*Looks at Caleb's avatar*
I used that avatar about a week ago

, great minds think alike I guess.
I'm probably the worst person to take advice from on the boards
Geeze, thats a god way to encourage someone, but what are the points of....
Glittering Spear
Land Made Waste
Pierced Heart
Fear of Danger
I'm just not liking the defence. Here is one I think is better.
Pale Green Evil Characters: 7
King Tiglath-Pilser III (Don't be afraid to release Raider's Camp)
Assyrian Archer (Great for iniative, and if you think your opponet has angel of the Lord)
Esau, the Hunter (Sorry, no capturing!)
The Tartan
Prince of This world
The Rabshakeh (Such a beast with 2k horses)
The Assyrian Spoilers (Plunders isn't that useful.... just use it to pwnzorz their artifacts.)
Orange Characters: 1
King of Tyrus (Not needed, but I've never had success with a deck without him. If you don't want him, I'd suggest putting in The Rabasaris)
Pale Green Evil Enhancements: 8
2k Horses
Captured by Assyria
Death of Unrighteous
Achan's Sin
Infectious Disease
Forgotten History
Many people have told me to put in the Rabasaris Attacks instead of Death of Unrighteous, but I don't like that idea to be honest. You can make that choice)
I've had decent success with a defense similar to this.
I don't know much about Red Brigade, but you need battle winners like Freedom! and Baggage.
EDIT: Oh, and with those changes I'd also take out Assyria, then you could add another character... you can have both The Rabasaris and KOT