to run Priest of Zeus, and one version of the build did, but I honestly think hitting the Sheol unity is more valuable).
Again, this is something I threw together relatively quickly and is barely tested, let alone solidified. The balances are off, I'm sure I'm missing some very good cards, and I'm not even sure that the offense should go in the direction it does (I think there's a very solid case to be made for full prophets with Jerry instead of the blue/green hybrid). But, it's fun, and an interesting starting-off point for anyone looking for Samaria ideas.
Now if only there was a way to get Gates back so that half the defense didn't fall apart with one fort destruction...