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Reserve:1 Naomi (j)1 The Four Living Creatures (roj)1 Gleaning the Fields (j)1 Ashtaroth Worship (i)1 False Prophesy (pr)1 False Dreams (poc)1 Emim (fom)1 King Eglon (fom)1 David's Servants (fom)1 The Lying Prophet (poc)Deck:1 Ruth, the Redeemed / Ruth, the Devoted (loc)1 Salmon, the Cloaked / Salmon, the Peaceful (loc)1 Amminadab, the Generous / Amminadab, the Gracious (loc)1 Hannah (poc)1 Boaz (j)1 Elders of the City (j)1 Jephthah (j)1 Out of Egypt (poc)1 When Judges Governed (j)1 Kindness of Boaz (j)1 Ruth meets Boaz (j)1 Devotion of Ruth (j)1 Not Alone (roj)1 Family Bond (j)1 Naomi's Blessing / Heartbroken (loc)1 Withered Plant (poc)1 Bear (cow)1 Wayward Sheep (fom)1 Wild Dogs (roj)1 Stubborn Heifer (poc)1 Devouring Birds (ra)1 Foreign Wives (roa)1 Grain Tenders (poc)1 Outsiders (bumblebee)1 Serpent's Curse (fom)1 Great Image (poc)1 Abducted Subjects (loc)1 Treachery (fom)1 Alliance Against Israel (loc)1 Scattered (roa)1 The Ends of the Earth (roj)1 Moabite Camp (loc)1 Land of Moab (loc)1 Assyrian Affliction (loc)1 Manna (poc)1 Golden Cherubim (roa)1 Wool Fleece (cow)1 Son of God (ab)1 New Jerusalem (promo)1 Angel of the Lord (ab)1 Christian Martyr (cd)1 Destruction of Nehushtan (pa)1 Vain Philosophy (j)3 Lost Soul Luke 15:6 (ab)1 Lost Soul "Thorns" (loc)1 Lost Soul "Oppressed" (loc)1 Lost Soul Hosea 13:2 (roa)1 Lost Soul [Lost Boy] (poc)Deck I've been brewing with me physical cards. singletons to look out for and and deckbuilding tips are appreciated