Author Topic: T1 Rotation Patriarchs/Animals  (Read 3897 times)

Offline The Schaefer

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T1 Rotation Patriarchs/Animals
« on: December 08, 2021, 08:53:27 PM »
Here is a list I've been toying around with that hopefully will get some ideas going for Rotation. The deck should be good in Type 1 and Type 2 for Rotation and there's plenty to work with so hopefully this gives someone some ideas.

Also Genesis is GREAT in Rotation for all the doubters out there.






Angel of the winds
Three Visitors
Abraham (CoW)
Jacob, Follower of God
Isaac, Willing Sacrifice
Judah, the Leader
Joseph the Dreamer
Melchizedek (CoW)
Noah, the Righteous


Abes Servant to Ur
Faith of Abe
Offering Your Son
Abe's Descendant
Israel's Sword
Judah's Intervention

Endless Treasures
You Will Remain
Covenant with Philistia
Covenant with Adam
Covenant with Noah
Serpent's Curse
Confusion of Mind



Stolen Blessing

Evil Characters

Devouring Lion
Wild Beast
The Serpent
Esau, the Hunter


Pride of Lions
Seized by Babylon
Wages of Sin


Faith of Noah
Faith of David
Faith of Samuel
The First Sacrifice
The Great Fish
Fire from Heaven
Negev Lions

Its a little bigger than 50 but you can play around with what you want in and don't. There are plenty of great options not even listed here in this list. 57 is viable with this deck as well.

Genesis has some of the best options for speed and consistency in the game. Thats regardless of the theme. This deck in particular tries to leverage the speed a turn 1 Isaac can provide. Being able to search out Jacob and Esau and then draw 2 is amazing. Often you'll arrive at Isaac through Abraham who can search and band to him. Three visitors is also searchable and bandable to by Abe so Abe can essentially grab any patriarch in the deck and band to them. Jacob and Judah can add onto the band or leverage their powerful effects themselves. Melky is searchable by abe as well and provides some protection and soul gen/card advantage. Joe Dreamer is card advantage, and Noah is Noah.

There is synergy all through out the deck so I wont cover it all but an example of a cool play you can do is have jacob search abe's descendant, play it and band to noah. noah can then shuffle the banding enh back in to repeat later. if you have someone like jacob or Abe equipped with Israel's sword you can bounce noah beforehand so you can repeat the play each turn. Theres lots of cool little things like that throughout the deck though and potential for more so explore to your hearts content and see what you can come up with.

For defense Esau is probably one of the best ECs at the moment. He makes the isaac ability that much stronger if on your block you can generate even more card advantage and can even get a play ability to boot. pride of lions is really strong and helps offset the cost Esau has of discarding an Animal. Again there are lots of Options but Patriarchs and Animals are just begging to be played with each other however you decide to go about that.

Don't underestimate Doubt. It may actually get you more blocks than Christian Martyr will.

Play around with ideas for Rotation. It's a brand new world for Redemption. This is just 1 Genesis idea and it's crazy fast. Imagine everything you're missing that's not even mentioned here.

Offline Watchman

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Re: T1 Rotation Patriarchs/Animals
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2021, 09:39:17 PM »
Instead of (or in addition to) Negev Lions in reserve consider using Coliseum Lion, Wild Beast, or Hungry Lion. Those 3 would work better if they’re banded in with Lurking (particularly if there’s a good enh you’re interrupting). 

And I’m surprised there’s no Enosh, Nahor, or Numerous as the Stars.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2021, 09:45:56 PM by Watchman »
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Offline jhendrix6426

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Re: T1 Rotation Patriarchs/Animals
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2021, 09:41:09 PM »
Definitely interested to try this out... my favorite line from the synopsis: ...and Noah is Noah. Real recognizes real!  8)

Offline The Schaefer

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Re: T1 Rotation Patriarchs/Animals
« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2021, 11:21:21 PM »
Instead of (or in addition to) Negev Lions in reserve consider using Coliseum Lion, Wild Beast, or Hungry Lion. Those 3 would work better if they’re banded in with Lurking (particularly if there’s a good enh you’re interrupting). 

And I’m surprised there’s no Enosh, Nahor, or Numerous as the Stars.

I'm testing without Coliseum lion atm. All the lions have been in and at various positions in deck or reserve at various points. Great fish is my go to off lurking. In a final build I would likely put coliseum lion or hungry lion in reserve to add a second lurking target.

Enosh and Nahor are easy to include if you want although theyre worse in this build than other genesis builds since I find it pretty rare to utilize the Meek options outside Noah. You can switch up the build to take advantage of them more easily.

Numerous is amazing and probably one of the best setup cards there is. But its also not really necessary for this since it sets up fast enough that its kind of overkill to me. Granted its still easy to build around and take advantage of how busted of a card it is.

Offline Reth

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Re: T1 Rotation Patriarchs/Animals
« Reply #4 on: December 09, 2021, 02:23:19 AM »
Thanks for sharing this. I really love Genesis and like playing it. I would also be interested if you or someone else also tried with other defenses and found sth. viable there too for Genesis?


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