Author Topic: Red/Crimson 2 Player Deck  (Read 1812 times)

Offline Red Warrior

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Red/Crimson 2 Player Deck
« on: June 23, 2011, 02:52:01 PM »
The deck is currently a 63 to assure that it can "outlast" if I'm lucky enough to even get dead locked with them.

I'm not set at all on the defense (in fact I'm a little bit insecure about it if anything). I just threw in Crimson for its ability to destroy fortresses so Trumpet and Sword can have maximum effect.

There are lots of holes in the deck, feel free to shoot it up...

Dominants (10)


Artifacts (4)
Chariot of Fire
Holy Grail
Ram's Horn (non-negotiable, I love it!)
Unknown Nation

Fortresses (3)
Headquarters at Ribliah
Wall of Protection
Satan's Seat

Lost Souls (7)
NT Only
Female Only
Site Doubler

Sites (4)
Babylonian Banquet Hall

Red Heroes (6)
Centurian @ Calvary
Centurian @ Capernaum

Red Enhancements (7)
David's Triumph
David's Mighty Men
Jael's Nail
The Might of Faith
Warrior's Spear
A Soldiers Prayer

Teal Characters (2)

Teal Enhancements (1)
Zeal for the Lord

Multi Enhancements (3)
Trumpet and Sword (Red/Teal)
Passover and Unleavened Bread (Red/Teal)

Crimson Characters ( 8 )
King Merodach-baladin
Babylonian Forces

Crimson Enhancements ( 8 )
Nebby's Pride
Belshazzar's Banquet
Head of Gold
Carried into Exile
Set Fire
Swift Horses

Red was always playable :)

Offline Josh

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Re: Red/Crimson 2 Player Deck
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2011, 10:20:14 PM »
I think you definitely need to try and get this down to 56.

Try and add Elishama and Jehoshaphat.  Recursion of TaS = win

Add Jephthah and Centurion's Proclamation instead of Might of Faith/Jael's Nail.  And Jael or Naharai should probably go.  Maybe both.

I'd replace Passover/Unleavened Bread with Mustering for War.
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Offline Gabe

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Re: Red/Crimson 2 Player Deck
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2011, 11:17:43 PM »
Hi Joey,

Good to see you active in Redemption again. I hope this means that we will see you at Nationals this year! :)

You should cut the deck down to 56 cards. You can do that by taking out:

Wall of Protection
Stan's Seat
3 Good Enhancements
1 Evil Character
1 Evil Enhancement

For Dominants you're missing Mayhem. It's one of the best (if not the best) cards in the game.

You only have 7 Lost Souls. That's not a problem if you cut back to 56, but if you don't you need to add one to make your deck legal. In a Site deck I'm a big fan of "LS (deck discard) Hosea 13:2" and "LS (site discard) I Corinthians 1:27".

For the Heroes I'm surprised not to see Abishai (ki) since he can band to both Centurions. He's better than Jael or Nahari. Caleb (FooF) is also pretty good in this deck thanks to Goliath.

David's Mighty Men is a weak link on defense. Centurion's Proclamation is better than a lot of the enhancements you're using. It should be on that list somewhere.

On defense Arioch and the non-Babylonians might not be the best fit. Astrologers & Chaldeans are both Babylonian would allow you to include Magic Charms (pretty amazing if you haven't used it). If you're going to sway the non-Babylonian direction then Red Dragon is still good, although not what he used to be. Judas is also effective against his good counterparts (the Disciples) but that changes the direction of your defense.

Axe isn't all it's cracked up to be in my experience. Midianite Attack is still one of crimsons best EEs. That reminds me that Leviathan is still amazing too. Especially when Nebby can search for him. Large Tree could help you search out your BBH to get that faster. Set Fire is nice but it rarely wins games.

There's a bunch of seemingly random thoughts for you to work with. Hopefully that can give you some direction though. ;)
« Last Edit: June 23, 2011, 11:43:35 PM by Gabe »
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Re: Red/Crimson 2 Player Deck
« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2011, 11:44:54 PM »
Here's a modified list you can consider:

Angel of the Lord
Grapes of Wrath
Guardian Of Your Souls
Harvest Time
New Jerusalem
Son of God
Christian Martyr
Destruction of Nehushtan
Falling Away

Chariot of Fire
Magic Charms
Ram's Horn

Headquarters at Riblah

Babylonian Banquet Hall
Babylon x 3

Lost Soul (deck discard)
Lost Soul (female only)
Lost Soul (N.T. only)
Lost Soul (site discard)
Lost Soul (site doubler)
Lost Soul (wanderer)
Lost Souls (2-line)

The Centurion at Calvary
The Centurion at Capernaum
Phinehas, son of Eleazar

The Sabbath
Trumpet and Sword
David's Triumph
Centurion's Proclamation
A Soldier’s Prayer
Battle Cry
Zeal for the Lord

King Merodach-baladan

Swift Horses
Midianite Attack
Head of Gold
Nebuchadnezzar's Pride
Belshazzar’s Banquet
Carried into Exile
Have you visited the Land of Redemption today?

Offline Red Warrior

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Re: Red/Crimson 2 Player Deck
« Reply #4 on: June 24, 2011, 09:59:57 AM »
Gabe: You only have 7 Lost Souls. That's not a problem if you cut back to 56, but if you don't you need to add one to make your deck legal.

