Author Topic: Prophets/Demons (Green Fire)  (Read 6216 times)

Offline dermo4christ

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Prophets/Demons (Green Fire)
« on: February 02, 2022, 01:11:28 PM »
Hey guys! I would like to post a couple of decks that I'm working on and am trying to add some of the new GoC cards to older decks that I've used. Here is a version of a Prophets deck that I'm working on. Please let me know what you guys think and what I am missing/should cut. Thanks!

Cards: 51

Souls: 7
Escape Harvest

Doms: 7
Grapes (GoC)
Crowd's Choice (GoC)

Support: 8
HoP Cov. W/ Abe
GoH (GoC)
T. Land Ends of the Earth
Endless Treasures
5th Seal/Justice Seekers Hope
Cov. W/ David T. Land

Heroes: 12
St. Patrick
Amos Imprisoned Prophet
Jeshua Elijah
David, TP The Widow at Zerephath
Prophets of Gibeath
Daniel, TA
The Prophetess
Moses, FoG

GE's: 7
E. Road
Death of 1stborn
Virgin Birth
Spirit of Elijah
Faith of David 2 Bears
Tested By Fire

EC's: 7
J. Mediums
Wandering Spirit (GoC) Fallen Star
Messenger of Satan
Priest of Zeus Deceiver
Red Dragon

EE's: 3
War in Heaven

Reserve: 10
His Name
S. Curse Broken Covenant
Covenant with AbeDay of The Lord
The Angel of the Winds
New Cov (Jer) Dragon's Wrath
F. Wives
Paul Isaiah
Coliseum Elisha
Shrine to Artemis Blasphemies

Shrine is in Reserve, but I'm thinking I may move it to main and put T. Land in to replace it. I'm thinking that Shrine will be helpful to shuffle St. Pat to be able to retrigger his green card search when drawn. I can always get T. Land out with CwA along with TAoTW to search for David, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Zeke, Daniel. My main rescuers would be Jeremiah/SoE and Isaiah/CBN star enhances. Prophetess for speed and if she's not out I can use St. Pat to get her. Paul, I think, is nice in reserve to get a d2 if and when I use New Cov to create a band ability.

And out of all the defenses I've played in my Redemption tenure, I still love the Medium Demons! Please let me know if there are any other GoC cards that could be beneficial in this deck. I have another N.T. church deck that I'm working on as well that will obviously use TCoC fort! But will post that one at a later time. Thanks guys! And can't wait to hear your suggestions! Blessings!

Moved Isaiah to Reserve to replace Paul
Cuts: FoD for 2 Bears, 5th Seal for Hope, St. Pat, HoP, Grapes for CoF, PoZ for Deceiver, and W. Spirit for Fallen Star. Also cut S. Curse in Reserve for Broken Covenant and moved Blasphemies to Reserve to replace Shrine. Jeshua out for Widow of Z., Elisha in for David, Cov with Abe to main and replaced with Day of the Lord. New Cov out for Elijah and added TBF in main deck.

So, I took all of your guys' advice and added and cut cards that you felt were necessary. I cut Cov. w/ David for T. Land and added Ends of the Earth. I cut New Covenant for Dragon's Wrath for an end game strategy for Red Dragon. I was thinking....why should I not have this in if I'm playing red dragon????? Seems like a no brainer to me. I appreciate all of your ideas and can't wait to play test this one!! However, I still need to cut one more. But I may have to playtest as is right now to see what I am not using mostly.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2022, 01:16:09 PM by dermo4christ »

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Re: Prophets/Demons
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2022, 01:48:50 PM »
I don't see much benefit in running 56 cards. If you don't want to cut to 50, may as well go 57 for the extra Dom.
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Offline dermo4christ

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Re: Prophets/Demons
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2022, 03:00:21 PM »
Well if I add the Dom then I have to run at 58 because I need to add a soul. But I AM willing to cut….just not sure what….

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Re: Prophets/Demons
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2022, 03:01:24 PM »
I'll echo that. And if you are settled on the dominants that you have, I'd use Mayhem for the additional slot for the speed and consistency boost.

Offline dermo4christ

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Re: Prophets/Demons
« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2022, 09:11:45 PM »
I'll echo that. And if you are settled on the dominants that you have, I'd use Mayhem for the additional slot for the speed and consistency boost.

Well I would rather  not play this  at 58. So what would you suggest that I cut??

Offline Watchman

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Re: Prophets/Demons
« Reply #5 on: February 02, 2022, 09:20:00 PM »
Cut Wandering Spirit and PoZ for The Fallen Star and The Deceiver. Put a minor or major prophet (I recommend Isaiah) in the Reserve so The Watchman can target there too.

To get down to closer to 50, cut Paul (sub for Isaiah), St Patty, HoP, Fifth Seal, Serpent’s Curse (sub for Broken Covenant), Jeshua, Faith of David.

You could use an extra interrupt or two on the offense. Definitely Two Bears should be one of them.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2022, 09:28:47 PM by Watchman »
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Offline dermo4christ

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Re: Prophets/Demons
« Reply #6 on: February 03, 2022, 09:13:56 AM »
Cut Wandering Spirit and PoZ for The Fallen Star and The Deceiver. Put a minor or major prophet (I recommend Isaiah) in the Reserve so The Watchman can target there too.

To get down to closer to 50, cut Paul (sub for Isaiah), St Patty, HoP, Fifth Seal, Serpent’s Curse (sub for Broken Covenant), Jeshua, Faith of David.

