Author Topic: Purple/White Offense  (Read 3014 times)

Offline BubbleBoy

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Purple/White Offense
« on: December 05, 2008, 06:47:23 PM »
See what you think (and have fun tearing it apart)--

56 cards:

White Heroes (5)
Mary the Mother of James

White Enhancements (6)
Cymbals of the Levites
Lost Coin Found
Moses and Elders
No Need for Spices
Words of Encouragement

Purple Heroes (4)
Ethiopian Treasurer
King David

Purple Enhancements (4)
Authority of Christ
Great Faith
Reach of Desperation
Unified Kingdom

Gold Hero

Pale Green EC's (5)
Hophni (son of Eli)
King Jehoiakin
Messenger of Satan
Phineas (son of Eli)
Prince of this World

Pale Green Enhancements (3)
Achan's Sin
Death of Unrighteous

Artifacts (7)
Book of the Covenant
Chariot of Fire
Confusion of Mind (PG Curse)
Covenant with Moses (Gold Covenant)
I Am Love (White Covenant)
I Am Truth (White Covenant)
Unknown Nation (Gold Curse)

Fortresses (3)
The Garden Tomb
Kingdoms of the World
Wall of Protection

MC Site
Dragon Raid

Good Dominants (5)
All but Glory

Evil Dominants (4)
All but Doubt

Lost Souls (8 )
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Re: Purple/White Offense
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2008, 11:07:50 PM »
The offense is a little odd; I haven't seen something like this before.  It could maybe work is you change some stuff and play your cards PERFECT ;)  Take out the musicians and but in Jairus' daughter.  For your NT women, you need 'he is risen'.  It's and interrupt, which is awesome, and it sets them aside for the number of turns for each NT female out, which for u would be four (SWEET);D Put that in for transfig.  Put in king amaziah for some CTB, which is cool;D  Put in valley of salt for cymbals of the levites.  I see what you're doing w/ lost coin and moses and elder: trying to recycle AoC or something awesome like that.  It's cool, but i'm not sure of it's effectiveness.  If anything lost coin found and put in he is risen.  King david is cool, but the rest can go out for purple kings like king hyram, king jotham and like melchezidek.  Then put in king david's throne for Kingdoms of this world.  AoC and unified kingdom can stay, but take out great faith and put in peace treaty.  NOW, onto the defense: frankly, it's too small.   hophni and phinehas are a one time block and their ability can be interrupted.  Put in The rabshekah and the Rabsaris for them.  take out confusion for the rabsaris attacks and add in forgotten history and 2k horses for the rabshekah.  Put in a small assyrian for king jehoiakin.  For some space, take out harvest time, guardian and hopper.  Book of the covenant can go too; it takes some time to set up.  Take out the three covenants and put in priestly crown for site access, carried into exile and assyrian tribute.  Ya told me to tear it apart and i did ;D have fun :laugh: ;)
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Re: Purple/White Offense
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2008, 02:02:50 AM »
I disagree that you should take out Confusion, in T1 2P it can easily win you the game if you discard your opponent's SoG. Also, you said replace the 1/1 King with a "small assyrian." I believe the smallest assyrian is the archer at 3/5. There are tons of heroes who get initiative vs archer but not the 1/1 king.

Personally, I love the offense. AOCp recursion + The Garden Tomb makes it difficult for them to block, and when they do you just kill them. That being said, it makes blocking on defense difficult. Pale Green may be a good choice, idk. However, if you are going to do Pale Green then you should probably take out some offense for more defense. Either the I Am Love + Truth combo or the Transfiguration combo. If you are willing to change I would switch to stand-alone (preferably orange+crimson). Stand-alone is good for decks with large-offenses because they don't require a lot of cards to block successfully.

Offline BubbleBoy

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Re: Purple/White Offense
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2008, 07:17:35 AM »
I almost always use standalone defenses; I wanted to try something new, and the more I look at this defense, the better I like it; King Jehoiakin will almost always have initiative, so I can play Confusion and then DoU, and my opponent will never be able to negate; my Messenger of Satan can band in one of my opp's EC's, and then I can use Achan's Sin to permanently get rid of everything (including whatever battle-winner was played last); Hophni and Phineas speak for themselves, as does Prince of this World, naturally - he's probably all the standalone I need, for the most part anyway.

I guess I could go with standalone if you really think it's best. :-\ I was really looking forward to using Confusion though.
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Re: Purple/White Offense
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2008, 08:36:42 PM »
Leave the offense untouched... and take out Book of the covenant, and the two I am's for three more pale green(probably two guys and one enhancement, maybe Achin's Sin; if you already have it, put it dishonest trade). I agree with taking out kingdoms for throne and John for David... other than that... looks pretty good and REALLY fun.
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Offline BubbleBoy

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Re: Purple/White Offense
« Reply #5 on: December 07, 2008, 08:19:21 AM »
I already have David and Achan's Sin, and I don't think Throne would really help since all I have is David, but I can definitely see myself taking out the Covenant stuff.
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