where are all the battle-winners? where's micah? Eleazer's sword does virtually nothing. same w/ faith of david and aaron's rod. Visions is a retreat and Nehemiah isn't a prophet. He only lets you draw wall. You do it in a battle challenge, they block w/KoT and you get frustrated by death. Soldier of God seems
VERY out of place; why is he even there? You need plague of frogs, two bears, benaiah snatches a spear, wickedness removed, provisions and abel's sacrifice. For characters, you need Micah (like i said before), Benaiah, Zechariah (RoA), Haggai. As for the defense, someone could convert saul/paul to a hero, then there goes 20% of your defense. Same thing with naaman after he first dies. You're missing naaman's chariots and horses. Shaphat is sort of bad; he only lets you look at opponent's hand. In a btn battle, you're stuck w/him. Tablets of the law is sort of crap as well; so is every man's sword and i am grace. You need a chariot of fire, a captured ark and, like, a confusion of mind. Take out four sites and put in defensive characters and enhancements for them. If you're doing gray, invest in some emperors. The national champion played w/them, but that isn't the only reason to play with them. They're actually really good... if played right, that is.