You could use an extra interrupt or two on the offense. Definitely Two Bears should be one of them.

I  like this. So, if I cut PoZ then  Shrine should come out too. And why St. Pat? He can get any of my green. Jeshua I think is too good to cut. I can topdeck with Isaiah to draw it off of Jeshua and also get the draw off of topdecking New Covenant. And YES! Two Bears! Totally forgot that one. For the other interrupt, I have a few choices: Jordan Interrupted, Hope, or Royal Parade.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2022, 09:21:16 AM by dermo4christ »

Offline dermo4christ

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Re: Prophets/Demons
« Reply #7 on: February 03, 2022, 11:04:11 AM »
Updated deck list. Please keep suggestions coming!

Offline Watchman

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Re: Prophets/Demons
« Reply #8 on: February 03, 2022, 11:27:08 AM »
You can’t have SoG and Chariot in the same deck. So either cut SoG for Chariot or just keep Chariot and Grapes (or vice versa).

If you’re referring to St Pat’s star getting your green cards I wouldn’t rely on that. I’d rather see The Coming Prophet as that’s more consistent with getting your star cards from reserve with all these green prophets you’re using.

Jeshua is fine so long as he’s simply sitting in territory for support with his ability (so long as you have enough good cards being topdecked so that he’s worth having). And I’m not seeing hardly any star cards in reserve to justify relying on Isaiah’s star (or my The Coming Prophet suggestion), unless you modify this.

I’d consider adding Cov with Abe in deck as it can be used as a battle winner, and it can potentially get to your reserved heroes more quickly than waiting on Book (or just activate it with Delivered).

I don’t know if you know this but you can use the art side of Cov with Dave to get Abaddon or KoT if you need a blocker. I used this little trick in my blood/fire deck all the time.

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Offline dermo4christ

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Re: Prophets/Demons
« Reply #9 on: February 03, 2022, 12:12:55 PM »
You can’t have SoG and Chariot in the same deck. So either cut SoG for Chariot or just keep Chariot and Grapes (or vice versa).

If you’re referring to St Pat’s star getting your green cards I wouldn’t rely on that. I’d rather see The Coming Prophet as that’s more consistent with getting your star cards from reserve with all these green prophets you’re using.

Jeshua is fine so long as he’s simply sitting in territory for support with his ability (so long as you have enough good cards being topdecked so that he’s worth having). And I’m not seeing hardly any star cards in reserve to justify relying on Isaiah’s star (or my The Coming Prophet suggestion), unless you modify this.

I’d consider adding Cov with Abe in deck as it can be used as a battle winner, and it can potentially get to your reserved heroes more quickly than waiting on Book (or just activate it with Delivered).

I don’t know if you know this but you can use the art side of Cov with Dave to get Abaddon or KoT if you need a blocker. I used this little trick in my blood/fire deck all the time.


Offline Watchman

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Re: Prophets/Demons
« Reply #10 on: February 03, 2022, 12:26:54 PM »
Cut Coliseum or put in main deck (I honestly don’t see a real need for it in this build. Cut it for Elisha in reserve and add Elijah to deck (Coliseum will toss Tested by Fire anyways). 

I’m not seeing hardly any soul gen so cut Daniel or Amos (I know his star can soul gen but, again, I would t rely on that) for Imprisoned Prophet, and find another two ways to gen. I recommend cutting Escape for Harvest lost soul. I recommend Ends.
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Offline dermo4christ

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Re: Prophets/Demons
« Reply #11 on: February 03, 2022, 01:23:03 PM »
Cut Coliseum or put in main deck (I honestly don’t see a real need for it in this build. Cut it for Elisha in reserve and add Elijah to deck (Coliseum will toss Tested by Fire anyways). 

I’m not seeing hardly any soul gen so cut Daniel or Amos (I know his star can soul gen but, again, I would t rely on that) for Imprisoned Prophet, and find another two ways to gen. I recommend cutting Escape for Harvest lost soul. I recommend Ends.

Ok. Here is what I have so far:
Main Deck Cuts:
Escape for Harvest
SoG for CoF
HoP for CwA
T. Land for Ends
5th Seal for Hope
St. Patty
Amos for Imp. Prophet
Jeshua for Elijah
David for Widow
FoD for 2 Bears
W. Spirit for Fallen Star
PoZ for Deceiver

MD Additions:
Tested By Fire

Reserve  Cuts:
S. Curse for Broken Covenant
CwA for Day of The Lord (CwA moved to main)
New Cov for Dragon's Wrath
Paul for Isaiah (Isaiah moved from main)
Coliseum for Elisha
Shrine to Art for Blasphemies (Blasphemies moved from main)

This puts me at 52
« Last Edit: February 03, 2022, 01:55:21 PM by dermo4christ »

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Re: Prophets/Demons (Green Fire)
« Reply #12 on: February 03, 2022, 04:00:02 PM »
Find a cut to put T-Land back in. T-Land and Ends partner well together.
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Re: Prophets/Demons (Green Fire)
« Reply #13 on: February 03, 2022, 05:51:51 PM »
What is the need for Cov w/ David?  I feel like you could cut it to make room for T-Land.
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Offline dermo4christ

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Re: Prophets/Demons (Green Fire)
« Reply #14 on: February 03, 2022, 10:26:36 PM »
What is the need for Cov w/ David?  I feel like you could cut it to make room for T-Land.

To get the Or to get blockers....KoT and Abbaddon as they are both King's. And, honestly, looking over this again I would have to choose either CwD or Hopper.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2022, 10:29:38 PM by dermo4christ »


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