 :o                             :-[

That was an embarassing mistake (Men In Black memory wipe) what? see there are 8 lost souls  ;)
Proof that I can't do anything in a hurry and do it correctly, guess in the battle of Joey's brain the tortes beats the hair. 

Thanks a ton for the advice! It helps give me some ideas to bounce around!

Red was always playable :)

Offline Red Warrior

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Re: Red/Crimson 2 Player Deck
« Reply #5 on: June 24, 2011, 10:18:13 AM »
Gabe and jmhartz,
Here are a few points in my rationale for the cards I chose, not to be argumentative but to see if there are any holes in my logic (and usually there are) or factors you hadn't considered. Thanks again for getting the ball rolling  ;D.

In a deck this slow, is GoyS or FA worth using? I could go either way on that.

Stan's Seat
It had been my understanding that with Thads roaming the tournament scene, and with the occasional Job or Z Temple deck around (not to mention heroes that are protected from capture), that an anti-Protect card is often as staple as an anti-FBTN card used to be.

Set Fire/Axe
In order to Trumpet and Sword to do the most destruction, I want to assure that no "headquarters" are sitting over in their defensive territory, but certainly neither card will grant me the win. My hope is to play Axe on Nebush' from hand after exchanging souls making their attack a Battle Challenge.

I HATE passing initiative, lol. I love cards that have the potential to end the battle before they start.

The deck used to have Abishai, Heldai, Adino and Adino's spear in it, but I decided banding for the sake of banding wasn't worth it, so I tried to come up with a lineup of initiative/important SA heroes.

Passover & Unleavened Bread
This card is not only fun thematically (red/teal), but adds a powerful limiter on their blockers. I sure would like the extra boost of a draw three though... especially with the ability site-up any souls drawn in the prep phase... hm.

Red was always playable :)


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Re: Red/Crimson 2 Player Deck
« Reply #6 on: June 24, 2011, 11:23:40 AM »
Thaddeus isn't great in T1. Good, not great. With Merodach Baladin and Leviathan in there, you should be fine. T2, he's a monster.

The most common defenses now are N.T. and use Caesarea Philipi, a N.T. site that is protected from you and protects N.T. evil characters from discard. It isn't easy to get rid's almost impossible...despair.

Zimri is meh just because there are so many prevent/negate characters or interrupt the battles. It's ridiculous. You basically are giving them inish with him.

Banding for the sake of banding has become really good lately. Granted, usually it's CBN banding, but massive amounts of heroes and numbers are hard to kill. That said, I don't think they need to be in there. They're nice, but not necessary.

Regarding Passover, I couldn't care less. It's not good enough to warrant a spot, IMO.

Offline Red Warrior

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Re: Red/Crimson 2 Player Deck
« Reply #7 on: June 24, 2011, 11:51:18 AM »
Zimri is meh just because there are so many prevent/negate characters or interrupt the battles. It's ridiculous. You basically are giving them inish with him.

Yeah I started thinking the same thing about Zimri at the last tournament I was at. Granted, he was splashed into an immune character defense that had Wasting Disease to stop reach/words type cards, so that helped a little. But there are a lot of new cards since I have played that just interrupt and kill.

I took Gabe's advice and put Leviathan and Dragon in there with Midianites attack. I'd love to try that magicians splash, but I'd have to find a Chaldeans first.

Red was always playable :)

Offline Josh

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Re: Red/Crimson 2 Player Deck
« Reply #8 on: June 24, 2011, 07:53:09 PM »
Set Fire/Axe
In order to Trumpet and Sword to do the most destruction, I want to assure that no "headquarters" are sitting over in their defensive territory, but certainly neither card will grant me the win. My hope is to play Axe on Nebush' from hand after exchanging souls making their attack a Battle Challenge.
Usually T and S is all you need.  Use it to take out CP or the protect fort, and since it negates too, you can discard from their territory as well as battle.  Only Pharisees/Sadducees have layered protection of CP + protect fort.

I took Gabe's advice and put Leviathan and Dragon in there with Midianites attack.
I think Sapphira would be a better splash than Red Dragon.  So many Disciples cards negate special abilities on ECs.  Immunity is really easy to get by, unless it is CBN.
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Offline Red Warrior

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Re: Red/Crimson 2 Player Deck
« Reply #9 on: June 29, 2011, 01:43:34 AM »
So I played my deck at Missouri state, and the sites were actually more helpful than the characters at setting up my offense. Even more to my surprise is the continued usefulness of Leviathan as Disciples advance the dichotomy of "Demon" and "Human" specific targeting. Red Dragon, as I feared, was quite easy to dispense with, and I usually only used him to block from hand.

I'm glad I stuck with my gut and didn't use centurion's proclamation (human capture/convert). There were hoards of demons at the table against several opponents, and it was Jael's Nail/Freedom + Soldier's Prayer that allowed me to get past them.

I was psyched to use Caleb to kill some philistines, yet he came out first turn against all the people who DIDN'T use them and came out too late to matter against the 2 opponents who did (just bad luck, lol).
I don't regret having him though, especially this tournament season.

Finally, I kept a tally of GoyS and FA usage in my 6 rounds...
---I got FA'ed 3 out of 6 times before GoyS came out
---I drew FA 4 out of 6 times after they drew GoyS
In a deck that draws so slow, I'm highly considering dropping both (or maybe just GoyS)


Red was always playable :)


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