New Redemption Grab Bag now includes an assortment of 500 cards from five (5) different expansion sets. Available at Cactus website.
This deck has been updated in light of advice from RDT and TheJaylor:1. I removed The Lying Prophet and added Foreign Wives. This creates unity for Sheol and also Foreign Wives can use all the enhancements The Lying Prophet did. Also I feel Foreign Wives is a great block in the current meta with so much offensive protection due to stuff like Isaiah/purple kings and Auto/Gideon.2. Cut House of Prayer for Sheol.3. I cut Foreign Horses for Two Thousand Horses. Now that The Lying Prophet is gone I feel Two Thousand Horses is the better option since it's play ability is not dependent on my opponent searching or drawing. I had Foreign Horses before so that The Lying Prophet could use it if need be.4. I cut awake for Prosperity as RDT recommended. Also I cut Distressed for Wicked due to all the protection in the current meta and since I run CwD Distressed is really just a backup to it. Lastly I cut Dull for Lawless. I have been running Dull for a while and it very rarely gets me anything. I like the instant effect of Lawless. Any thoughts on the new version of the deck/the changes would be appreciated! P.S.I did not squeeze in Urim and Thummim like TheJaylor recommended as I just am not sure what to cut. It is a cool combo though. One other reservation I had was using the Flying Scroll combo off of Urim and Thummim/Jordan Interrupted the way he recommended would require disabling CwD which could be ok but I have lots of offensive firepower in this deck anyway I feel that does not quite justify that cost.