Author Topic: Priests/Demons - Help tuning after recently recovering from site addiction  (Read 953 times)

Offline Kevinthedude

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I've been running a version of this deck pretty much since Priests came out and originally the goal was, since I was a noob and everyone's stuff was better than mine, to steal their defense with demons and stop them from using their cards with sites. Eventually it became a stalling site lock deck using respawnable priests and offerings to chip away gradually at the opponent's defense until one too many timeout losses and anti site cards caused me to reevaluate the deck and turn in the sites for a bit of speed and offense. I could use some help since it's been a long time since I worked on a deck from any perspective than stalling and site locking.

Deck Size: 56

Souls: 7
Three Liner
Female Only
Hand/Deck Protector

Doms: 7
Falling Away (W)

Heroes: 8
Eleazar, son of Aaron
Phineas, son of Eleazar
Joiada, son of Eliashib
Jonathan, son of Joiada
Jaddua, son of Jonathan
Joshua the High Priest

GEs: 7
Eli's Sound Advice
Gifts and Offerings
First Fruits
Zeal for the Lord
Trumpet and Sword
Filling Zerubbabel's Temple
Jehoiada's Strength

ECs: 12
Spirit of Temptation
Spirit of Fear
Trembling Demon
Wandering Spirit
Messenger of Satan
Rebellious Spirit
Fallen Angel
Prine of this World
King of Tyrus
The god of this World
Foreign Wives

EEs: 7
Sinning Hand
Suicidal Swine Stampede
Worshiping Demons
Twice Afflicted
Persistent Pestering
Table of Demons
Deafening Spirit

Forts: 2
Zerubabbel's Temple
Gates of Hell

Arts/Covenants: 6
Urim and Thummim
Covenant with Phinehas
Eternal Covenant
Holy of Holies
The Bronze Laver
Household Idols

I intend to replace Burial and go up to 57 cards with Grapes and Mayhem whenever I get them.


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