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Cards in Deck: 56Lost Souls: 8RevealerPunisherFirst roundFemale onlyShuffler hopperShameShut DoorPigsDoms: 7Son of GodNew JerusalemGlory of the LordGrapes of WrathMayhemDoNCMArtifacts: 5 + 1 covenantDenarius Gifts of the MagiAlter of IncenseArk of the Covenant Hidden TreasuresLampstand of the SanctuaryPriestly Breastplate Unholy WritTables of the Law Covenant with PhineasForts: 2Zerubbabel's TempleThe TabernacleStorehouseSolomon's Temple GallowsMulti Heroes: 3Joe ZechariahJeremiahAaronTeal Heroes:5AhimaazJethro Joshua the high priestJaddua, son of JonathanJonathan son of JoiadaPhinehasGold Heroes:1MosesGreen Heroes: 2HaggaiHurGreen Enhancements:4Creation of the World SearchA New BeginningAaron's Rod Provisions Two BearsTeal Enhancements: 6Filling Zerubbabel's TempleBurning IncenseScapegoatPhineas's Spear First FruitsJehoiada's Strength PentecostZeal for the LordMulti good enhancements: 1Spiritual WarfareLive CoalBrown EC's:7HamanGomerComplainersUzzahZereshThe Jeering YouthsKing ZedekiahBrown Enhancements: 4Haman's PlotDungeon of MalchiahMask of Arrogance Gib TrickRust Wickedness abounds
So why did you take out the other forts? I had them in there to hold the other arts. With these changes then, which art should I use w/ Uzzah?
Hmmmm interesting....doesn't the ability on Tabernacle allow you to transfer the art you have in there to Solomon's Temple after Tab is discarded? I guess I'm just a bit confused as to how you can play that ability but yet you can't have those three forts in your deck at the same time d/t their uniqueness.
I hope it was meant that you 'shouldn't' discard Lampstand, because you still could (and there are probably times you'd want to)
ok...thanks for the advice....i was just thinking with those three forts in my territory i can have 4 arts active at the same time...