
Anyway, here is a rough sketch of what I was thinking for defense:
CrimsonRed Dragon*
Seven Sons of Sceva (Three Nails? - Not a problem! Would you like a second go, KoT?

OrangeDemon Behind the Idol***
Evil Spawn**
Fallen Angel (I like the Orange one better, because he can get past The Strong Angel)
King of Tyrus (for very obvious reasons)
Prince of the Air*
Prince of this World***
Seven Wicked Spirits
Trembling Demon (Holy of Holies helps with his ability)
Deafening Spirit
Evil Armor**
Sinning Hand
Two Possessed by Demons
Worshipping Demons***
*Having both of these cards in your territory will give your opponent second thoughts, no matter what his arsenal.
**Both of these are nice to use right after Demon Behind the Idol to recur that orange enhancement.
***All of these three cards are extremely good reasons to put in a Household Idols. Altar of Ahaz could be nice as well.
Kingdoms of the World (preferably the Priests version) is a good idea, since Demons have hardly any protection from anything. It also goes quite nicely with Seven Wicked Spirits hidden in your hand. Also, this deck would probably need a few artifact killers, and Lying unto God and/or Captured Ark would fit the bill.