New Redemption Grab Bag now includes an assortment of 500 cards from five (5) different expansion sets. Available at Cactus website.
OUT:Fallen Warrior (but its a nice low numbered philistine to play stuff like danites attack)Simon the Magician (TGT and gold killerPhilistine Chariot and Horses (interupt d2 play next is awesome)Wrath of Satan (kills all of their guys if used right)King Hiram (yeah prolly)IN:Bringing Fear (why?)Foolish Advice (but I have no CBN stuff really)Testing Solomon's Wisdom (why?)Holy Grail (why?)Lying unto God (yeah prolly)
(but its a nice low numbered philistine to play stuff like danites attack)(TGT and gold killer)(interupt d2 play next is awesome)
(kills all of their guys if used right)
(why?)(but I have no CBN stuff really)